Ham Satellite news

Mindre aktivitet från UWE-3


Teamet bakom UWE-3 meddelar nu att det kommer bli mindre aktivitet från satelliten:

Källa: ANS 348

UWE-3 was launched with FUNcube-1 on November 21, 2013, the team says they will
now be temporarily ending operations.

Today, more than one year after launch, there will be a temporary end of
operations caused by the end of funding.

However, UWE-3 is in a very good health condition with fully charged batteries
and operations may be continued depending on future research plans.

Without any reception from ground, UWE-3 will carry out a warm reset every four
days and switch regularly between the redundant on-board processors and radios.
Therefore, UWE-3 will switch back to its nominal frequency of 437.385 MHz.

Nevertheless we appreciate the extensive support we received from the HAM
amateurs in the past and hope that also in the future the status of UWE-3 will
be monitored with your support, like you did so many times in the past year.
Thank you so much for the very helpful cooperation in this respect!

UEW-3 News

Ham Satellite news



Nu har satelliten DESPATCH fått ett Oscar-nummer: FO-81 eller Fuji OSCAR 81.

Källa: ANS 348:

Prof. Akihiro Kubota of the Tanegashima Space Center in Japan has informed
AMSAT-NA of the successful launch on December 3 of deep space probe DESPATCH.

One important mission for DESPATCH is an experiment in what is called
“cooperative diversity communication.” In this experiment, an attempt will be
made to collect signals from the spacecraft received not only at the ground
station in Tokyo, but also at many ham radio stations around the world. This is
in order to reconstruct the original data from the spacecraft.

Reception of such weak signals to reconstruct data from the spacecraft will
require the expertise of exceptionally skilled ham operators. The builders are
thereby providing a rare opportunity to receive radio signals transmitted by a
spacecraft in deep space, and ask for cooperation radio amateurs around the
world in the project.

Initially, it was expected that the spacecraft would last only a few days but
now it appears that this assessment was pessimistic with a longer life now

Since DESPATCH appears to have met all of the requirements for an OSCAR number,
including IARU coordination, I hereby with the authority vested in me be the
AMSAT-NA President, do confer on DESPATCH, the OSCAR number Fuji OSCAR 81 or

I use the Fuji designation in recognition of the long history of contributions
the Japanese have made to Amateur Radio satellites.

I trust that Fuji OSCAR-81’s mission will be successful and much valuable date

William (Bill) Tynan, W3XO
OSCAR Number Administrator

Ham Satellite news

HAMSAT II – Dhruva Space and AMSAT India

Goda nyheter från Indien.
73  Håkan  SM7WSJ
HAMSAT II – Dhruva Space and AMSAT India

The Economic Times report Dhruva Space, a two-year-old start-up co-
founded by space technologist and ham radio operator Sanjay Nekkanti
VU3ISS/AB3OE, sealed a deal with AMSAT India on November 30, 2014 to

It will be the successor to HAMSAT VO-52 which went silent on July
11, 2014 due to the failure of the on-board lithium ion batteries.
HAMSAT provided a valuable communications resource for the amateur
radio community for over 9 years.

Dhruva’s satellites are expected to be launched on ISRO’s workhorse
Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV). Nekkanti said his team is
working closely with the space organization for design approvals and
testing of the satellite.

The AMSAT India Secretary Nitin Muttin, VU3TYG has released this

We are pleased to announce that AMSAT India and Dhruva Space Pvt.
Ltd. have signed a Memorandum of Understanding on November 30th 2014
to pursue the development of a follow up mission to HAMSAT launched
in 2005 on-board the PSLV-C6. HAMSAT II is envisioned to fill the gap
created by the recent end of life of HAMSAT and shall continue
servicing the societal needs in disaster management,
amateur/emergency radio communications and education.

Some of the contemplated payloads for HAMSAT II include:
* U/V Analog FM Transponder
* U/V Linear Transponder, 50 kHz
* APRS Digipeater
* Digitalker

Read The Economic Times article at


Ham Satellite news

AMSAT-SM HF-nätet 14/12 2014

Vi är igång och kör ett litet nät varje söndag.
  • Lite allmänna punkter avhandlades men tänkte att jag skulle posta den utannonserade ISS aktiviteten här på listan.
  • An educational ARISS school contact is planned Monday 15 December 2014 at 15:18:40 UTC, which is 16.18:40 CEWT. ESA astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti IZØUDF will answer questions of students from two Italian schools. Ground station IZ7EVR, located in Bari, will operate the radio transmissions. Downlink signals from the ISS will be audible in Europe on 145.800MHz narrowband FM.
  • SSTV transmissions from the International Space Station
    The Russian ARISS team members plan to activate SSTV from the ISS on Thursday December 18 and Saturday December 20, 2014. Expected SSTV mode will be PD180 on 145.800 MHz with 3 minute off periods between transmissions. A total of 12 different photos will be sent during the operational period. Start time would be around 14:20 UTC on December 18 and 12:40 UTC on December 20. The transmissions should terminate around 21:30 UTC each day. Space X 5 will be launching this week and delays in the launch could adjust SSTV operational times.
73  Håkan SM7WSJ
Ham Satellite news

KTH startar Cubesat-projekt

KTH har startat ett studentsatellitprojekt med planerad uppskjutning under 2017. Projektledare är Sven Grahn, tidigare ordförande i AMSAT-SM. Från KTHs hemsida:

“Många universitet i världen har byggt små satelliter som kallas Cubesats. KTH Rymdcenter har tagit initiativet till den första svenska studentbyggda Cubesaten. Projektet definieras under 2014 och arbetet startar 2015. Projektledare är den mycket erfarne Sven Grahn. Målet är att bygga satelliten 2015-2016 och sända upp den under 2017. För att öka intresset och förståelsen för satelliter, så kommer arbetet med KTH:s Cubesat att kunna följas på Tekniska muséets nya Science center, som invigs i september 2015.”

Läs mer om projektet här:

Ham Satellite news



Dax för ett nytt spännande projekt med amatörradio ombord på forskningssatelliter som skickas långt ut i rymden. De två amatörradiofarkosterna kommer att ha en elliptisk bana runt solen och resa till en bana mellan Venus och Mars . Lutningen (inclination) kommer att vara nästan noll , vilket innebär att satelliterna bör stanna i jordens ekvatorialplan.

ARTSAT2 har en 7 watts CW -sändare på 437,325 MHz och är också den första 3D-utskrivna skulptur som skickas ut i rymden .

Shin’en2 har en CW fyr på 437,505 MHz ( 0,1 watt ) och telemetri på 437,385 MHz ( 0,8 watt ) med användning av ett mode som Seiji JH6RTO beskriver som liknar WSJT men dock inte samma.

Mer information på AMSAT-UK.

Shinen 2
Shinen 2