Ham Satellite news

AMSAT-SM HF-nätet 20/4 2014 och KickSat launch


Vi försökte köra ett litet nät idag men det var full fart på naturjägarna på 3740 KHz.försökte skifta till 3737 KHz men fick nog inte fram informationen.Det har varit en lyckad uppskjutning för Space X och vi
har återigen lite nya satelliter.

Undertecknad har precis hört kicksat på 437.505 Mhz men dom kepler som ligger ute stämmer inte.Av dom över 100 småsatelliterna hörs inget på 437.240 så det kommer nog senare.

mvh Håkan SM7WSJ

Successful launch of KickSat carrying 104 Sprite satellites

Five CubeSats including KicksSat which carries 104 Sprite satellites
on 437 MHz were successfully launched by the SpaceX CRS-3 mission on
Friday, April 18 at 19:25:22 UT.

Zac Manchester KD2BHC says:
After a beautiful launch KickSat was deployed in low Earth orbit. We
at Cornell and several amateur radio operators around the world have
made contact with the spacecraft and it is alive and well. I can?t
thank all of you enough for your tremendous support over the past two
years. Thank you for believing in KickSat!

This is the culmination of a lot of hard work and is a huge
milestone, but we?re not done yet. In 16 days the Sprites will deploy
from KickSat. We need as many people as possible listening in, so if
you?re interested, please check out the wiki and our mailing list for
more information. As always, don?t hesitate to contact me with

The CubeSats KickSat, SporeSat, TSAT, PhoneSat-v2.5 and ALL-
STAR/THEIA were deployed into a 325?315 km 51.5 degree inclination

All the Sprites operate on a single frequency of 437.240 MHz and use
Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA). The transmitter runs 10 mW
output of Minimum Shift Keying (MSK) modulated binary data with each
data bit modulated as a 511 bit Pseudo-Random Number (PRN) sequence.
The ITU emission designator is 50K0G1D.

The KickSat CubeSat has downlinks on 437.505 MHz and 2401-2436.2 MHz.


KickSat mailing list!forum/kicksat-gs

Kicksat Updates

PRN codes for KickSat Sprites released

Preliminary TLE?s are at

Frequencies of the other CubeSats can be found at

CRS-3 Payloads


Ham Satellite news

SP3OSJ Ballong i SM

Just nu passerar en höghöjdsballong från Polen. Den befinner sig på ca 6000 meter och sänder telemetri på 144.700 MHz



Ballongen befinner sig på avstånd 198,7 km och har en signalstyrka på 2-3 S enheter.


Ham Satellite news

HAB Ballongsimulering

Jag roade mig med att se hur en höghöjdsballong skulle uppföra sig den här helgen. Ni kan jämföra med tidigare inlägg förra veckan då den drog österut.


Ham Satellite news

Kicksat planerad uppskjutning 18/4 2014

Då blev uppskjutningen framflyttad till fredag. (perfekt då man är ledig och har chans att vara med på dom första passagerna)

Tydligen problem med någon heliumläcka….

mvh Håkan SM7WSJ

Ham Satellite news

ESR årsmöte

Vår samarbetspartner ESR avhandlade under helgen sitt årsmöte på anläggningen för det intressanta världsarvet Grimeton.

Läs en första rapport på deras hemsida

Ham Satellite news

Transponder över helgerna på FUNcube

Efter några helgers test verkar det nu som om transpondern kommer vara påslagen under helgerna:

Following the 48 hour test last weekend, we have concluded that the
battery temp does reduce slightly during full time transponder mode,
but only by a degree C or so; it remains within specification. Hence
we have decided in future to switch the satellite into 'forced
eclipse mode', ie full time transponder and low power beacon at
weekends. The aim is tosignificantly increase the availability of the
transponder to radio amateurs. We will continue with this plan until
further notice.

We plan to switch to full time transponder mode during the first
suitable pass over the UK on Friday evenings, normally between 19:30
and 22:30 UTC. If for some reason this is not possible, then the
switch will be done on the first suitable pass on Saturday, normally
between 09:30 and 12:00 UTC. We plan to switch the full time
transponder mode off during a suitable pass on Sunday evenings (UK
time), which normally occur between 1930 and 22:30 UTC. Again, if
this is not possible the switch off will be made on Monday mornings,
approx. 09:30 to 12:00 UTC.

Do PLEASE NOTE that this schedule is totally reliant on the
availability of command stations, who will do their very best to
ensure it is maintained. We will not normally announce successful
full time transponder mode on/off commands, but if it proves not
possible to make one of them, then we will make a note here and on
the FUNcube web site at

So please do enjoy the transponder, and use it any time you hear it
on. We are always pleased to hear of your activity, so either leave a
comment on the website, or email g3wgm -at-

A recent QSO made by Paulo PV8DX can be seen at
Thanks for the report, Paulo!

[ANS thanks Jim G3WGM for the above information]