Ham Satellite news

AMSAT-SM HF-nätet 31/3 2013


Ett litet nät avhandlades även idag.


*Årsmötet avlöpte som planerat

*Space X Dragon

*Kiwisat klar för rymden.


Argentine CubeBug-1 satellite will have amateur radio digipeater launch

SOMP CubeSat launch April

*AAUSAT-3 (En fantastisk liten satellit

73 Håkan SM7WSJ

Ham Satellite news


Kiwisat rapporteras nu färdigställd för uppskjutning.

Satelliten fick även göra en tur till en utställning där besökarna kunde beskåda den i sin rena förvaringskammare




Ham Satellite news

ESA Hamfest 2013

ESA Hamfest 2013
ESA Hamfest 2013 Foto: Lars Thunberg SM0TGU

Jag tog en sväng till ESA Hamfest i Eskilstuna som i år hölls i samband med SSA årsmöte. Loppmarknader har den senaste tiden blivit populärt runt om i Sverige men inom amatörradion har det alltid varit ett känt begrepp. ESA hade lyckats samla ihop över 320 meter loppisbord!

Amatörradio-satelliter på loppisen?
Nej tyvärr, intresset för amatörradiosatelliter är inte stort i amatör-sverige och kommersiellt, jämfört med tex. Tyskland,  finns nästan inget utbud alls vad gäller antenner och tillbehör. Dock fanns Icom och Yaesu representerade:

Yaesu monter. Foto: Lars Thunberg SM0TGU
Yaesu monter. Foto: Lars Thunberg SM0TGU

Från Yaesu tycker jag personligen att FT-817 är en smidigt all-mode station som används av en del amatörer för portabelt satellitkörande:

Från Icom är basstationen IC-9100 en komplett rig för HF/VHF/UHF och såklart satellit:

I övrigt bland den nya utrustningen märktes såklart det “nya” digitala modet D-Star.

/Lars SM0TGU

Ham Satellite news

AMSAT-SM HF-nätet 17/3 2013


Dagens nät på 3740 KHz klockan 10.00


Lite punkter

*Allmänt om ISS, Komet,mm mm

*D-star satellit

*Estland Cubesat

*Konverter till Funcube dongle

*Amsat ballong (inget vi når men intressant läsning)

Amsat Argentina is pleased to announce that on Saturday March 23, 2013 from
14hs GMT climate permits, launch of free balloon repeater ?Betty? is planned
from near Castex, La Pampa, 660 Km. west of Buenos Aires. Details and photos
of the announcement and prior experience in

Approval of ANAC (Civil Aviation National Administration (Argentina FAA))
had been granted by NOTAM (NOtice To AirMen) .

For these experiments members of AMSAT-LU, LUSEX, project development group , are working together with Pampeano amateur Radio
Club, RC QRM Belgrano, APRS Group, etc.

The electronics is comprised of a voice UHF to VHF FM repeater with CW TLM,
APRS, DTMF and SSTV. According to estimates balloon could reach over 30,000
meters high, traveling for 3 hours, 100 km to the east of the launch site.

This would allow contacts between stations located in the provinces of
Buenos Aires, Santa Fe, Entre Rios, Cordoba, Catamarca, Santiago del Estero,
La Pampa, San Luis, Mendoza, San Juan, Rio Negro, Neuquen, Uruguay and
Chile. (It is launched from the center of the country to facilitate greater
participation). Details

To receive the payload, if less than 750 km from the launch site, only need
is a handy or base FM receiver on 145,950 KHz for voice, 144,930 for APRS or
145,850 for SSTV.

The repeater which is enabled via 123 Hz CTCSS subtone, receives 435,950 KHz
FM voice (-112dBm, 0.56 uV) emitting 2W output simultaneously on 145 950

To enable better utilization, it is suggested short QSOs (license, own
locality, grid locator, received signal and short comments).

Simultaneous emits APRS 1200 baud at 144,930, and also in 145,950. The DTI
symbol on APRS will change from a balloon ( /O ) during ascent to a slider
( /g ) during the parachute descent.

Will operate for 90 seconds voice, then a beep alerting the end of that time
will make way for the issuance of APRS at different frequencies. Every five
minutes CW TLM via telegraphy audio tones sends callsign LU7AA and height in
meters, then repeat the cycle.

On 145,850 KHz SSTV images ROBOT-36 mode (36 seconds) will be emitted in
real time continuously showing what the balloon sees (Can be received, with
either MIXW or RX-SSTV (recommended)).

Given 145.850 KHz could be received by SO-50, part of experiment will be
crosslink between balloon and SO-50 during his three timeframe passes, thus
allowing SSTV from Balloon -> 145.850 -> SO-50 -> 432.795 -> user,
providing a wider footprint.

Balloon will carry two TV cameras (one to ground and another to the horizon)
that will record images and sound during flight and can be retrieved with
the payload.

It can be received in APRS on every minute,
including speed, height, internal and external temperatures and battery

Georeferenced maps are available for UI-View in,

The experiment on 435.950 KHz voice also receives and accepts DTMF user
issued commands i.e. B * (DTMF keypad UHF handy) will return S5 … ….. on
VHF CW 145.950, your signal strength received at balloon, if P10 that states
S9 +10. There are more commands that enable issuance of TLM in CW or APRS
beacon and remote commands to drop payload, mode changes, control of time,
energy, power, etc..

Additionally and in coordination with ANAC, a VAISALA RS92SGP radiosonde
emitting FM wide on 402-403 Mhz has been added, which provides GPS location,
pressure, winds, height, course, dwt point, temperatures, etc. Same data as
daily collected by the National Meteorological Service. Data can be received
with sondemonitor program available as test for 21 days from internet.

On launch day/time Amsat-LU will have one of his members on the Ezeiza
Airport Traffic Tower, acting as a contact between ANAC and Amsat, using
VOR locations application gently configured by EOSS, adapted and available
on .

Local frequencies coordination and announcements before and during flights
will be 7095 kHz LSB + / -10 kHz and VHF frequencies of local repeaters in
the area.

During flight will be active in 430.930 and 144.930 the AMSAT-LU APRS wide
coverage Igate LU7AA-0, operating from the Investigation Center, besides a
portable Igate close to launch site. Any area stations that can receive and
provide bridge to the APRS network are welcome.

Being an experiment aimed at a next satellite, contacts made between
stations thru this UV repeater will be considered valid and awarded upon
request by Amsat-LU Permanent Satellite Certificate, free and also
applicable for license upgrades, see,,

During the balloon flight, chase hunt groups will try to locate and recover
the payload estimated to land next to General Pico, La Pampa.

The 10 participants with the highest two-way contacts numbers and sum of
distances thru repeater will be recognized with a special certificate. Send
email with data filled on form QSO with stations via the
balloon including QRA Locators, QTR to RC QRM Belgrano before April 23.

All reports welcome. If you want or can organize or be part of launch teams,
control, monitoring and recovery, operating as an independent station and
capturing data, and / or want to join us in this adventure from the launch
site can do it through an email to parapente arroba

We appreciate having read this information and forward if possible.

73, LU7AA, AMSAT-LU, aiming to the future by making present fun.

Vi kör nästa organiserade nät söndag om två veckor.

73 Håkan SM7WSJ

Ham Satellite news

AMSAT-SM HF-nätet 3/3 2013


Dagens deltagare


*Motion till SSA årsmöte

*Sunita Williams på ISS

*Space X

Dom satelliter vi följde under veckan verkar vara vid god form.

Undertecknad är ute och reser nästa söndag men nätet körs ändå.

73 Håkan SM7WSJ

Ham Satellite news

AMSAT-SM HF-nätet 24/2 2013


Dagens nät med deltagare.


Ett flertal kända lyssnare på webmottagaren i Mora

* AAUsat-3 (uppskjutning till veckan som kommer)

*STRaND-1 (Uppskjutningsdags)

* AO-7 hade under veckan en nära passage av annat objekt.

The United States Joint Space Operations Center (JSpOC) has updated
apredicted conjunction between OSCAR 7 (SCC# 7530) and SCC# 18116.

Primary Object: OSCAR 7 (SCC# 7530)
Secondary Object: SCC# 18116
Time of Closest Approach: 18 FEB 2013 22:06 UTC

Overall miss distance: 81 meters
Radial (dU) miss distance: 32 meters
In-Track (dV) miss distance: -36 meters
Cross-track (dW) miss distance: 66 meters

Primary Radial Error (U): 10 meters
Primary In-Track Error (U): 39 meters
Primary Cross-track Error (U): 8 meters

Secondary Radial Error (U): 10 meters
Secondary In-Track Error (U): 43 meters
Secondary Cross-Track Error (U): 10 meters

*Antenner och rotorer

Lite olika uppslag för den som funderar på ett bygge


Rymdstationen tappade kommunikationsmöjligheter unde veckan.

NASA lost regular communication with the International Space Station on
Tuesday and has since established only limited connections. The space agency
said it was doing a routine update of computer software when communications
were lost, leaving the craft able to communicate only every 90 minutes when
it passes over ground stations in Russia. “This is the same way they used to
do it in the 1960s, with Gemini and Apollo,” NASA spokesman Josh Byerly
said. “The crew is working on this, and they’ll get it back up and running.”
The station, which is carrying one American astronaut and two Russian
cosmonauts, does not appear to be in danger. “It’s not a panicked mood that
takes over mission control,” Byerly said. “Anybody’s who’s been here has
seen that.” Aboard the station, Commander Kevin Ford told mission control
during a pass over a Russian ground station that the craft is “still flying
straight” and that “everybody’s in good shape.” The loss in communications
is not considered unprecedented, though it is thought to be a cause for
concern, officials said. The station is the product of a partnership among
16 nations and carries six laboratories for space research.

Det är annars väldigt mycket trafik från ISS på 145.825 samt 145.800.

*Nyheter från spacetrack

We are pleased to announce the upgrade of to add the
look and functionality that matches what is now on The bulk file downloads from our current
Space-Track site will continue to be available to scripters for a limited
time after the upgrade using established URLs.

This upgrade will vastly improve how the Space-Track User community
interacts with orbital element sets, the satellite catalog and conjunction
data. With a robust Representational State Transfer (REST-ful)
Application Programming Interface (API), scripters will be able to get the
latest data available, customized for their purposes.

Here are just a few of the new features that will become part of the
– A streamlined and intuitive user interface that is easier to navigate
and allows simple searches
– A robust help and documentation section – “Favorites” lists to identify
logical groupings of catalog objects that Users can monitor via the web
interface or with the site’s API

If you have production scripts that currently use, we
recommend that you change your scripts to point at on
or after 20 February 2013.

If you have scripts that screen-scrape or download text/zip files from the
current yellow-colored legacy, they will continue to
perform correctly for a few months, but we recommend that you quickly
transition your scripts to take advantage of the new API. Documentation
is available under “Help” to assist you, as well as the API query builder
tool on the upgraded site.

We have also started sharing information about Space-Track’s new features
on tumblr, facebook and twitter, so please engage us on your favorite
social media platform.

Our sites are, and

We understand that any significant upgrade has the potential to cause
frustration for our user community and we apologize if this creates any
adjustment problems for you. For help or clarification, please email us

Thank you,
The Team

Vi kör ett nät även nästa söndag på 3740 klockan 10.00

mvh Håkan SM7WSJ