Ham Satellite news

Deorbit sail satelliten uppskjuten

Fredagen den 10/7 åkte den lilla satelliten upp i rymden.



Den har redan hörts på frekvensen 145,975 MHz.


Ham Satellite news

QB50p2 FM-transponder testad

qb50p1-and-qb50p2-image-credit-isisNu är satelliten QB50p2 testad med sin FM-transponder. På AMSAT-F hemsida kan vi läsa följande (översatt):

On June 19, 2014, two 2U CubeSats QB50p1 and QB50p2 were launched as part of the QB50 precursor program into a polar orbit at an altitude of 680 km.

The satellite QB50p2 (object 40032) is equipped with a secondary FM transponder payload developed by AMSAT-F.

On Tuesday, June 16, 2015 almost 1 year after launch the AMSAT-F FM transponder on QB50p2 was activated by the main control station in The Netherlands for the duration of an orbit. At the Polytechnique in Palaiseau, we were able to receive telemetry in CW and put into action the FM transponder with an output of 1.5W.

A very strong signal was received at Palaiseau and by F6HCC in Brittany. The transponder was turned off at the end of the orbit.

In a few weeks, the transponder should be activated permanently. The signal is very strong, we will probably use a lower power level of 500 mW or 1 watt. We will inform you later.

QB50p1 (EO-79 / FUNcube-3) is equipped with a linear transponder for SSB and CW. The first tests were successfully completed in April and its transponder should also be enabled full-time in a few weeks.

Gérard – F6FAO


QB50p1 (FUNcube-3) has a VHF 9600 bps BPSK telemetry downlink plus a linear U/V transponderfor SSB/CW communications similar to that already flying on FUNcube-1 with an output of 400 mW.
• 145.815 MHz 9600 bps BPSK telemetry beacon
• Inverting SSB/CW linear transponder 400 mW PEP
– 435.035 – 435.065 MHz Uplink LSB
– 145.965 – 145.935 MHz Downlink USB

QB50p2 has  a VHF 9600 bps BPSK telemetry downlink plus a separate RF payload from AMSAT-Francophone which will comprise of a FM voice transponder with UHF uplink and VHF downlink. It can also transmit FX25 telemetry at 9600 bps.
• 145.880 MHz 9600 bps BPSK telemetry beacon
• 145.840 MHz 9600 bps FSK FX25

Ham Satellite news

NanosatC-BR1 behöver hjälp

NanosatC-BR1 har fått problem med batterierna och slutat sända. Nu behöver teamet bakom satelliten hjälp. Om du hör den, skicka då mail till ewpereira<at> (Edson PY2SDR).

Satelliten ska sända CW på 145.865 MHz.

Ham Satellite news

BRICsat (NO-83) och PSAT (NO-84) får Oscar-nummer


AMSAT-SM gratulerar BRICsat och PSAT och dess team för att de blivit tilldelade Oscar-nummer: NO-83 och NO-84!

Läs allt om satelliterna här:


PSAT: 145.825 – 1200 baud AX.25 telemetry – digi off
PSAT PSK31-5: 435.350 FM down, 28.120 SSB PK31 uplink – Brno University

BRICsat: 437.975 – 9600 baud telemetry evry 20s
BRICsat PSK31-6 – same as PSAT but PSK TLM on 375 Hz (PSAT on 315 Hz)

Ham Satellite news

Ny Fox-1C Update Video

Det finns en ny video från Jerry Buxton N0JY om Fox-1c:

Ham Satellite news

CAMSAT nya Cubesats med U/V transponder under juli 2015


Håkan SM7WSJ skriver:

Förutom att vi har FOX satelliterna på väg upp i rymden under året, så kommer vi även att få ett antal nya linjära satelliter uppskickade från Kina.

Det verkar vara ett stort intresse för rymden från nya spelare (nationer) och det skulle inte förvåna mig om vi inom några år återigen får se någon amatörsatellit i högre bana.

Känns ännu mer inspirerande att bygga upp sin nya satellitstation med så mycket på väg upp i omloppsbana.

73 Håkan SM7WSJ

PS: Se även

CAMSAT announces mid-July launch with six U/V transponders

Alan Kung, BA1DU (CAMSAT CEO) recently sent AMSAT-NA the following
press release:

CAMSAT orchestrated CAS-3 amateur satellite system is now nearing
completion, six Chinese amateur satellites will be launched in mid-
July,it includes different weight category satellites, consists of a
20 kg, three 10 kg and two 1 kg satellites. All six satellites are
equipped with substantially the same amateur radio payloads, a U/V
mode linear transponder, a CW telemetry beacon and an AX.25
19.2k/9.6k baud GMSK telemetry downlink are attached in each of the
six satellites, each set of amateur radio equipments has the same
technical characteristics, but operates on different frequencies of
70cm band uplink and 2m band downlink.

During the years, CAMSAT works closely with DFH Satellite Co. Ltd to
complete the project, which is Chinese government aerospace
contractor and provided most of the support for this project. All the
satellites are currently conducting final testing and inspection,
here are the technical details:


– Micro-satellite architecture
– Dimensions: 400Lx400Wx400H mm
– Mass: 20kg
– Stabilization: three-axis stabilization system with its +Y surface
facing the earth
– Antenna: Deployable antenna, one 1/4? monopole VHF antenna with
max.0dBi gain is located at +Z side and one 1/4? monopole UHF
antenna with max.0dBi gain is located at –Z side, close to the each
edge of satellite body
– Uplink: 70cm band
– Downlink: 2m band
– Amateur radio payloads:
Callsign: BJ1SB
CW Telemetry Beacon: 50mW, 22wpm
U/V Mode Linear Transponder: 100mW, 20kHz bandwidth, spectrum
AX.25 telemetry: 100mW, 19.2k/9.6k baud GMSK

CAS-3B, CAS-3C and CAS-3D:

– Micro-satellite architecture
– Dimensions: 250Lx250Wx250H mm
– Mass: 9kg
– Stabilization: three-axis stabilization system with its +Y surface
facing the earth
– Antenna: Deployable antenna, one 1/4? monopole VHF antenna with
max.0dBi gain is located at +Z side and one 1/4? monopole UHF
antenna with max.0dBi gain is located at –Z side, close to the each
edge of satellite body
– Uplink: 70cm band
– Downlink: 2m band
– Amateur radio payloads:
Callsign: BJ1SC ( for CAS-3B), BJ1SD ( for CAS-3C), BJ1SE (for CAS-3D
CW Telemetry Beacon: 50mW, 22wpm
U/V Mode Linear Transponder: 100mW, 20kHz bandwidth, spectrum
Inverting AX.25 telemetry: 100mW, 19.2k/9.6k baud GMSK

CAS-3E and CAS-3F:

– Cube-satellite architecture
– Dimensions: 110Lx110Wx110H mm
– Mass: 1.5kg
– Stabilization: Spinning stabilization using permanent magnet torquer
– Antenna: Deployable antenna, one 1/4? monopole VHF antenna with
max.0dBi gain is located at +Z side and one 1/4? monopole UHF
antenna with max.0dBi gain is located at –Z side, close to the each
edge of satellite body
– Uplink: 70cm band
– Downlink: 2m band
– Amateur radio payloads:
Callsign: BJ1SF ( for CAS-3E), BJ1SG ( for CAS-3F)
CW Telemetry Beacon: 50mW, 22wpm
U/V Mode Linear Transponder: 100mW, 20kHz bandwidth, spectrum
AX.25 telemetry: 100mW, 9.6k baud GMSK

This launch will use an brand new Chinese launch vehicle named as
Long March – 6 (LM-6 or CZ-6) at Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center of
China, CAS-3A will operate at about 450 km height sun-synchronous
orbit, the other satellites will operate at about 530 km height sun-
synchronous orbit.

The launch will carry total of 20 satellites, there are other three
satellites named as CAS-3G, CAS-3H and CAS-3I involved in amateur
radio from other agencies of China will share the same launch, CAMSAT
was assisting Chinese government administration to coordinate and
allocate their frequencies, more details will be announced later.