Ham Satellite news

SHIN-EN2 blir Oscar 82

Då har vi fått en ny satellit med Oscar-nummer!

William A. (Bill) Tynan, W3XO, OSCAR Number Administrator has
confered on SHIN-EN2 the designation Fuji OSCAR-82 or FO-82.

In reply to Seiji Fukushima’s, JH6RTO, request for an OSCAR number,
Bill said, “I along with all in AMSAT-NA and the world’s Amateur
Radio satellite community congratulate you and all involved with Fuji
OSCAR-82 and trust that it will fulfill all of its mission
objectives. FO-82 joins an illustrious line of Fuji spacecraft built
and launched by Japan.”

Shin-En2 is a 17 kg satellite measuring 490×490×475 mm built by
students at Kagoshima University in Japan which will carry a 145 to
435 MHz linear transponder into a deep space orbit.

The aims of the mission are:
* To establish communication technologies with a long range as far
as moon.
* To establish a new technology of the ultra-light-weight satellite.
Proposing a WSJT 29dBm UHF downlink and a 29dBm 20 kHz linear
transponder and a CW beacon all on UHF with a VHF uplink for the

The orbit will be quite different from the previous satellites. Shin-
En2 will have an elliptic orbit around the Sun and travel to a deep
space orbit between Venus and Mars. Its inclination will be almost
zero, which means Shin-En2 will stay in the Earth’s equatorial plane.

The distance from the Sun will be between 0.7 and 1.3 AU. An
Astronomical Unit (AU) is 149,597,871 km.

Shin-En2 IARU coordinated frequencies:
* 437.505 MHz CW beacon
* 437.385 MHz WSJT telemetry
* Inverting SSB/CW transponder
– 145.940-145.960 MHz uplink LSB
– 435.280-435.260 MHz downlink USB

Shin-En2 launched in the 4th quarter of 2014 with another amateur
radio satellite, ARTSAT2:DESPATCH, on a H-IIA rocket with the
asteroid explorer Hayabusa 2 as the main payload.

Kagoshima University satellite development team

Shin-En2 English Website,english.html

ARTSAT2:DESPATCH – Art and Ham Radio in Deep Space

[ANS thanks AMSAT-NA and AMSAT-UK for the above Information]

Ham Satellite news

FUNcube-2 on UKube-1 – January 2015 Update

En uppdatering från FUNcube-teamet om FUNcube-2:

Limited testing of the FUNcube-2 linear transponder on the UKube-1 spacecraft has been undertaken during the recent holiday period.

This testing has shown that the transponder is able to work effectively and that it is capable of a similar performance to the transponder already operating on FUNcube-1.

AMSAT-UK and the FUNcube team have now submitted a detailed report on the testing to the UK Space Agency, who are the owners and prime operators of the UKube-1 spacecraft. It is expected that a meeting will be held with them late Jan/ early Feb to plan possible future testing and operations.

Ham Satellite news

ESR Resonans nr 4 2014


Ett nytt nummer av den fantastiska tidningen ESR Resonans har kommit från AMSAT-SMs samarbetsförening ESR. Ur innehållet (ej allt…):

  • Omvärldsbevakning
  • Frekvensomriktare, EMC-och radiostörningar
  • 3,5 MHz radiofyr
  • Månadens mottagare National HRO-500
  • Plötsligt i Karribien!
  • En ATU för symmetrisk matning eller “Steampunk ATU”
  • Frekvensanalys – del 6
  • Nästa nummer

Tidningen kan laddas ner här.

Mer info om ESR på deras hemsida.

Ham Satellite news

AMSAT-DL Journal nr 4 2014


Nytt nummer av AMSAT-DL Journal har kommit! Denna gång med bla. följande innehåll:

  • Nytt runt ISEE-3
  • Flyplansscatter – avancerade beräkningar
  • 4M
  • CanSat
  • Protokoll från AMSAT-DL årsmöte
  • FUNcube från Goonhilly
  • Satellitnotiser
Ham Satellite news

SSTV från Rymdstationen


Det verkar vara fina signaler från ISS och deras bildsändningar.


Jag fick den här bilden med en  Gp antenn och mastpreamp.


Ham Satellite news

Nytt mottagningsrekord DESPATCH 4.695.550 km!


Så har det satts ännu ett mottagningsrekord att ta signaler från satelliten DESPATCH. Avstånd denna gång var hela 4.695.550 km! Det är OK1DFC som har lyckats med denna bedrift med följande utrustning:
DISH 10m diameter, loop feed horn, LNA ATF 54143 optimized for 437 MHz 0,26dB N/F – 21dB gain, SDR receiver – Signal Hound 1 Hz-4,4 GHz with special RX software ( courtesy of Milan OK1FMF – thank you very much !) – HDSDR SW and PC DELL Vostro.

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