Ham Satellite news

Ny avancerad satellit, AMSAT-OSCAR E

AMSAT-NA i USA meddelar med nedanstende text att en ny avancerad mikrosatellit ska byggas, med mlet att skjuta upp den i slutet av r 2003. Projektet fr namnet AMSAT-OSCAR E. Ls mer nedan:

AMSAT-North America has started construction of a new low-earth-orbit (LOW) communications satellite. Although the satellite will be similar in mass and size to the original AMSAT MICROSAT design, it will incorporate all new, leading edge electronics and RF technology.

Robin Haighton, VE3FRH, AMSAT-NA President, discussed the new project at the organization s Board of Directors meeting held in Washington, DC, April 20-21, 2002. I am very pleased that we are embarking on a brand new satellite project. I am particularly pleased that this new project will operate as an EZ Sat, as well as serving as a test bed for new and exciting technologies. he said.

Returning to the original pre-launch numbering system used in many of the earliest AMSAT-NA developed satellites, the new bird will be named AMSAT-OSCAR E (Echo) until launch. Plans call for the satellite to contain analog and digital VHF/UHF FM transponders similar to those carried on the UOSAT-OSCAR 14 and AMRAD-OSCAR 27 satellites currently in orbit. In addition, the new satellite will have the capability to host one or two other experimental payloads.

Continuing an approach used in past projects, AMSAT-NA has partnered with an outside contractor, SpaceQuest, Ltd. of Fairfax, Virginia, who will assist in building the satellite bus. AMSAT volunteers are responsible for the design, development, integration and testing of the various experimental payloads.

Dr. Tom Clark, W3IWI, AMSAT-NA BOD member and one of the spark plugs for the original MICROSAT project noted that, The last major program that AMSAT-NA managed was the MICROSATS and this is a superb chance for us to update that legacy with all-new technology. He went on to note that, We now have accumulated about 70 years of on-orbit experience with the MICROSAT design since our original flock
were launched back in 1990, with several other satellites of that same basic design now on the drawing boards. The design is a true classic.

The spacecraft is now slated to be ready for launch in late 2003. A number of affordable launch opportunities are being actively explored.

AMSAT is very proud of its long tradition of excellence and the contributions it has made to the advancement of space communications, space education and the space sciences. AMSAT-OSCAR E will be a new vehicle for Amateur Radio to continue that quest for communications technologies for future generations.

[ANS thanks AMSAT-NA Vice President Keith Baker, KB1SF, for this information]

Klla: ANS 115

Ham Satellite news

WOD uppdaterat

Stacy W4SM meddelar att det har skett en liten ndring av hur Whole Orbit Data (WOD) presenteras:

The K/L/M/N blocks may be used as text messages or as WOD blocks. At the moment K/L are used for WOD s and M/N are for text. This limits our ability to collect more than two WOD s without giving up the text messages. The WOD software can handle up to 4 WOD blocks simultaneously.

Accordingly, the flight software has been modified slightly to store two additional WOD blocks in separate memory which is not normally placed in the telemetry stream. When a command station sends the appropriate command, these two extra WOD s are sent one time only as M/N WOD blocks.

Therefore, occasionally you will see WOD-type M/N blocks in the telemetry stream when AO-40 is being commanded.


Ham Satellite news

Årsmöteslokal klar

Plats fr AMSAT-SMs rsmte r sal 3, Tby Park Hotel. Det finns plats fr 50 personer plus extra stolar.

Vlkomna nu p lrdag den 20 april kl. 9.00!


Ham Satellite news

SaudiSat 1-A öppen för trafik

Nu r SaudiSat (SO-41) ppen fr amatrradio-trafik. Fljande kommer frn ANS:

BID: $ANS-098.01

AMSAT-NA News Service (ANS) has received word via AMSAT-NA President Robin Haighton, VE3FRH, that SaudiSat 1A is now open for Amateur Radio communications.

In a letter to VE3FRH, Turki Al-Saud announced the following:

Please announce the availability of SaudiSat 1-A (SO-41) to AMSAT members and to follow Amateur Radio operators in your region. Saudi OSCAR-41 has been configured for operation in the amateur service. The spacecraft will automatically enable its UHF transmitter over Saudi Arabia and the United States for approximately 20-minutes each pass.

The spacecraft is operating in Mode-J, centered on a VHF uplink and UHF downlink of 145.850/436.775 MHz, currently configured as an analog FM voice repeater. The spacecraft will operate in this mode intermittently, as power and spacecraft experiments permit.

SO-41 s downlink RF power is 1-watt over both regions with left-hand circular polarization. The uplink antenna (located on top of the spacecraft) is linear in polarization.

SaudiSat 1-B is not available at this time as experiments and software development continues with 1-B.

[ANS thanks Turki Al-Saud and AMSAT-NA President Robin Haighton, VE3FRH for this information]

Och den r ven krd frn Europa:

Heard SO-41 11-apr-2002 from Eindhoven Holland at 13:35 UTC last part from this pass OH5LK Jussi calling cq on SO-41 I was onable to get in with 50 watt on the groundplane TMV-7E downlink porto ft-470 with double quad Handheld signal little better then AO-27.

Christ de pe5yes JO21sk

Klla: ANS 098

Ham Satellite news

Nytt schema 25 mars

Nytt schema 25 mars, annars finns inget nytt att bertta.


Ham Satellite news

PcSat snart tyst

Enligt PcSats hemsida kommer snart satelliten att vara frlorad pga. att batterierna ej klarar den mnga urladdningar som nu sker pga. dlig solbelysning. All fakta finns i nedanstende lnk:

Efter psken vet vi om de frklarar satelliten som frlorad.

Klla: Bob, WB4APR