Ham Satellite news


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Ham Satellite news

AMSAT-SM HF-nätet 17/2 2013


Dagens deltagare.



*Lite allmänt runt satelliter, meteoriter, asteroider, samt graves radar.

*IARU möte

In the coming months meetings will take place in both IARU Region 1 and
Region 2 to discuss HF and VHF bandplans.
The IARU Region 1 2013 Interim Meeting in Vienna April 19-21 will be
discussing two proposals relating to the Amateur-Satellite Service:

VIE13_C4_02 – Amendment to the 28 MHz Bandplan in relation to the Amateur
Satellite Service. This proposes the removal of the downlink only
restriction on the 29.300-29.510 MHz satellite segment.

VIE13_C5_03 – Increased Amateur-Satellite Service 144 MHz Usage. This
proposes the introduction of a new satellite downlink band for CW/SSB
transponders at 144.000-144.035 MHz.

A report on the ARRL website has requested input for the IARU Region 2
meeting. At this time it is not known if satellite allocations will be
raised at the meeting in Region 2.

*Satellithopp rapporterat 11 Feb 2013 via Amsat listan

K8TL Heard a earth/sat/sat/earth signal this morning. at 1550 earth heard
YL??? in ko26 in qso with SM7BHE via AO29 on 435860 on CW. Heard both sides
of the CW QSO didn’t pick up the pencil fast enough to record the YL full
call. It had to be AO-07 to FO-29 link. Been a lot of years since I have
heard a double link.

*Mer linjära transpondrar

73 Håkan SM7WSJ

Ham Satellite news

Graves radar

Fick lite tid över efter några månstudskontakter. Rattade in 143.050 MHz och lyssnade på Graves via månreflektion.  Den hörs fantastiskt väl med 2st 16EL antenner.


Ljud länk  143050

Ham Satellite news

New Year Greetings from AMSAT-DL

Thank you AMSAT-DL for your New Year Greeting card sent to AMSAT-SM!

73 from all members of AMSAT-SM


Ham Satellite news

Många nya CubeSats på gång under 2013

Det är många nya CubeSats på gång under 2013 vilket följande två bulletiner handlar om:
UKube-1 to launch in June 2013

The Herald newspaper reports that the CubeSat UKube-1 will be
launched in June, 2013.

The spacecraft is being built for the UK Space Agency (UKSA) by
Clyde Space and the launch will take place from Baikonur in
Kazakhstan on a Soyuz-2 along with TechDemoSat-1.

The newspaper reports that Clyde Space has announced plans for a
base in the United States.

UKube-1 will carry a set of AMSAT-UK FUNcube boards to provide an
amateur radio 435/145 MHz linear transponder and a 1200 bps BPSK
beacon for educational outreach

[ANS thanks Trevor, M5AKA for the above information]
Five new CubeSats hope for 2013 launch

Five new CubeSats being developed in Taiwan, Vietnam and the United
States are hoping to fly during 2013.

PACE is the first nanosatellite developed the National Cheng Kung
University (NCKU) of Taiwan and has the objective to provide a
platform for attitude control experiments in space.
More Information is available at

TARO is a 2U CubeSat developed by the National Cheng Kung University
(NCKU) of Taiwan. TARO is the precursor of PACE satellite which was
also developed by NCKU and has an objective to verify the function of
sensors and actuators which have been used at PACE.
More Information is available at

PicoDragon is a 1U CubeSat project intended to take low resolution
earth images and to test on board systems. Planning to use two UHF
transmitters. One 100mW CW beacon on 437.250 MHz and a 1k2 AFSK 800mW
AX25 telemetry downlink. Commands will be uplinked on VHF.
More Information is available at

United States, Alabama – ChargerSat-1. The primary mission is to
perform a technology demonstration of gravity gradient stabilization,
improved solar collection and improved horizon communications on a
pico-satellite. This is the team’s first CubeSat and is a technology
demonstration of their capabilities as students
More Information is available at

United States, California – SNAPS. This spacecraft has dimensions of
25x113x113mm, has a mass of less than 0.5kg and is intended to image
other CubeSats autonomously using H264 compression. The team is
proposing a UHF downlink using 9k6 AFSK and will utilize Carpcomm
ground stations.
Planned for a SpaceX flight from Vandenberg AFB in April 2013
together with POPACS.

[ANS thanks Trevor, M5AKA for the above  information]

Ham Satellite news

STRaND-1 smartphone CubeSat kommer upp i februari 2013

The STRaND-1 smartphone CubeSat, built by volunteers in Guildford, UK, is due to launch from India at the end of February.


The UKube-1 CubeSat that will carry a 435/145 MHz linear transponder built by AMSAT-UK is due to launch in June.


Five new CubeSats that hope to launch in 2013

73 Trevor M5AKA