Ham Satellite news

VHF-upplänken testas

Det har kommit ett flertal nskeml om att testa AO-40:s VHF-mottagare. Drfr kommer VHF-mottagaren att kopplas ihop med S2-sndaren, tillammans med bda L-bandmottagarna, under MA 120 – 128 p onsdagar (drav det ngot konstiga schemat ovan). Passbanden ligger ungefr mellan 145.840 – 145.990 MHz.

Det meddelas ven att K-sndaren tillflligt r urkopplad.


Ham Satellite news

Bilder på månen

Man har anvnd mnen som riktmedel fr att kalibrera YACE-kameran. Ls mer p AMSAT-DL, full frklaring ges av James Miller G3RUH.


Ham Satellite news

RUDAK och GPS aktiva igen

Enligt nedanstende information frn Oscar-40 teamet finns det nu tillrckligt med kraft fr att ter igen aktivera GPS och RUDAK.

With the improved solar angle, we now believe that we have enough power to activate RUDAK, GPS, and CEDEX. Both the GPS and CEDEX experiments have yielded exciting preliminary data and the experimenters, including the folks at NASA, are anxious to gain as much additional information as possible. Therefore, if all goes according to plan, the above schedule will be in effect for Orbit 701 and 702 (Amsat AO-40 orbit numbers as in telemetry, subtract 1 from recent NORAD keps).

Note that from MA = 128 to 190, the middle beacon will be off and one or both RUDAK downlinks will be active. After Orbit 702, if all software has been successfully loaded, the length of the RUDAK interval is scheduled to be decreased to MA =128 to 160.

Several stations around the world are set up to download RUDAK data. On passes where active downloading is not scheduled, and images are needed for ALON/ALAT calculation, the RUDAK pass may be inactivated, either partially or completely, or the middle beacon may be activated in addition to the RUDAK downlink, at least temporarily, while image files are downloaded.

— W4SM for the AO-40 Command Team


Ham Satellite news

WOD uppdaterat

Stacy W4SM meddelar att det har skett en liten ndring av hur Whole Orbit Data (WOD) presenteras:

The K/L/M/N blocks may be used as text messages or as WOD blocks. At the moment K/L are used for WOD s and M/N are for text. This limits our ability to collect more than two WOD s without giving up the text messages. The WOD software can handle up to 4 WOD blocks simultaneously.

Accordingly, the flight software has been modified slightly to store two additional WOD blocks in separate memory which is not normally placed in the telemetry stream. When a command station sends the appropriate command, these two extra WOD s are sent one time only as M/N WOD blocks.

Therefore, occasionally you will see WOD-type M/N blocks in the telemetry stream when AO-40 is being commanded.


Ham Satellite news

Nytt schema 25 mars

Nytt schema 25 mars, annars finns inget nytt att bertta.


Ham Satellite news

AO-40 rapport från SM7WSJ

Hej satellitvnner!!

Jag fick lite experiment lusta i dag och satte ut en 60 cm parabol i trdgrden, anslt min Drake downconverter och i avsaknad av ngon bra feeder s ldde jag till en halv vgs dipol fr 13cm.

Jag hade inte en aning var min konverter hade sin utfrekvens men jag hittade en kille som ropade CQ satelliiiite p 145300 svagt var det, men jag hrde ven hur Leila gick in med sin siren nr ngon krde fr mkt uppeffekt.

Satelliten befann sig i riktning 195 grade AZ samt 24 grader El och avstndet var 57485 KM.

Det hr var inte tillrckligt bra signal fr att kra ngot QSO men man ser ju att det finns visst hopp att f till ngot med en liten Helix feed samt lite bttre parabol.

73 Hkan SM7WSJ

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