Ham Satellite news

FOX-satelliterna närmar sig

GRACE mission P-PODs in the NPSCuL Photo courtesy of Justin Foley, Cal Poly. From AMSAT-NA website.

Det händer mycket med FOX-satelliterna just som AMSAT-NA ligger bakom. FOX-1A är just nu (april 2015) i monteringsstadiet – se bilden. Den är planerade att komma upp senare i år 2015.

Vad gäller modellerna FOX-1C och 1D kommer de nu att inkludera en L-band upplänk och modellen 1E kommer att få en linjär transponder. Fox-1E är planerad för uppskjutning under 2016.
Läs mer på

Fox-1C and Fox-1D Include L-Band Uplink; Fox-1E Linear Transponder Announced

AMSAT Vice President – Engineering Jerry Buxton, N0JY, announced plans to
incorporate an L band receiver in Fox-1C and Fox-1D. The addition will allow
ground commanded selection of the U/v (normal Fox-1 bands) or the new L/v
1.2 GHz (23 cm) mode. Both bands will operate as FM single channel.

Rather than adding a complete new receiver, the L band “Project Downshifter”
will convert the received L band signal down to the Fox-1 uplink frequency
and feed it to the regular UHF receiver on the Fox-1 satellite. The design
will not require an additional antenna on the satellite because the existing
UHF antenna will work for L band receive as well.

In concert with the development of the satellite segment, a new group of
volunteers is working on a companion uplink station to convert UHF to the L
band uplink frequencies:

+ Bruce Herrick, WW1M
+ Dan Hubert, VE9DAN
+ Elizabeth Schenk, KC1AXX
+ Dave Smith, W6TE
+ Alfred Watts, AF5VH

The team is planning to have an affordable L band uplink ground station
available to amateurs by the time Fox-1C is on orbit.

In further news, Jerry announced the plan to construct a Fox-1E “Evolution”
variation of the Fox-1 series which will carry a Mode J linear transponder.
The transponder is planned to be 30 kHz wide and will also include a 1200
bps BPSK telemetry beacon. The purpose of the project is to test a design for a
linear transponder that could be made available to CubeSat builders as a
secondary, or even primary radio payload thus bringing more opportunities for
amateur radio in space as well as offering AMSAT’s proven communications skills
as a telemetry option.

AMSAT has been approached for a launch opportunity for Fox-1E in 2016, but
launch details can not be shared at this time.

Jerry concluded, “It is important that we find additional resources to help
the Fox-1 Team with these new endeavors. We are looking for volunteers who
have solid RF building and testing experience to work on both the
downshifter and the transponder prototyping and construction.” If you would
like to help and be a part of the success of Fox-1C/D and Fox-1E, please
contact Jerry through the AMSAT Engineering volunteer form page on-line at:

[ANS thanks AMSAT Vice President – Engineering Jerry Buxton, N0JY, for the
above information]


QB50p1 telemetry 2015-04-19


Decoded with Warbler software. Antenna N9TAX Slim-Jim, LNA4ALL preamp, FCDPro+, SDR-Radio v2.


Ham Satellite news

AMSAT-NA deltager på Hamvention 2015

Någon som kommer att vara i USA i maj?  Kanske kan det då vara en idé att åka på Hamvention som går av stapeln den 15 – 17 maj. AMSAT-NA kommer att finnas med där.

Lär mer här:

Och här:

Ham Satellite news

Ny satellithandbok från AMSAT-NA

Det verkar vara en ny uppdaterad handbok om amatörradiosatelliter på gång. Detta står att läsa om i ANS-095:

AMSAT Plans Dayton Rollout for 2015 “Getting Started” Satellite Book

Gould Smith’s book, “Getting Started With Amateur Satellites”, is
being updated to tell you all about how you can get ready to operate
through the Fox-1 satellites launching later this year. Additional
chapters in the book tell you about tracking software, orbital
mechanics, antennas, radios, Doppler tuning, and operating
techniques. Chapters are also being added to tell you about the new
satellites soon becoming available for amateur radio.

Going beyond brief descriptions in hamfest flyers, this book will
provide a complete reference for new satellite users to assemble a
basic station and to make your first satellite contacts. Also this
book you will teach you how to incrementally upgrade your initial FM
satellite station, time and budget permitting, to include automated
tracking as well as operating through the CW/SSB linear passband

A companion Fox-1A reference sheet is also being planned for release
at Dayton. This will be made available for AMSAT’s FieldOps team for
distribution at hamfests and satellite operating demonstrations.

Watch for the 2015 “Getting Started With Amateur Satellites” book
and reference sheet at the AMSAT booth at the Dayton Hamvention. The
book will also be available in the AMSAT Store shortly after Dayton:


FUNCube-1 telemetry 2015-04-16


Total Current, Solar Panel. Decoded by Dashboard software. Nice and strong pass over Sollentuna, Sweden.

Hamradio from ISS

ISS SSTV april 2015 RX from Sweden

Some ISS SSTV-pictures received in Sweden april 11-12 2015.

RX by Kurt Winebäck
RX by Kurt Winebäck