Ham Satellite news

Echolink Satellite Nets

Här lite tips på satellitnät via Echolink:

New Echolink SAT-CHAT Net
Vince Waelti, K9TSU has established a new, open net, the "Sat-Chat" 
on the *AMSAT* server on EchoLink. This net meets at 1900 Central US
Time (UTC-5) every Saturday evening. Everyone is invited to check in.
Also links to -L and -R systems for on-air repeater coverage are wel-
come. Vince can be reached at k9tsu(at)hotmail(dot)com if you have
any questions.

Hudson Valley SatCom Net on Echolink
Stu Ballinger, WA2BSS says the next Hudson Valley SatCom net will 
meet on-air (146.97 MHz. Mt. Beacon Repeater) and on the Echolink
node N2EYH-L on March 15 at 2000 Eastern US time (UTC-4).

Houston AMSAT Net on Echolink
The Houston AMSAT Net meets on the Echolink *AMSAT* server every
Tuesday evening at 2000 Central US Time (UTC-5). Checkin to the
net is taken via Echolink if you are not in radio range of Houston.

[ANS thanks Vince Waelti, K9TSU; Stu Ballinger, WA2BSS; and Bruce
 Paige, KK5DO for the above information]
Ham Satellite news

D-star länkar

Jag har fått tips på några länkar om D-star som kanske kan vara intressant även fast det inte direkt är kopplat till satelliter:

För er som är nyfikna på D-star och vill veta lite hur det låter så går det att lyssna live via

Här är en till livestream från Usa.Reflector 30c Georgia / SouthEast Repeaters

Här är en livestream från New England

Här hittar du PAPA System D-Star Reflector

Ham Satellite news

MASAT-1 (MO-72) Team Releases Software

The MASAT-1 team said this week that updated client software for
telemetry reception and decoding is available on their web at:

Some of the upgrades include:
+ The “Offline” label removed, the status of the automatic
packet reporting is displayed.

+ Battery voltage constant (on the EPS panel) updated.

+ User selection between 626/1250 bps decoding.

+ The waterfall display shows tracks for the 0, CW and 1. The
decoder has been reported to be most successful if tuning is
set upward by 50-100 Hz from the tuning indicators. User
experiences are invited to be sent to

The automated received packet upload from the client software has
been updated to accept or a@a.a as mail address
for those not wishing to send their actual address. Users can change
the e-mail address by editing the registration.txt file in the pro-
gram folder of the software package.

A statistics web page reporting on the numbers of packets forwarded
by amateur radio operators has been added:
The site has successfully received over 50000 packets from around
the world. The latest updates to the web and client software should
address initial concerns that ‘no packets’ have been received.

The MASAT-1 team thanks amateur radio operators for your outstanding
support. The MASAT-1 Important News for Radio Amateurs page is at:

The MASAT-1 mission home page is:

Ham Satellite news

Aktuell satellitstatus

För att hålla sig uppdaterad på vilka satelliter som aktiveras mest kan man besöka

Det blir ingen komplett lista över vad som finns aktivt i rymden men en fingervisning om var aktiviteten ligger.

Ham Satellite news

ESA uppskjutningen

Det verkar att ha varit en mycket lyckad uppskjutning vid dagens premiär.

Ham Satellite news

Nytt online spårningsprogram

Thomas Lindblad tipsade om spårningsprogrammet Binary Space som finns följande adress: