Ham Satellite news

Ny redaktör för AMSAT-NA Journal

From. juli/augustinumret av AMSAT-NA Journal kommer den nuvarande redaktren av ANS (Amsat News Service), Dan James, NN0DJ, att agera som redaktr.

Detta betyder att ett nytt team kommer ett ta ver ANS. Just nu r det AMSAT-NAs president, Robin Haighton VE3FRH, som har tagit ver denna roll. Troligtvis kommer flera personer att dela p detta ansvar framver.

Klla: ANS 160

Ham Satellite news

IDEFIX nu tysta

De bda satelliterna IDEFIX har nu tystnat, enligt den franska hemsidan:

Satelliterna fick tv Oscar-nummer: Oscar-47 (Bo-47) och Oscar-48 (Bo-48).


14 bis, rue des Gourlis
92500 Rueil Malmaison

Klla: AMSAT-France

Ham Satellite news

Problem med hemsidan

Det r ibland svrt att n AMSAT-SMs hemsidor fr tillfllet. Problemet ligger utanfr vr kontroll, men vr webbhotell-leverantr jobbar p problemet.

//Lars SM0TGU

Klla: –

Ham Satellite news

Bilder på månen

Man har anvnd mnen som riktmedel fr att kalibrera YACE-kameran. Ls mer p AMSAT-DL, full frklaring ges av James Miller G3RUH.


Ham Satellite news

PcSat i kritiskt läge

No-44, PcSat, befinner sig i kritiskt lge d batterierna inte fr laddning. Fljande info r frn den 13 maj:

On 13 May, PCsat is in maximum eclipse cycle and for several orbits we have been unable to get her into positive power budget. We have turned off the digi and changed its callsign to NODIGI as a means of alterting USERS to this situation. When we recover PCsat, we will probably go back to OPS MINIMUM and ask that PCsat only be used for demos and other
MANNED operations for the next 3 weeks of maximum eclipses.. .

Klla: PcSats hemsida

Ham Satellite news

IDEFIX-satelliterna uppe

Hkan SM7WSJ rapporterar via mailinglistan:

The two IDEFIX AMSAT-France picosats have been sucessfully launched by Ariane 4 flight 151. Both payloads should start to transmit around the 13th of may. They are battery powered and remain attached to the third stage of the launcher.

Voice messages and 400 bps telemetry data will be transmitted on 145,840 and 435,270 MHz. A decoding software will be available in the next few days. An IDEFIX WEB site is to be opened very soon.

Stay tuned!

73 de Jean-Louis F6AGR
President AMSAT-France

QSL-adress om du hrt satelliterna r fljande (skicka med
SASE och 2 IRC):

14 bis, rue des Gourlis
92500 Rueil Malmaison

Mer info p hemsidan: