
XW-2 CW telemetry and transponder 2015-09-21


Strong signals from CW beacon and transponder, no problem with good RX even with vertikal Slim-Jim antenna.

Ham Satellite news

XW-2/CAS-3: Nio nya amatörradiosatelliter

camsat-cas3a1Den 19 September 2015 kl 2300 UTC sköts nio nya amatörradiosatelliter upp med den nya raketen Chang Zheng 6 (CZ-6) från Kina – Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center. Sex satelliter (XW-2A till XW-2F) har 435/145 MHz U/V linjära transponders för SSB/CW; LilacSat-2 (CAS-3H) har en V/U FM voice transponder och APRS. De två andra satelliterna DCBB (CAS-3G) och NUDT‐Phone‐Sat (CAS-3i) har endast telemetri-nerlänkar.

Observera att en del av frekvenserna hamnar rakt över repeaterbandet (utfrekvens) i Sverige. Se frekvensplan nedan.

Alla satelliter har antenner av “måttbandstyp” och hörs enligt de första rapporterna mycket bra.

Håkan SM7WSJ har lyssnat och skriver följande på vår mailinglista:

“En liten initial rapport: Satelliterna hörs fint, CW beacon 145.660 145.725 145.790 145.855 145.910 145.975. Transponder 3F (tror jag) Upp 435.330-435-350 Ned 145.980-146.000 låter fantastiskt fint och jag fick tillbaka min egen upplänk väldigt enkelt. Blir intressant att följa det här.”

En liten update till er som inte har kunnat lyssna så här den första dagen med dom nya satelliterna….
“Senaste passagen i kväll (20/9) så passade jag på att lyssna över satellitdelen på 145 MHz och det var två transpondrar aktiverade. Det känns lite udda att man med samma antennriktning kan ha två olika segment med trafik.  Det var bra aktivitet på den övre delen av satellitbandet och när man vevade ner till lägre delen så var det nästan lika bra där. Jag passade på att försöka att få en känsla för hur snabbt satelliterna tumlar runt då det är en väldig snabb QSB för oss som använder linjära antenner. Man kan konstatera att cirkulära antenner är en stor fördel på dom här satelliterna. Dom senaste keplerelementen  postade stämmer perfekt då satelliterna dyker upp exakt jämfört med dom tidigare som låg efter.
73 Håkan SM7WSJ”
Det finns även rapporter från AMSAT-OZ i Danmark. 
Senaste kepler den 20/9:
1 00601U          15263.45833333  .00001968  00000-0  11205-3 0 00005
2 00601 097.4578 271.6185 0012674 262.1528 053.9152 15.12847142000016


Frekvensplan enligt följande:

XW-2 frqplan






Ham Satellite news

SERPENS CubeSat släppt från ISS

Deployment of the SERPENS CubeSat from the ISS on September 17, 2015 – Credit JAXA

Den 17 september släpptes den Brasilianska satelliten SERPENS ut från ISS. Den har som fokus att samla olika typer av väderdata men har även amatörradio ombord. Jag klipper frisk från andra nyhetsbrev runt de två nerlänkar som finns:

  • 145.980 MHz using GFSK modulation at 9600 bps and AX.25 protocol
    transmiting two different beacons. The first occurs every 10 seconds with the
    message “SERPENS A”. This is implemented for easy identification of the
    satellite when searching for it. The second beacon is transmitted every 30
    seconds and contains the main housekeeping data of the satellite. In addition
    to the beacons, a simple Store and Forward experiment has been implemented.
  • 437.365 MHz using CW/MSK modulation at 1200 bps and CSP protocoll.
  • There is a Store and Forward messaging system compatible with HUMSAT sensors on the frequency of 437.525 MHz, using GMSK modulation at 1200 bps. The HUMSAT transponder will collect data (e.g. wind, humidity, water levels, etc) fromEarth based sensors operating on 437.525 MHz, store the data on-board and then transmit it to university ground stations. For more information visit

Mer info på “SERPENS Amateur Radio Page”

Hamradio from ISS

ARISS-Europe Board Elections

Information från ARISS Europa (observera att AMSAT-SM står med som medlem):
According the ARISS-Europe Terms of Reference, Board elections took
place in 2015:

– A call for candidatures was circulated to the Member Societies March
– Candidatures were accepted till the end of May 2015.
– June 4, 2015 four candidates were presented to the Member Societies.
– Till September 1st, 2015, the votes of the Member Societies were
– All four candidates are elected unopposed for a two years term.

Elected Board:

– Emanuele D’Andria, I0ELE, chairman
– Oliver Amend, DG6BCE, technical director
– Bertus Hüsken, PE1KEH, counsellor
– Jean Pierre Courjaud, F6DZP, counsellor.

According the Terms of Reference, the Board elected takes office October
1st, 2015.

Member Societies:

•    AMSAT-Belgium     (Belgium)
•    AMSAT-Francophone (France)
•    AMSAT-Italy (Italy)
•    AMSAT-SM (Sweden)
•    AMSAT-UK     (UK)
•    ARI  (Italy)
•    DARC (Germany)
•    MARL (Malta) (associate member)
•    PZK (Poland)
•    RAL (Lebanon) (associate member)
•    REF (France)
•    REP (Portugal)
•    RSGB (UK)
•    UBA (Belgium)
•    USKA (Switzerland)
•    VERON (The Netherlands)

Congratulations to the elected Board and best wishes for a very successful
term of office.

(Editors note: Emanuele D’Andria, I0ELE, will assume the duties as
ARISS-Europe chairman. Gaston Bertels, ON4WF is retiring. ANS would like to thank Gaston
for his dedicated and enthusiastic support of ARISS and amateur radio.)

Ham Satellite news

CAMSAT XW-2 uppskjutning 2015-09-18

Det är nya satelliter på gång med amatörradiotranspondrar. Följande läser vi på AMSAT-UKs hemsida:

Alan Kung BA1DU has posted launch information for the XW-2 (CAS-3) satellites on the AMSAT Bulletin Board.

Launch time: UTC 23:00:00 on 2015-09-18
The satellites will separate from rocket at UTC 23:15:14 on 2015-09-18

The satellites will be launched on Beijing’s new Chang Zheng 6 (CZ-6) rocket from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center.

It is understood the CZ-6 is carrying at least nine satellites with payloads operating in amateur bands. They include six satellites (designated XW-2A to XW-2F) with 435/145 MHz linear transponders for SSB/CW communications, and one satellite with an FM voice transponder. The frequencies to be used by the satellites are here.

XW-2A should operate in a sun-synchronous orbit at an altitude of about 450 km, with the other satellites at an altitude of about 530 km.

Predicted Two-Line Element (TLE) for tracking:

1 99999U 15261.96885740 .00004980 00000-0 28369-3 0 00000
2 99999 097.4712 269.8396 0010382 266.0521 270.6645 15.12847582000010

Ännu mera info:

Ham Satellite news

Nya QB50 cubesats planeras från ISS

Från ANS-256 kan vi läsa följande nyhet om nya cubesats av modellen QB50:

It has been announced that the fifty CubeSat QB50 constellation should be
shipped to the International Space Station (ISS) in July 2016 for subsequent
deployment. It had been planned for them to be launched by Alcantara Cyclone
Space, a joint venture between the governments of Ukraine and Brazil, but that
option is not longer available.

The AlbertaSat website reports on the 9th QB50 Workshop, held September 8, 2015
in Liège, Belgium. The CubeSats are now planned to be deployed from the ISS
using the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) and the Nanoracks CubeSat Deployers.

Eight NanoRacks deployers are installed on the Multi-Purpose Experiment Platform
(MPEP). Each deployer has a capacity of 6U and so can hold up to six 1U, three
2U or two 3U CubeSats. They are carried by Japanese Experiment Module-Remote
Manipulator System (JEM-RMS).

AlbertaSat provide an update on the QB50 precursor CubeSats P1/P2 which were
launched in 2014. The first payload is working, and while it has been resetting,
no damage appears to have occurred. It is possible that the second payload is
damaged, but it is still functioning.

Representatives from QB50 also took the time to clearly define their goals and
specify the details of the project. The project aims to probe probe thermosphere
with about 40 sensors which study atmospheric science. These sensors include the
Langmuir Probes that will be on Ex Alta-1. 40 CubeSats will be fitted with one
of these sensors. The other 10 CubeSats will have in-orbit demonstrations.

QB50 project

[ANS thanks AMSAT-UK for the above information]