Ham Satellite news

Phase 4 presentation

Postar den här länken där det verkar vara en hel del intressant information om  P4B
Jag har inte tittat själv ännu, men det kommer i veckan.  (ca 60 min)

73/ Håkan

AMSAT-NA is developing a “hosted payload” for a spacecraft that
Millennium SpaceSystems (MSS) of El Segundo, California, is under contract to design,
launch, and operate for the US government. The satellite’s potential footprint
could extend over the US from the Mid-Pacific to Africa.

The amateur radio payload will comprise a Software Defined Transponder
capable of supporting many different modes, including analog SSB.

Gary Pearce KN4AQ writes: We’ve been hearing about a Geosynchronous
satellite for the Western Hemisphere for a while now, but not many details. In this
episode from the DCC, project leader Bob McGwier N4HY fills in a lot of
blanks. There’s no launch date yet, and maybe not quite enough info to start
building your ground station (a ‘Five & Dime’ setup – 5 GHz up, 10 GHz down), but
you can start thinking about it.

Bob’s Phase 4 presentation at DCC can be viewed at the following link:



Ham Satellite news

NuSat-1 får Oscarnummer LO-87

Satelliten NuSat-1 får nu ett Oscar-nummer: LO-87. Läs mer:

The Argentine ÑuSAT-1 carrying the LUSEX (LU Satellite Experiment)
Amateur Radio U/V linear transponder and 436 MHz beacon launched
May 30 at 0317 UTC from China. The transponder, with a 30 kHz
bandwidth and transmitting with 250 mW, will has an uplink passband
(SSB, CW) at 435.935~435.965 MHz, and a downlink passband at
145.965~145.935 MHZ. Basic CW telemetry is transmitted on 145.900 MHz.
The NuSAT-1 GFSK telemetry beacon is at 436.445 MHz, and the NuSAT-2
GFSK telemetry beacon is at 437.445 MHz. Over the past month
AMSAT-Argentina has requested the issuance of an OSCAR designation.
After review, the following determination has been announced:

“I join the entire world in wishing this spacecraft a successful life
and, under the authority vested in me by the AMSAT-NA President, do
hereby issue LUSEX the designation LUSEX OSCAR 87 or LO-87.”

William A. (Bill) Tynan, W3XO
OSCAR Number Administrator


Ham Satellite news

Vinn en SDR-mottagare!

rtl-sdr sdr_v3

AMSAT-SM har testat en SDR-mottagare från bloggen som du kan läsa om här. Nu lottar vi ut en mottagare till en av våra medlemmar! Kravet är alltså att du ska vara medlem i AMSAT-SM vilket du kan bli här.

Fyll i dina uppgifter nedan senast den 9:e oktober 2016. AMSAT-SM kontaktar sedan vinnaren via e-mail. (Vinnaren kommer att lottas ut från de som skickat in uppgifter enligt formuläret nedan.)

Tävlingen är nu avslutad!

Ham Satellite news

Pratham IITB ny studentsatellit planerad till slutet september


Ny satellit på gång! I slutet av september planeras Prathem IITB att komma upp med både 2m och 70cm sändare:

The satellite Pratham, built by students at the Indian Institute of Technology
Bombay, is expected to launch on the Indian PSLV-C35 mission currently planned
for September 26, 2016.

Pratham, a 300x300x300mm satellite with a mass of 10 kg, aims to measure total
electron count in a 800 km altitude Sun Synchronous Orbit (SSO).

Aayush Yadav of the Pratham team writes:

We, students of IIT Bombay, are glad to inform you that our project, Pratham,
is ready and expected to launch with PSLV-C35 in the last week of September. We
would be really happy if  you all joined us in receiving our satellite’s
beacon, details given below:

Mode: CW
wpm: 35 words
Frequency: 145.980 MHz
(The CW beacon will be on through out the orbit and can be received from

Mode: FSK
Baudrate: 1200 bps
Frequency: 437.455 MHz
(To be switched on over France and India only)

We will update the information as soon as TLE’s will be available.

Further information at


Källa: ANS

Ham Satellite news

RadFxSat-2 (Fox-1E) Launch December 2017

Meddelande från AMSAT-NA runt satelliten Fox-1E:

AMSAT has been informed that the launch for the NASA Educational Launch of
Nanosatellites (ELaNa) XX mission carrying RadFxSat-2 (Fox-1E) has been
scheduled for December 2017.

In addition to RadFxSat-2, the ELaNa XX mission will carry 12 CubeSats
constructed both by NASA and several universities around the United States. The
mission will be launched by Virgin Galactic on their LauncherOne air launch to
orbit system from Mojave, CA

RadFxSat-2, like RadFxSat (Fox-1B), is a partnership opportunity between the
Vanderbilt University Institute for Space and Defense Electronics and AMSAT and
will carry a similar radiation effects experiment, studying new FinFET

RadFxSat-2 will be the fifth Fox-1 satellite built by AMSAT. Fox-1A, now AMSAT-
OSCAR 85 (AO-85), was launched on October 8, 2015 and is fully operational,
providing science data from it’s onboard experiments and FM transponder service
for the amateur radio community. Fox-1Cliff and Fox-1D are scheduled for launch
this fall and RadFxSat is scheduled to launch in early 2017.

The RadFxSat-2 spacecraft bus will be built on the Fox-1 series but will
feature a linear transponder “upgrade” to replace the standard FM transponder
in Fox-1A through D. In addition, the uplink and downlink bands will be
reversed from the previous Fox satellites in a Mode V/u (J) configuration using
a 2 meter uplink and 70 cm downlink. The downlink will feature a 1200 bps BPSK
telemetry channel to carry the Vanderbilt science data in addition to a 30 kHz
wide transponder for amateur radio use.

[ANS thanks AMSAT-NA and Paul, N8HM for the above information]

Ham Satellite news

FO-29 20 år idag


Vi säger grattis till FO-29 som fyller 20 år i rymden idag! Den går fortfarande mycket bra och är populär som SSB/CW-satellit. Lär mer här: