Ham Satellite news

Nytt schema igen

Nytt schema igen med fljande kommentar:

The schedule has been changed slightly to put the beacon-only portion of the K-band session at the end of the session, rather than the beginning. If you are operating using the S-band downlink during the K-band session, PLEASE try to be more than 25 KHz from the middle beacon and reduce power.

— W4SM for the AO-40 Command Team


Ham Satellite news

Nytt schema

Nytt schema och nya kepler fr augusti. Fljande info frn Stacey.

K Band downlinks have now restarted around apogee. Note that from MA 124 to 126 the passbands are off. The K Band transmitter has a hard-limiting AGC. Please reduce uplink power when the K band transmitter is active. CW, especially, should be very low power to prevent distorting the K band downlink.


Ham Satellite news

AO40! en massa DX

I worked 5 new entities on AO40 during the month of July, bringing my total entities worked up to 128:

5T6M Mauritania DXpedition
YL2LW Latvia
7P8NK Lesotho DXpedition
CT3/CT1EAT Madeira DXpedition
3DA0WC Swaziland DXpedition

There was lots more interesting DX on AO40 this month:

GD6LVP/P (Isle of Man) during the first weekend in July
KH2 (Guam) by a Japanese ham A22BP (Lesotho) Nori operated portable to have windows with N. America 8J1RF (Antarctica) operated one pass for the eastern U.S.
SV5BHR (Rhodes, Dodecanese Islands) very active
EX8MLT (Kyrgyzstan)
VU2MKP (India)
9Y4AT (Trinidad and Tobago) I m still looking for him!
HL2JFN (South Korea)
5N0EVR (Nigeria) I m still looking for him!

Shawn N1HOQ summarized it pretty well when he reported a DX feast on AO40 the morning he worked 7 new countries.

During the month of August we can look forward to TZ (Mali) on AO40 courtesy of Doug N6TQS. In late September there is a good chance that HC8 (Galapagos Islands) will be onAO40.

They way things are going I imagine some other
rare ones will pop up on AO40 during the next two months. Then in October will be the Christmas Island and Cocos-Keeling Island expeditions just as
AO40 begins the bad squint season.

Wayne Estes W9AE
Mundelein, IL, USA

Klla: amsat

Ham Satellite news

7P8 DXpedition

Frn ANS kommer fljande info:

The July 18-25 Lesotho 7P8 DXpedition sponsor by the Lone Star DX Association and the Texas DX Society has added amateur satellite mode to its planned operations, DXpedition Leader Charles Frost, K5LBU/7P8TA has announced.

The operation will be on the AO-40 satellite. The uplink will be U–band (70cm). Equipment including antennas and a down converter were donated by Wayne Estes, W9AE, and a spare down converter donated by Bruce Paige, KK5DO. For additional 7P8 satellite information and news click on

We re glad to offer such a needed mode from Lesotho, Frost said, adding that those wanting to make a contact with the DXpedition take it easy on us because none of us are satellite operators, but we are willing to try our best at giving everyone who wants one a 7P8 QSO.

Operations will be will be at the Hotel Mount Maluti near Mohale s Hoek (30.16 S and 27.48 E).

QSLs will be handled by each operator separately via their home calls as each will have their own 7P8 call.

QSL routes are: 7P8CF–K5LBU–Frosty; 7P8TA–WW5L–Tom; 7P8MJ–W5MJ–Madison; 7P8NK–VA7DX–Neil; 7P9DA–K4SV- Dave; and 7P8IZ–W0IZ–Igor.

For additional information contact Frost at or Tom Anderson at

Klla: ANS 201

Ham Satellite news

P3T uppdaterad för FEC

Fljande info frn ANS:

If you have been following AO-40 telemetry on the Goddard server recently, you may have seen curious A-blocks with the message:


These blocks were decoded by Stacey Mills, W4SM, using a modification of the G3RUH MK II 400 BPS PSK demodulator, and a new version of the P3T telemetry decoding software program. The modification to the demodulator, developed by G3RUH, involves the addition of an 8 bit ADC, with minimal changes. For more details, see:

With this modification, the MK II demodulator can continue to function in standard or hardware mode or, with the flip of a switch, can output ADC data at 9600 BPS, 1 byte per bit of telemetry data. P3T will also function in standard mode as before, but now includes the option for ADC input. In ADC input mode, P3T expects a serial port data stream as detailed above of one 8-bit byte per bit of telemetry data. In this mode, it will decode standard format telemetry blocks and will also handle all FEC decoding processes, generating a reconstituted A-block with the header as seen above. Eventually, P3T will be further modified to accept ADC data from a soundcard.

The performance of this system really has to be seen to be fully
appreciated. In FEC mode with even a modest receiving setup, every single block should be properly error corrected if the squint is less than 90 degs. FEC blocks that are barely audible or with severe spin-modulation fading will decode correctly. The P3T software is in final beta testing and will be available within a few days. This system will be demonstrated live at the upcoming AMSAT-UK meeting in Surrey by G3RUH using a solo RHCP patch antenna (no dish).


Klla: ANS 201

Ham Satellite news

AO-40 update

Alon/Alat 0/0

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