Ham Satellite news Telemetry

EIRSAT-1 first decode 2023-12-02

@EIRSAT1 first decode! Also more info at

This is what I used for receive:

  • RX at 437.100 MHz WFM
  • 2 x 13 el LFA X-Yagi (InnovAntenna) switched between HOR and VER polarisation
  • AlfaSpid RAS az/el rotor
  • LNA Mini-70 from SHF Elektronik
  • LMR-400 coax
  • Airspy Mini SDR
  • SDR-Console v3 with doppler correction of downlink and satellite tracking, rotor control
  • PstRotator for rotor control interface between SDR-Console and RAS controller
  • VB-Cable: virtual audio cable for piping audio from SDR Console to Soundmodem. Set to 96 kHz and 16 bit.
  • GFSK EIRSAT-1 HS-Soundmodem v0.03b
  • GetKISS+ v 1.4.2 from DK3WN for sending telemetry to SatNOGS dB
  • Kepler from SatNOGS:

Data also uploaded to SatNOGS:


Veronika telemetry 2023-11-26

Veronika telemetry over Stockholm 2023-11-26. A few packets received, also CW telemetry. Software and hardware used:

  • RX at 436.680 MHz WFM
  • 2 x 13 el LFA X-Yagi (InnovAntenna) switched between HOR and VER polarisation
  • AlfaSpid RAS az/el rotor
  • LNA Mini-70 from SHF Elektronik
  • LMR-400 coax
  • Airspy Mini SDR
  • SDR-Console v3 with doppler correction of downlink and satellite tracking, rotor control
  • PstRotator for rotor control interface between SDR-Console and RAS controller
  • VB-Cable: virtual audio cable for piping audio from SDR Console to Soundmodem. Set to 96 kHz and 16 bit.
  • HS-Soundmodem v0.27 at mode FSK 9600bd G3RUH
  • GetKISS+ v 1.4.2 from DK3WN for sending telemetry to SatNOGS dB
Ham Satellite news

AO-109 FT4 TX-RX completed

Today I managed to send FT4 and decode my own signals via AO-109. According to the following post the output from the satellite is aprox 8 mW.

As you see I only managed to decode two of my TX, but it was because I made some adjustments and lost my RX for a while.

Downlink equipment was nothing special – 13 el LFA Yagi, LNA and WSJT-X Improved will full duplex.

Ham Satellite news Telemetry

Help decode Delfi-C3 DO-64 before re-entry

After more than 15 years in orbit the satellite Delfi-CE DO-64 is soon to re-entry. The Delfi team predict that re-entry will take place around November 16th 2023. For more info scroll down to see the full info.

All amateur radio operators / SWL’s / satellite enthusiasts worldwide are open to help listen and decode telemetry before the re-entry.

The old software RASCAL has been updated and now supports upload to the telemetry server at the Delfi team.


Follow these steps to install and start decoding:

  1. Download the latest version here (need Java v8):
    Note that the old version at Delfi-C3 website is not the correct one to use
  2. Run the software (just click on the JAR file)
  3. If you have an old account to the telemetry server, use it. Else let the guest account be as is. According to the Delfi team the IP address to the server is not important
  4. The telemetry downlink is at 145.870 MHz USB and is sending in 1200 BPSK. If found it a little below at aprox 145.865 MHz
  5. If you see the frequency “Sync” in the RASCAL software you will soon see telemetry sent to the server under the “Status messages”

As an alternative way of decoding the telemetry, you can use Soundmodem 1200 BPSK and GetKISS+ software for upload to SatNOGS database.

Also see @Marco_Langbroek on Twitter for a re-entry prediction:

The full re-entry info:

Wouter Weggelaar, PA3WEG, says, “We would like to request all amateur radio operators / SWL’s / satellite enthusiasts worldwide to listen for Delfi-C3’s telemetry downlink on 145.867 MHz, 1200 baud AX.25 BPSK. We will hand out an award certificate to the person submitting the last Delfi-C3 telemetry frame.”

This can be done either through the RASCAL software (updated version coming), through the SATNOGS network or by sending us decoded telemetry frames with reception time and location via email to

On behalf of the entire Delfi-C3 team, we would like to sincerely thank the worldwide amateur radio/SWL/satellite community for assisting the team by forwarding received telemetry and reception reports.

Delfi-C3 is a CubeSat satellite constructed by students at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. It is a 3U CubeSat launched on April 28, 2008. Wouter recalls, “Back in 2008 we could not imagine the great support received so far and the many first we had, including a successful ground network and flying the first linear transponder in a CubeSat. We strongly believe that Delfi-C3 has paved the way for many follow-on missions, both amateur and commercial, and has been a great step towards maturing CubeSat technology as well as training the next generation of space engineers. Stay tuned for updates!

Ham Satellite news

Final FO-99 Schedule before re-entry

According to AMSAT Japan website the FO-99 satellite should re-enter the atmosphere by the end of this month (Nov 2023).

Due to the rapid loss of altitude of the satellite, it is expected to re-enter the atmosphere by the end of this month. Along with this, the operation of NEXUS is about to enter its final stage. JAMSAT would like to continue operation as long as possible until NEXUS re-enters the atmosphere. We would like to inform you that we have decided to conduct a special operation including weekdays as follows.

Important!  The values shown in the table include errors.
Check “Satellite Tracking” on the JAMSAT website for exact transit times.

NEXUS operations team. JH4DHX/3 Y.Ohtani

Ham Satellite news

41st AMSAT Space Symposium & Annual General Meeting YouTube Videos Available

Did you miss the recent AMSAT Space Symposium in Irving, Texas? Were you unable to participate in the Symposium Livestream event? Perhaps you are eager to rewatch a specific presentation. You’re in luck because AMSAT has shared more than twelve hours of video recordings on their YouTube page. You can easily find these videos by clicking on the Live tab under The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation channel. Furthermore, YouTube offers Closed Captioning for these recordings; just click on the ‘CC’ icon in the video player’s lower right corner. If you’d prefer, you can also enable subtitles in multiple languages by clicking the gear icon, then choosing Subtitles/CC > Auto-translate and selecting your preferred language. To help you quickly access video from the AMSAT Annual General Meeting along with the sixteen presentations given at this year’s AMSAT Symposium, we have included direct links for you below.

AMSAT 41st AMSAT Space Symposium Welcome Robert Bankston, KE4AL, AMSAT President

A Survey of Small Satellite Propulsion Systems Jonathan Brandenburg, KF5IDY, AMSAT Assistant VP Engineering

Microwave Ambitions for GOLF Satellites Zach Metzinger, N0ZGO, AMSAT Board of Directors

AMSAT Engineering Update Jerry Buxton, N0JY, AMSAT VP Engineering

ASCENT and Fox-Plus Updates Jonathan Brandenburg, KF5IDY, AMSAT Assistant VP Engineering

PACSAT Update and Demonstration Bill Reed, NX5R, PACSAT Project Manager

CubeSatSim Update and Demonstration Alan Johnston, KU2Y, AMSAT VP Educational Resources

ThinSat Project for High Schools Nick Pugh, K5QXY, and Bob Twiggs, KE6QMD

AMSAT Youth Initiative Frank Karnauskas, N1UW, AMSAT VP Development

Amateur Radio Spectrum Use in the Lunar Environment Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, ARISS-NA Executive Director

Amateur Satellite Secondary Payloads Drew Glasbrenner, AMSAT Board of Directors/VP Operations

AMSAT-HB Update Michael Lipp, HB9WDF, President, AMSAT-HB

AMSAT-UK Update David Bowman, G0MRF,

ARISS Update Dave Taylor, W8AAS, AMSAT US Delegate to ARISS International

40th Anniversary of Hams in Space & 2024 Anniversary Event Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, ARISS-NA Executive Director

Planned Non-AMSAT Amateur Satellites Paul Stoetzer, N8HM, AMSAT Executive Vice President

Space Qualified Antennas Kent Britain, WA5VJB

AMSAT Annual General Meeting & Awards Ceremony Robert Bankston, KE4AL, AMSAT President