Ham Satellite news

AMSAT-SM HF-nätet 16/12 2012


Vi var igång på 3740 KHz klockan 10.00



*Lite allmänt om satelliter

*Satellitstatus körbara
AO-7 FO-29 SO-50 VO-52 ISS Data

*Läsvärt om transvertrar och HF rigg styrt med SATPC32

Filen heter full duplex VHF/UHF satellitesystem


Satelliten har rapporterats blinka morse med sina ledlampor

FITSAT-1 LED Beacon Seen From Space

A test of the FITSAT-1 LED optical beacon that took place on Decem-
ber 11 GMT over Japan was successful.

FITSAT-1 flashed the optical beacon over the USA on December 12 and
on December 13 over the British Isles and Europe. No reports of opti-
cal detection were received from the USA or Europe.

In a clear night sky with no moon the FITSAT-1 optical beacon is vis-
ible using binoculars.

The latest FITSAT-1 satellite news is posted at:

A photo of the visible beacon is posted at:

FITSAT-1 is a CubeSat developed by students at the Fukuoka Institute
of Technology (FIT) in Japan. As well as the optical LED experiment
the satellite carries an amateur radio payloads: a CW beacon on
437.250 MHz, a telemetry beacon on 437.445 MHz and a high-speed data
downlink on 5840.0 MHz.

*Nordkoreas Satellit

Landet har fått upp en satellit i bana och ett flertal intresserade har
lyssnat efter den.

En God Jul tillönskas!

73 Håkan SM7WSJ

Ham Satellite news

Amatörradiosatelliter i SR P1 Vetandets Värld

Måndag den 26/11 sänds ett program i radions SR P1 “Vetandets Värld” som handlar om hur privatpersoner kan bygga sina egna satelliter. En del av inslaget har även sänts i Sveriges Radios nyhetsprogram där radioamatörer får uppmärksamhet.

AMSAT-SM tycker såklart det är mycket roligt att vår hobby uppmärksammas av SR!

Läs mer på:


Ham Satellite news

AMSAT-SM HF-nätet 21/10 2012


Dagens nät på 3740 Khz klockan 10.00



*PRISM öppen för trafik



Nya djärva grepp och en teoretisk räckvidd på 13430km

CAMSAT Announces New Details of CAS-2 Amateur Satellite Mission

First announced at the Friedrichshafen Ham Radio 2012 event, the
Chinese Amateur Satellite Group (CAMSAT) has made additional infor-
mation available on the new CAS-2 satellite under development. The
latest news has been posted by AMSAT-UK:

CAMSAT is building two micro-satellites CAS-2A1 and CAS-2A2 to be
combined into a binary star system for amateur radio communication
and education.

There will be a radio link between two satellites when the satel-
lites are in suitable positions in their orbits, so that the ama-
teur radio communication coverage can be extended. Both spacecraft
are 25kg 270x270x250mm and are planning to launch from Taiyuan into
a sun synchronous, 1000km apogee, 99.5 degree orbit.

Missions of CAS-2A1 satellite:
+ 145 MHz CW telemetry beacon 100mW
+ 145 MHz AX.25 digital telemetry beacon 500mW
+ 145 MHz FM voice beacon 500mW
+ 435/145 MHz mode Linear transponder 50 kHz 500mW
+ 1260/2400 MHz Linear transponder 200 kHz 320mW
+ 435/145 MHz APRS repeater

Missions of CAS-2A2 satellite:
+ 435 MHz CW telemetry beacon 100mW
+ 435 MHz AX.25 digital telemetry beacon 500mW
+ 2400 MHz CW telemetry beacon 200mW
+ 10450 MHz CW telemetry beacon 200mW
+ 145/435 MHz Linear transponder 500mW


*Var rätt många övriga ämnen men svårt att återge

73 Håkan SM7WSJ

Ham Satellite news


Man har lyckats ta emot bilder från satelliten som sänder på 5,8 GHz.

Vi kommer senare få se hur dom aktiverar dom beryktade Led lamporna som ska sända morsetecken.

Ham Satellite news

AMSAT-SM HF-nätet 30/9 2012


Dagens nät med deltagare



*Nya föreskrifter från PTS

13 cm tar stryk med lägre delen struken. Dock verkar satellitsegmentet vara

*Nya antennprojekt 70cm

Det är väldigt många studentsatelliter på väg kommande åren och
satellitdelen av 70 cm kommer att vara väldigt hårt belastad.
Med mer aktivitet så vill man ha bästa möjliga mottagning för att även kunna
knipa dom riktigt svaga passagerna.

Jag har precis beställt byggdelar från för att
plocka ihop något vassare än dom 2X10 EL Cirkulärt jag använder idag.

DK7ZB har ett antal antennbeskrivningar

*Exempel på en fin studentsatellit som är på väg.

UKube-1 Amateur Radio CubeSat Books a Ride on Soyuz-2

AMSAT-UK published this news on their web:

UKube-1 – the UK Space Agency’s first CubeSat mission – has ‘booked’
its journey into space on a Russian Soyuz-2 rocket. The launch from
the Baikonur Cosmodrone in Kazakhstan is expected to take place in
March 2013.

UKube-1 carries an amateur radio 435/145 MHz linear transponder built
by members of AMSAT-UK.

The UK Space Agency have issued the following press release:

The UKube-1 nanosatellite is a collaboration between the UK Space
Agency, industry and academia. It will allow the UK to fly educa-
tional packages, test new technologies and carry out new space re-
search quickly and efficiently. It is envisaged as the pilot for a
full national CubeSat programme.

Dr David Williams, Chief Executive of the UK Space Agency, said,
“UKube-1 is almost ready to fly; the platform is nearly complete,
4 of the missions 5 payloads are mission-ready and we have now
secured a launch with Roscosmos. We are eagerly awaiting the start
of the innovative experiments that this small but mighty satellite
will perform once in orbit around our planet.”

The winning UKube-1 payloads from the UK Space Agency’s payload com-
petition include the first GPS device aimed at measuring plasmaspheric
space weather; a camera that will take images of the Earth and test
the effect of radiation on space hardware, using a new generation of
imaging sensor; an experiment to demonstrate the feasibility of using
cosmic radiation to improve the security of communications satellites
and to flight test lower cost electronic systems; and a payload made
up of 5 experiments that UK students and the public can interact with.

As well as providing a fantastic opportunity for innovative UK com-
panies and UK academics to collaborate on a national space project,
UKube-1 is also useful for training the next generation of space
engineers and will include a tiny radio transmitter for science edu-
cation, and a materials science experiment from which school students
can receive data. The system, funded by volunteer members and friends
of AMSAT-UK, is called FUNcube and will be integrated with UKube-1
as part of the programme.

AO-7 AO-27 FO-29 SO-50 VO-52 är alla aktiva

73 Håkan SM7WSJ

Ham Satellite news

AMSAT-SM HF-nätet 7/10 2012


Dagens nät.




*Nya Cubesats ute från ISS


Five CubeSats Deployed From ISS Now on-Orbit – Signals Received

Five cubesats launched on July 21 and loaded aboard the ISS were
integrated with the J-SSOD small satellite deployer on the the
Japanese Experiment Module, also known as Kibo. They were deployed
with the Kibo robotic arm on October 4, 2012. The orbit for these
CubeSats will be very close to the orbit of the ISS.

NanoRack posted a photo of the deployment at:
(Click on the image to view the full-sized photograph)
SpaceRef posted an article and several more photographs on-line at:

+ First Deployment by Astronaut Akihiko Hoshide
o WE-WISH – Telemetry downlink on 437.505 MHz
o RAIKO – non-amateur radio Ku-band beacon

+ Second Deployment by JAXA GS
o TechEdSat – Telemetry downlink on 437.465 MHz.
o NanoRack/F-1 –
> 145.980 MHz: main channel, 1.0W RF output, FM, AFSK 1200bps,
> one telemetry packet every 30 seconds, operates in the dark
> by default (but can be commanded later to operate in sunlight)
> 437.485 MHz: backup channel, 0.2W RF output, FM, PWM CW beacon,
> each beacon transmission lasts about 20 seconds then 60 seconds
> delay, only operates in sunlight

> CW Beacon 437.250 MHz,
> FM Data 437.445 MHz,
> High speed data 5840.00 MHz

FITSAT-1 Heard With Strong Signals
Signal reports from PY5LF, OH3UW, DK3WN, VU3TYG, G6LVB (using a FUN-
cube Dongle Pro+ and 7″ wire antenna), GW1FKY, F5YG, JE9PEL, JN1GKZ,
ST2NH, and others via the amsat-bb list.

FITSAT-1 transmits its beacon frequency 437.250 MHz. This is the
same frequency as the PRISM satellite of Tokyo Univ. FITSAT CW will
transmit, “HI DE NIWAKA JAPAN” with its telemetry data. To receive
a FITSAT-1 QSL card please send your signal report and your postal
address to: and also cc to
A photo of the QSL card is shown at:
This web page will also be updated with information about the status
of the LED experiment.

HB9FFH has made a telemetry decoder for FITSAT-1, available at:

FITSAT students have also developed a similar program for windows:

TechEdSat Heard With Weak Signals
Signal reports received from PY5LF, DK3WN, and JE9PEL indicate that
TechEdSat was received with weak signals on its 437.465 MHz downlink.
Mark Allard, KD6CWM, President of the NASA-Ames Research Center Ama-
teur Radio Club reports their OSCAR/ARISS satellite station, NA6MF,
will be supporting TechEdSat as one of the monitoring stations for
the TechEdSat Amateur Radio beacon.

TechEdSat transmits a custom beacon packet. Details can be found at: Packets acquired from TechEdSat can also
be submitted to the website for decoding by the TechEdSat team. Use
the ‘Packet Submission’ link found at the top of the web page.

WE WISH SSTV Picture Received
PY4ZBZ and JE1CVL received the SSTV picture on 437.505 MHz.
JE9PEL provided a translation of the image that is a sentence of
“JQ1ZIJ MEISEI ARC 2012”. A photo of the received picture is at:

A photo of the SSTV picture received by PY4ZBZ is posted at:

Viet Nam F-1 Not Heard
Viet Nam’s F-1 satellite was scheduled to begin telemetry transmis-
sions 30 minutes after deployment by sending a beacon alternating on
its main and backup channels. At press time no signal reports have
been received from this satellite.

More information and guide to download F-1 telemetry decoder can be
found at Decoded data can be sub-
mitted via the telemetry decoder or by sending directly to the ground
station: Audio recordings are highly appreciated.

Satelliten har under veckan tystnat och vi avaktar besked.

*PSK-31 transponder

US Naval Academy PSAT Features PSK-31 and APRS Transponders

The US Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland is developing a new
student satellite, ParkinsonSAT, or PSAT which is a two way APRS
communications transponder for relaying remote telemetry, sensor
and user data from remote environmental experiments or other data
sources back to experimenters via a global network of internet link-
ed volunteer ground stations. The data transponder also includes all
telemetry, command and control for a complete cubesat.

PSAT is a 1.5 unit cubesat so that two PSATs can be launched from
the same P-Pod launcher. The design uses four deployable solar ar-
rays which are stowed down the sides. Half of the 1.5 unit PSAT is
available for auxiliary payloads or experiments. Details of the
PSAT project are available on-line at:

PSAT will fly a PSK-31 transponder with a 10 meter uplink and a 2M
FM downlink. PSK-31 will allow up to 30 simultaneous users:

Bob Bruninga, WB4APR noted, “PSK-31 is the ideal AMSAT FM trans-
ponder for a cubesat. With an FM downlink, anyone can receive it
with an HT and a laptop with PSK-31 software. And anyone with a
10m PSK-31 uplink can transmit to it. And since the downlink is FM,
everyone tuned in SEES THE SAME WATERFALL and sees EXACTLY where
they are in the downlink. A small uplink doppler adjustment can keep
each station locked to his chosen channel in the passband. Everyone
can talk to everyone if they want, or go one-on-one too.”

The SSB uplink and UHF FM downlink transponder fits on a smaller than
3″x3″ circuit board being developed by Mirek Kasal at Brno University.
Launch of PSAT is planned in 2015. The 3″x3″ transponder may also be
adaptable for other missions.

*Höghöjdshopp från stratosfären (kommer nog på TV nyheterna)

Tuff kille!

73 Håkan SM7WSJ