Ham Satellite news

COSMOS-2499 – RS-47

COSMOS-2499 (2014-028E) sköts upp den 23 maj 2014 och är nu i en bana på 1,510.6 km X 1,158.8 km 82.4 degree. Dmitry Pashkov R4UAB har nu tagit emot signaler från satelliten på ungefär  435.465 MHz och 435.565 MHz (+/- Doppler). Den 30 november 2014 började satelliten identifiera sig själv som RS-47 på CW!

Satelliten är ett litet mysterium, den har ändrat sin bana flera gånger, vilket man kan läsa mer om på

Nu kan vi fortsätta följa satelliten som RS-47 på amatörradiobandet. Fler uppdateringar följer säkert.


1 39765U 14028E 14336.53205632 .00003732 00000-0 13924-1 0 5911
2 39765 082.4415 219.3552 0228941 178.8471 181.4652 12.83549779 24733

Ca. 20 minuters passager.

Ham Satellite news

FUNcube-1 – AO73 – 1 år

FUNcube. Bilder från FUNcube-projektets hemsida.
FUNcube. Bilder från FUNcube-projektets hemsida.

Även FUNcube-1 – AO73 firar år. Inte lika många som Oscar 7 (40 år) utan ett år uppe. AO-73 har fungerat mycket bra och telemtrin tagits emot av hundratals lyssnare.

G3WGM har gjort en bra sammanfattning:

Hi Folks,

It seems amazing to us that FUNcube-1 – AO73, was launched nearly one year ago, in fact at 07:10 UTC on 21 Nov 2013. The very first signals were received by ZS1LS in South Africa at 07:37 UTC and he was even able to upload the resulting data to the Warehouse so the results could be seen immediately.

We are extremely  happy to say that, since then, the satellite has been performing very satisfactorily, the battery voltage doesn’t drop below 8 volts, and becomes fully charged within about 7 – 10 minutes after re-entering sunlight from eclipse.

Thus, on 21 Nov 2014, we will be celebrating the satellite’s first birthday. To mark the occasion, we will be activating the transponder earlier than normal – late on Thursday 20 Nov 2014, so that it will be available for use during the whole of Friday. So please make as many contacts as possible through the transponder during Friday, FUNcube’s actual birthday. You are invited to make a note of any stations worked on this day, or any other comments on the FUNcube Forum. Please use the existing “FUNcube-1’s Birthday” topic, under the Welcome heading. The URL of the Forum is

Please also remember the ’73 on 73′ competition which is kindly being organised by Paul Stoetzer N8HM. See for more details.

We would like to take this opportunity of thanking all of our ‘users’, both those who download  telemetry and forwarding it to the warehouse, and of course, all users of the transponder. This telemetry data is invaluable, both as an educational resource and to enable us to see how the spacecraft systems are performing and surviving. So far we have collected almost 400MB of unique data via stations from all around the world.

Of course we are hoping that the satellite continues to function nominally for several  more  years to come even though we may never reach AO7’s record!



Ham Satellite news

OSCAR 7 – 40 år


Idag är det 40 år sedan amatörradiosatelliten Oscar 7 kom upp. Och… den fungerar fortfarande!

AMSAT-UK har skrivit en bra artikel om AO-7:

Ham Satellite news

Cubesats förlorade i rakethaveri

Problem vid senaste förnödenhetsleveransen till ISS.  Det försvann tyvärr en hel del satelliter men inga personskador.

The GOMX-2 and RACE CubeSats were among more than 2 dozen satellites that were lost after an unmanned Orbital Space Sciences (OSC) Antares 130 vehicle exploded spectacularly shortly after launch at 2222 UTC on Tuesday, October 28, from the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport on Wallops Island on Virginia’s Eastern Shore. Both satellite packages carried payloads that operated on Amateur Radio frequencies. The Antares is a new medium-class launch vehicle developed by OSC.

The rocket exploded about 6 seconds after launch, sending a huge ball of fire hurtling toward the ground, which set a massive fire at the NASA launchsite.

The 2U GMX-2 CubeSat was intended to test a de-orbit system designed by Aalborg University in Denmark. Karl Klaus Laursen, OZ2KK, is listed as the“responsible operator” on International Amateur Radio Union frequency coordination documents. The Amateur Radio payload proposed using a 9.6 k MSK data downlink on 437.250 MHz. Also on board was an optical communications experiment from the National University of Singapore. The mission also hoped to flight qualify a new high-speed UHF transceiver and SDR receiver built by an Aalborg University team.

The Radiometer Atmospheric Cubesat Experiment (RACE) CubeSat was a joint project between The Texas Spacecraft Laboratory (TSL) at the University of Texas-Austin and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). It carried a 183 GHz radiometer, a new science instrument designed by JPL. The primary objective of the RACE mission was to collect atmospheric water vapor measurements. The spacecraft was equipped to transmit using GMSK at 38.4 k and CW telemetry on a downlink frequency of 437.525MHz, as coordinated with the IARU. TSL’s Edgar Glenn Lightsey, KE5DDG, was listed in the IARU coordination documents as the responsible operator.

The Antares 130 launcher was on a resupply mission, carrying some 5000 pounds of cargo to the International Space Station. GOMX-2 and the other satellites onboard the rocket were to be launched into orbit from the International Space Station.

The Antares 130 also was carrying the Flock-1d array of 26 satellites as well as Arkyd-3, Cygnus CRS-3, and the RACE CubeSat

Med vänlig hälsning  Håkan SM7WSJ
Ham Satellite news

LituanicaSAT-2 Announced

Teamet bakom Lituanica har nu meddelat att nästa satellit, LituanicaSAT-2, är på gång. LituanicaSAT-2 kommer att vara mer avancerad än LituanicaSAT-1 med bla. möjlighet att aktivt ändra bana med hjälp av hjälpmotorer/raketer. Därför beräknas den kunna vara i bana under ca. 18 månader. Läs mer:

The LituanicaSAT team has announced on Facebook that the
LituanicaSAT-2 CubeSat will be coming soon.

It is hoped the CubeSat will be among 50 satellites launched in the
1st quarter of 2016 on the Ukrainian Cyclone 4 launcher from the
Alcantara launch site built by Ukraine and Brazil. The new launch
site is located near the Atlantic coast of Brazil just 2.3 degrees
south of the equator.

LituanicaSAT-2 will be more complex than the first and will test a
new propulsion system which will enable it to change orbit.
Currently CubeSats deployed in very low Earth orbit may only last 3
months before burning up in  the Earth’s atmosphere, the propulsion
system could extend that up to 18 months.

Read the article about LituanicaSAT-2 in Google English at


You can watch a presentation by Gintautas Sulskus on the first
LituanicaSAT CubeSat at


QB50 to use Alcantara launch site

[ANS thanks AMSAT-UK for the above information]

Ham Satellite news

Den kinesiska månsonden

Nu har den Kinesiska  månsonden kommit fram och befinner sig på ett avstånd av 390 000 km från jorden.  Den lilla VHF sändaren som genererar 1W hörs förvånande väl.  Mottagningsutrustning här är en 16EL horisontell yagi med mastmonterad lågbrusig antennförstärkare.

Mer information finns på        Ni kan även på den länken klicka på partners för att se vilka som ligger bakom själva sonden som sitter fäst på den Kinesiska raketen.

390000 km


Uppdatering nu när raketen har rundat månen och är på väg tillbaka. Det ser bra ut så här långt.

396000 km retur