Äldre nyheter efter uppskjutningen

Fler telemetriprogram

2 decemberDet kommer fler och fler program för att ta emot AO-40 telemetrin.
26 novemberNu finns ett telemetriprogram för Windows av iz8bly

Status 26/11
26 novemberSenaste status från AMSAT-DL översatt av SM0DY/Olle:

AMSAT-DL redovisar ett ändrat körschema för bankorrektionen:
1. Första ändring av apogee-höjden till 50 000 km sker med 400 N-motorn.
2. En ytterligare höjning till 70 000 - 80 000 km sker med arc-jet- motorn 3. Ökning av inklinationen till 65 grader med hjälp av 400 N-motorn Man överväger att eventuellt inledningsvis öka perigee-höjden ända upp till 100 000 km. Detta skulle spara bränsle när man sedan ökar inklinationen. Det anses också göra det lättare att uppnå önskade RAAN- och argument of perigee-värden.

AMSAT-DL redovisar ytterligare bilder från separationen framtagna av den oförtröttlige James Miller, G3RUH.

Status 22/11
22 novemberSenaste status från AMSAT-DL: normal temperatur: (Bat: 17°C; 2mTX: 35°C; UVRX: 19°C; IHU: 7°C). Batteristatus: (UBat: 28,5V; IBat: +0,7A).

AMSAT-NA President Robin Haighton, VE3FRH, har sagt till ANS att det finns planer på att öppna AO-40 för begränsad amatörradiotrafik inom en vecka eller två på "ett eller två band" (?). Vi får väl se hur det blir... mer info följer!

P3-D blir AO-40
20 novemberSom ni ser har nu Phase 3-D fått ett Oscar-nummer, och det blev alltså OSCAR 40 eller AO-40. Det är detta namn som ska användas men i "folkmun" kommer vi nog säga P3D ett tag till! Eller som Bill Tynan, W3XO, sa till ANS: "We have been calling it Phase 3D for far too long".

Status 20/11
20 novemberFrån AMSAT-DL har jag kapat följande info:


1. AMSAT OSCAR 40 had a perfect launch on Nov. 16 and was injected into a nominal orbit.

2. Transmission of telemetry from OSCAR 40 on 70cm was expected 3h after launch. But we ran into a problem with the 70cm Tx. Consequently the spacecraft was switched to use the 2m middle beacon as downlink for telemetry. This required a "repeater program" in IHU-2 which was uploaded.

3. After communication was established, the health of OSCAR 40 was analysed and everything testable at this stage except for the 70cm Tx was found to be nominal and fine.

4. The attitude control system then was calibrated and torque operations were started to take the attitude to 270/0. This reorientation should be finished in a few days. Then we are ready for the first planned orbit change (400N-mtr) resulting in 50000 km apogee altitude. The attitude will also allow a... M thorough study of the 70cm Tx problem with the hi-gain ant.

5. The two 2400 MHz transmitters were operated and are ok.

6. Pictures from the separation sequence are being downloaded and will shortly be available on our website. There we will also show the test-schedule for some first amateur operations.

7. Steps after 1st orbit change: test the electric propulsion system and then use it to further increase appogee altitude using the arcjet before the big i-change. --73s Karl--

Mot rätt bana
20 november
Hos AMSAT-DL kan man idag läsa att AO-40 nu börjar att manövreras mot rätt position, ALON/ALAT 270/0, för den första tändningen av Arcjet:en (raketmotorn).

P3D är uppe!
16 november

Så kom den äntligen upp - Phase 3-D, världens största amatörradiosatellit. Den officiella bulletinen från AMSAT-NA:

A new era in Amateur Radio communications was ushered in on November 16, 2000 (UTC) as AMSAT-DL Executive Vice President and P3D Mission Director Peter Guelzow, DB2OS, informed AMSAT News Service that the launch of the Phase 3D satellite from the European Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana was successful --following a spectacular night time launch. "It was a textbook launch" said DB2OS, "from the first minute of flight, until P3D separated from the Ariane 5 launch vehicle, all received telemetry indicates the launch went perfectly and our satellite appears to be in very good health." Launched with three other satellites - the large PAS-1R communications satellite and the smaller STVR-1C and 1D satellites, Phase 3D was placed into geostationary transfer orbit, from where it will be nudged into it's final elliptical orbit.

The Ariane 5 flight proved to be a record setting mission as it marked the first use of the ASAP-5 platform. The ASAP-5 enables the launcher to carry auxiliary micro and mini satellite payloads. By coincidence, P3D was married to the PanAm-1R satellite, which was also the case when the first Ariane 4 (flight 401) rocket also launched both an AMSAT and a PanAm satellite. On this launch, PAS-1R becomes the largest commercial satellite ever put into orbit -- and P3D the largest Amateur Radio satellite ever built and launched. At liftoff the Ariane 5 launch vehicle mass was over 6,200 Kg (almost 13,700 lbs.)!

This included the mass of the PanAmSat primary payload and the three auxiliary satellites (of which P3D was one), as well as the mass of the ASAP-5 platform and the other payload mounting and interface hardware. AMSAT-NA President Robin Haighton, VE3FRH, welcomed the news of the launch, noting "that the design, building and financing of P3D by international volunteers is a great achievement." Immediate AMSAT-NA past President Keith Baker, KB1SF, told ANS that he was "delighted" by the news of the Phase 3D launch. "Obviously this is a big thrill for all of us who have spent the better part of our lives over the past ten years bringing the satellite to fruition. I have no doubt that today will be regarded as one of the greatest days in the history of Amateur Radio." ANS also received word from AMSAT-NA Board of Directors Chairman (and past AMSAT-NA President) Bill Tynan, W3XO. "I can't begin to tell you how happy I am to see P3D in orbit," said Tynan, "as I followed the launch sequence, I thought of the many people who have been involved with this project from the very beginning and how pleased everyone must be to see the reward of such hard work."

Although safely in orbit, there is much work to be done with Phase 3D before the satellite is opened for general Amateur Radio use. Initial housekeeping tasks are now underway to verify the health of the many complex systems onboard - followed by bringing these systems online. As previously noted P3D is now in a transfer orbit used for geosynchronous satellites. To move P3D from this orbit the Arcjet motor will burn intermittently (at perigee) over a 270-day period, with final inclination and apogee adjustments made by the spacecraft's 400 Newton motor. "When these maneuvers are completed and three-axis stabilization is achieved, the satellite solar panels will then be spread out to receive full sunlight," said Haighton. "It is anticipated that at this time the satellite will be fully operational for use by Amateur Radio operators around the world."

Stay tuned to ANS for additional bulletins from AMSAT, the official source of information on the Phase 3D satellite. [ANS thanks AMSAT-DL and AMSAT-NA for this information]

Svenska kommentarer efter uppskjutningen

27 nov

Hej igen alla.
Nu har även jag lyssnat på "den nya". Alltså några punkter för ett lyckat lyssnande.
1. Ha riktiga keplerdata i spårnings-programmet.
2. Se till att klockan i pc går rätt.
Jag hörde den igår med S 5-6 på 35000 km avstånd 14 graders el. Strax före LOS på 45000 km avstånd var den S 1-2 med min 6 el. utan el. med ett LNA i antennen. Jag har inte hunnit prova dekoderprogrammet från IZ8BLY ännu.

24 nov

Hej alla. Jag hann med en snabb lyssning på 145,890 i morse. Hörde en bärvåg på ung S4-5 i ssb läge. Men ingen 400 Bd modulatuíon. Lyssnade jag på en störning? Den fanns i "rätt" riktning. Jag kör med en 6 el. utan elevation. Synd att den inte finns uppe kvällstid.
CU es 73 de SM0IKR
Vänliga hälsningar / Kind regards, Goran Bjork

23 nov

Hej ! Det stämmer att jag hade S9+5 dB under de första dagarn när jag lyssnade en hel del. Jag har 2x6 element i cirkulär och den är lika stark i höger som i vänster vilket den skall vara när den är rundstrålande. Jag använder en SSB Electronics lågbrusande mastförstärkare invid antennen. Jag är ett utmärkt antennläge och kan lyssna ner till 1 grads elevation.

Man vet inget om effekten. Det är ju helt möjligt att man sänder med klart högre effekt än vad en enskild andvändare bland många kan disponera med normal trafik. Å andra sidan kör man med en rundstrålande antenn att jämföras med riktantenner hela tiden riktade mot jorden i framtiden. Jag har skrivit några artiklar i tidigare INFO-blad om vad man kan räkna med för signalstyrkor. Jag tror att det kommer mer i ärendet i INFO 4. Vi får vänta och se. De första testkörningarna kan komma redan inom en eller ett par veckor. Det är helt klart att AO 40 är mycket starkare än AO10 även om även den gamlingen har varit stark de senaste dagarna när vi haft perigee-passager.
73 de SM0DY/Olle

23 Nov

21dbd 4x18 el M2 med MGF1302 Preamp ej så lämplig för satellit trafik men jag tror att SM0DY OLLE hör den lika bra med sin satellit antenn på 2x6el cirkulär (rätta mig om jag har fel Olle) skillnaden att lyssna på AO10 och AO40 är stor och blir det den här styrkan på nerlänken så tror jag inte man kommer att behöva särskilt avancerade antenner för att ha stor framgång på AO40 (Den som lever får se, kul är det i alla fall)

PS: Närradion ett par mil härifrån som har amatörer i styret ringde och gjorde en intervju om satelliter, det verkar vara stort intresse för den här delen inom amatör radion och det hoppas man ju att fler ska upptäcka hur roligt det är att köra QSO via satellit, Ju fler vi är desto större tyngd i våra argument angående bandplaner, mm och det kan ju aldrig vara fel. 73 De Håkan Harrysson SM7WSJ

22 Nov

tog emot följande från P3D / AO40 på 145.898 400bps PSK beacon i morse:K AMSAT OSCAR 40 **STATUS REPORT FROM DJ4ZC** (2000-11-20)
1. AMSAT OSCAR 40 had a perfect launch on Nov. 16 and was injected into a nominal orbit.
2. Transmission of telemetry from OSCAR 40 on 70cm was expected
3h after launch. But we ran into a problem with the 70cm Tx. Consequently the spacecraft was switched to use the 2m middle beacon as downlink for telemetry. This required a
"repeater program" in IHU-2 which was uploaded. **************VERIFICATION CRC*************
CALC : CRC=A2FF RECU : CRC=A2FF Trame : OKGissar att det är förklaringen till att vi inte hört något på 70cm ännu...73's
SM0RJV / Mats

19 Nov 2000 kl 11:40

Mats SM0RJV har tagit emot telemetri och skriver så här på mailinglistan:

" Mjukvaran fungerar således, synd att man inte kan franska... Övrig utrustning: 5EL Yagi (horisontell), Preamp NF 0.5dB vid antennen (homebrew). Converter 2m -> 10m (homebrew) IC-735 (kortvågsrig), linjeutgången ansluten till LINE IN på PC'ns ljudkort. Thats it! Någon som hört något på 70cm ?? 73's SM0RJV / Mats"

18 Nov 2000 kl 16:15

Läs om hur man kan ta emot telemtri utan special-modem på telemetrisidan.

17 Nov 2000 kl 21:37

Nu är även AMSAT-SMs hemsida uppdaterad med det senaste om P3D Oscar 40. På AMSAT-NAs maillista kommer det många mail angående satelliten, men det är tunnare med officiella nyheter från ANS. tex. så undrar vi nog alla vad som hänt med 70cm-beaconen?

P3D-sidan på hemsidan är uppdelad i två delar - en med internationella nyheter och en med svenska kommentarer, mest från vår egen lista. Vidare finns en separat sida med senaste keplerelement. Jag fortsätter samla nyheter under helgen. Även WAP-sidorna och den engelska förstasidan är uppdaterade. Våra hemsidor har slagit besöksrekord under de senaste dagarna, ca. 300 träffar varje dag mot 30 - 40 träffar normalt!!

//Lars SM0TGU

17 Nov 2000 kl 08:25

Följande tider gäller baserade på de förberäknade keplerelementen (UTC):
Dag      AOS LOS max Elevation Az (AOS)
001117 1207 15            126
001118 0606 1147         14         106
001119 0610 1127         12          105
001120 0614 1107          11         104
001121 0620 1042          9           103

Signalerna är starka, BPSK 400 bps och återfinns på 145.898
73 de SM0DY/OlleA

17 Nov 2000 kl 08:25

AO40/P3D:s middlebeacon för sekundärdatorn IHU-2 hörs med mycket starka signaler ( 5/8) på 145.898. Fylligaste information verkar f.n. AMSAT-DL ha. www.amsat-dl.org Där finns även keplerelement- hittills bara de förberäknade- men de fungerar bra.
73 de SM0DY / Olle

16 Nov 2000 kl 18:11

Det kommer ganska många mail på AMSAT-BB listan om P3D beacon. Här är ett, mottaget på 2 meter. Visa telemetrin.

(16 Nov 2000 kl 09:22)

Det är natt i USA och det finns inte mycket info om vad som hänt P3D efter separationen från raketsteget. På http://news.cq-amateur-radio.com/announce.htm finns minutrapporter från själva starten, vilket kan vara roligt att läsa.

På AMSAT-NAs hemsida finns en officiell bulletin där DB2OS skriver "It was a textbook launch" said DB2OS, "from the first minute of flight, until P3D separated from the Ariane 5 launch vehicle, all received telemetry indicates the launch went perfectly and our satellite appears to be in very good health." När det blir morgon i USA hoppas vi på mera info och jag återkommer då...
73 Lars SM0TGU

Äldre nyheter innan uppskjutningen

Sista mailet innan uppskjutningen:

A new era in Amateur Radio communications is about to be ushered in as Amateur Radio satellite operators worldwide await the upcoming launch of the Phase 3D satellite from the European Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana. The anticipated date and time of launch for Arianespace Flight 135, on which P3D will fly, is confirmed for 01:07 UTC, Wednesday, November 15, 2000.P3D will be launched with three other satellites - the large PAS-1R
communications satellite and the smaller STVR-1C and 1D satellites, all to be placed into a geostationary transfer orbit.As of Monday, November 13th, the AR-507 launcher was rolled-out
to the Launch Zone (ZL). Peter, DB2OS, reported to ANS "the
spacecraft is still in perfect shape and everything looks very well.
Tonight they will start filling the helium tank and tomorrow at they
will start filling the cryogenic main stage with LOX and LH2. In the
morning I will be attending a press conference and I will then be in
the Jupiter control center before launch."Peter went on to say that "a very exciting day is ahead," adding
"thank you all for a wonderful satellite, in particular Karl."Best regards from Kourou,Signed, Peter, DB2OSThis Ariane 5 flight will prove to be a record setting mission, marking
the first use of the ASAP-5 platform. The ASAP-5 enables the launcher to carry auxiliary micro and mini satellite payloads. If successful, this launch will place into orbit the largest commercial communications satellite ever built (PAS-1R) -- and the largest Amateur Radio satellite ever built (P3D). P3D will be ejected from the launcher by three spring-loaded arms pushing on the bottom of the satellite. As it now
sits ready for launch the satellite is being restrained from this happening by explosive nuts attached to bolts holding P3D in place. The Ariane 5 launcher will be spinning at the time of separation (which in turn means) P3D will also be spinning when it's ejected.A view of the entire payload can be found at the following URL:http://www.arianespace.com/news_missionupdate.htmlThe complete Phase 3-D frequency band plan is available at:http://www.amsat-dl.org/p3dqrg.html.orgAMSAT's Ken Ernandes, N2WWD, provided ANS with estimated
Keplerian Elements for the Phase 3D spacecraft. Ken reports the
vector data was computed from Arianespace orbital parameters at
the time P3D is scheduled to separate from the Ariane 5 upper stage. The elements were computed, in turn, from the vector.Catalog number: 93400
Satellite: Phase 3D
Catalog number: 93400
Epoch time: 00320.07636550
Element set: 1
Inclination: 6.5034 deg
RA of node: 246.6469 deg
Eccentricity: 0.7357988
Arg of perigee: 175.9296 deg
Mean anomaly: 13.3886 deg
Mean motion: 2.02435417 rev/day
Decay rate: 7.71000e-09 rev/day^2
Epoch rev: 1
Checksum: 283N2WWD also notes that 93400 is a temporary catalog number and the Keplerian elements represent a pre-launch estimate of Phase 3D's initial orbit.North American P3D Command Station operator Stacey Mills, W4SM, has placed a zip file containing his P3D telemetry decoding program (P3T.exe) as well as some additional supporting files at the following
URL:www.cstone.net/~w4sm2/software2/P3t_AP.zipThe program will run on Windows 95/98/NT/2000 platforms. W4SM reports additional programs are under development for Mac and Linux platforms. A 400 baud PSK is required. Additional information regarding demodulators, and the telemetry format can be found at:http://www.amsat-dl.org/p3d/Russ Tillman, K5NRK, AMSAT Journal Editor, told ANS "we plan to
devote two pages in the November/December issue of The AMSAT
Journal to show photographs of what our members were doing during
the launch of Phase 3D." For example said Russ, "if you are hosting
a Galaxy 4 viewing or HF net party for local ham radio club members, take a photo of the get-together and send it in." Photos can be e-mailed to k5nrk@amsat.org or sent via the K5NRK postal mail address.The Radio Club of Kourou's FY5KE has announced plans to broadcast the Phase 3D launch on 14.315 MHz in French ''and probably in English.'' The FY5KE transmission will start at approximately 15 minutes prior to launch and will end about 45 minutes later when the satellite reaches orbit.Closer to home, AMSAT-NA Vice President of Operations Keith Pugh, W5IU, reports that details are being worked out for an AMSAT-NA P3D Launch Information Net to run "live" during the launch. Keith told ANS that "at a minimum, the net will include several HF stations and bands." The current plan is to start about 15 minutes before launch and carry through separation of P3D. The U.S. net will be based on the live Arianespace satellite feed from the launch site and will also contain commentary by key AMSAT officials associated with the launch. Participating commentators will include newly elected AMSAT-NA President Robin Haighton, VE3FRH, Andy MacAllister, W5ACM, Pat ilroy, N8PK, (at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), launch team second-in-command Chuck Green, N0ADI, Stacy Mills, W4SM, and
IARU Satellite Coordinator Hans van den Groenendaal, ZS5AKV.
Others will be added as the launch approaches.According to W5IU, "dissemination of the launch information will be by the Houston AMSAT Net connection and by key HF stations, led by WA3NAN on their Shuttle re-transmission frequencies. Additional HF stations and frequencies will be added to fill in North American
coverage." W5IU reports the plan is to monitor Arianespace for real
time information and then communicate the information. Keith reports the group will not re-transmit Arianespace audio to avoid possible problems with the FCC.WA3NAN will re-transmit launch reports on 3.860, 7.185, 14.295,
21.395, and 147.450 MHz. Other HF frequencies used will be 3.840,
7.279, and 14.282 MHz. These frequencies will be used by W5RRR
or alternates.The plan for WA3NAN participation in the overall AMSAT Launch
Information Net Service (ALINS) is to conduct standard, independent
Amateur Radio nets on each of the HF bands noted above during the
hour before launch. Callsign check-ins will be accepted and traffic
listed. Then, at about 15 minutes prior to launch, NCS will switch
over to simulcast the AMSAT audio. Shortly after Phase 3D separation from the launch vehicle (L+42 minutes) the nets will close in the absence of any additional traffic.W5IU is still in need of additional HF stations (with phone patch
capability) to participate in the P3D AMSAT Launch Information Net. If interested, contact Keith at w5iu@amsat.org.The Houston AMSAT Net connection will also be available via the
Internet using the Real Audio format. Visit the net web site at:http://www.amsatnet.com/Bob Arnold, N2JEU, is also planning to make the Arianespace audio
available on the Internet. Details are available at:http://www.ralabs.com/livep3d/The page currently contains information on the live audio stream
that N2JEU will be providing to the Internet along with a test stream
to check out your system.CQ Amateur Radio magazine will offer continuously-updated coverage of the upcoming launch on its web site:www.cq-amateur-radio.comThese updates will be made every few minutes, or more often if events require. In addition, there will be a link provided from the CQ web site to one of two sites featuring live video of the launch.ANS has been informed that live video of the launch will be available
via the C-band Galaxy 4 satellite. In addition, the Arianespace web
cast can be found at:http://www.arianespace.com/news_livevideo.htmlThe AMSAT-UK launch net operated by Richard, G3RWL, will not
operate during the launch. G3RWL reports that "the AMSAT-UK net
will happen the following evening so that people can find out what
happened. This will be on Wednesday, 15 November at 19:00 UTC
on/about 3.780 MHz.Stay tuned to ANS for additional bulletins from AMSAT, the official
source of information on the Phase 3D satellite.[ANS thanks the ARRL, AMSAT-DL and AMSAT-NA for this
information and congratulates the AMSAT launch team on their
outstanding work]

15 november senaste datum
5 novemberSenaste nyheten om uppskjutningstid är den 15 november.

NOVEMBER 01, 2000

As AMSAT News Service earlier reported -- the launch of the Phase 3D satellite was moved from the first possibility of an October 31st launch -- to a mid-November date. Various sources have now informed ANS that a launch date has been assigned to AR-507 and the launch of Phase 3D. The anticipated date of launch for Arianespace Flight 135, on which P3D will fly, has been confirmed for 01:07 UTC, Wednesday, November 15, 2000. P3D will be launched with three other satellites - the large PAS-1R communications satellite and the smaller STRV-1C and 1D satellites. All four are to be placed in geostationary transfer orbit.

Flight 135 is set to be a record-setting Ariane 5 mission, marking the first use of the ASAP-5, a platform that will enable the Ariane 5 launcher to carry auxiliary micro and mini satellite payloads. The total launch vehicle performance to geostationary transfer orbit is over 6,200 kg. This includes the mass of the PAS-1R primary payload and the three auxiliary satellites (of which P3D is one) as well as the weight of the ASAP-5 platform and the other payload mounting and interface hardware. Stay tuned to ANS for additional bulletins from AMSAT, the official source for information on the Phase 3D launch.

[ANS thanks AMSAT-DL and AMSAT-NA for this information]

Spela in telemetrin efter start

5 novemberFrån AMSAT-UKs hemsida har jag hämtat följande information om hur man gör för att spela in den telemetri, ljud och bildinspelningar som P3D gör under starten.

P3D In-Flight Entertainment

The following are notes taken by G3RWL during G3RUH's presentation at this year's Amsat-UK Colloquium which was about recording flight and separation data in the first minutes after P3D leaves the Earth. Currently G3RUH is very busy writing software for the main P3D computer sustem so please do not send e-mails to him about this; this is all the information anyone needs to know about the system but general technical questions about this could be posted to the amsat-bb reflector. A data collection program will be loaded to the IHU-2 before launch and will run from liftoff until 10 minutes after separation from the Ariane rocket.

Photos (JPEG compressed), microphone and 3-axis accelerometer data will be collected, totalling 8 MBytes, a recording of 488sec duration. That data will be downlinked at 9600 bps FSK in asynchronous 8N1 serial format, with randomiser and NRZI encoding as per packet radio conventions, on 435.950 MHz. The data is in 512 byte blocks, separated by a few ms gap, and it repeats every 2.5 hours (approximately). Each block begins with the string "D OH".

Your assistance is requested in gathering the data To do this, you need a 9600 bps packet radio modem + TNC connected to a dumb terminal program set to 9600 baud, 8N1 format and no RTS/CTS handshaking. The first part of the TNC is used to convert NRZI data into data that a terminal program can read. Locate the point in your TNC where data leaves the NRZI-NRZ converter (thats the same as where the serial data enters the microprocessor system), and connect to a MAX232 chip so as to generate RS-232 levels, feeding the output to the RXD of your computer's serial port.

Log as much data as you can, in as many randomly grabbed fragments as you like, PKZIP it and e-mail it to:g3ruh@amsat.org The files are then automatically pieced together, the 8MB of data reconstituted, the JPEGs extracted, Microphone data converted to a .WAV file, and the accelerometer data plotted. This material will then be placed on the amsat www ftp site for public use.

For further information about the AMSAT IHU-2, consult: http://www.amsat.org/amsat/articles/g3ruh/124.html


P3D klar för start
21 oktober

Phase 3-D har nu gått igenom alla tester och förberedelser inför starten. Nästa steg blir att montera alla satelliter på Ariane 5-raketen.

OCTOBER 15, 2000

AMSAT-DL Executive Vice President Peter Guelzow, DB2OS, has informed AMSAT News Service that the Phase 3D satellite is now "ready to fly" as it has passed all pre-launch inspection, testing and preparation. The launch of P3D is scheduled for mid-November. Phase 3D is currently being moved into the final assembly building at the European Spaceport where it will remain "on hold" according Peter. As P3D's launch partners also arrive in the building, the next step will be to mate all the satellites to the Ariane 5 launch vehicle.

Uppskjutet (?!)

12 oktoberNu gäller inte 31 oktober längre som uppskjutningsdag då en av de andra satelliterna som ska med har blivit försenad. Den ska dock komma snarast, enligt bulletinen nedan...

BID: $ANS-282.01

AMSAT-DL Executive Vice President Peter Guelzow, DB2OS, has informed AMSAT News Service that the launch of the Phase 3D satellite will now be delayed until mid-November. ANS had earlier reported a possibility of an October 31st launch. The November launch delay stems from the non-arrival of one of P3D's launch partners and the subsequent launch preparations that this satellite will need to undergo. DB2OS told ANS that the delayed satellite is due to arrive at the European Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana very shortly and will immediately begin the same style launch preparations that P3D has been undergoing.


Tankning pågår
8 oktoberBränslet för P3D är nu påfyllt och klart. Tankningen har tagit två dagar varav den första dagen enbart bestod av förberedelser.


BID: $ANS-280.01AMSAT-DL Executive Vice President Peter Guelzow, DB2OS, has
informed AMSAT News Service that launch preparations for the
Phase 3D satellite continue to go well.As ANS earlier reported, fueling operations have started and should be
nearing completion as this bulletin is transmitted. Because of the safety
considerations involved in handling the fuels being loaded into the
satellite (N2O4, MMH, and NH3), this is a slow, tedious process.
"These are not your every-day household chemicals," said team member
Chuck Green, N0ADI, "they are very hazardous! However, with proper
training and equipment, it can be done safely."The filling process of each fuel takes approximately two days. The first
day is setting everything up for the fueling operation. Actual fueling is
done on the second day.The first fuel installed was N2O4. When the preparations were
completed, protective clothing worn and all the final connections
made to the equipment and tanks -- only then was the fueling
process started. The entire operation is carefully monitored by both
on-site safety people as well as members of the AMSAT launch team.
The room for monitoring the fueling operation is in a building about one
quarter of a mile away. There are several TV monitors which can be
panned and/or zoomed - enabling the safety officer to closely follow
the entire process. There is also an impressive array of vapor detection
devices and access controls available to the safety team. During
each filling operation, the three people actually doing the work
are in constant two way communication with the people in the control
room. Dick Daniels, W4PUJ, is one of the team members fueling P3D.Filling the N2O4 tanks in P3-D took almost exactly one hour. However,
Chuck reported that " the process started early in the morning and final
clean-up ended much later that evening, a very long day through most
of which was spent wearing rather uncomfortable clothing."

Förberedelserna fortsätter
28 september

Förberedelsrna inför starten fortsätter inom tidsramen.


BID: $ANS-272.01AMSAT-DL Executive Vice President Peter Guelzow, DB2OS, has
informed AMSAT News Service that launch preparations for the
Phase 3D satellite "remain on schedule."As ANS reported earlier - Arianespace and AMSAT-DL announced the
official date of launch for Ariane Flight 507, on which P3D will fly, has
been brought forward to October 31, 2000. This date is the start of the
launch window and is the first date the launch could take place.Recently, P3D's solar cells were fitted to the satellite and passed a
preflight test where high-intensity lights were focused on the solar
panels - allowing panel electrical output and battery charging circuitry
to be verified.Following the solar panel success, a mechanical fit check between
P3D and the SBS adapter was also completed. "The fit required a few
minor modifications and the result is now a perfect fit between the
satellite and the adapter," said Guelzow.The satellite fueling process will begin early next week.DB2OS also told ANS that Phase 3D has been seen by several visitors,
both from Arianespace and commercial satellite company personnel,
including representatives of the birds that will fly with P3D, "and they
have been impressed by both the complexity and workmanship of our
satellite," said Peter.The launch team has updated its Internet web site with several new
photographs showing the latest changes made to Phase 3D.
To visit the site, point your browser to:http://www.amsat-dl.org/launch/Källa: ANS

Uppskjutning 31 oktober!
27 september

Nu är det klart att Ariane 507 ska skjutas upp den 31 oktober. Nedräkningen har börjat!!

BID: $ANS-271.01
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-271.01AMSAT-DL Executive Vice President Peter Guelzow, DB2OS, has
informed AMSAT News Service that an official launch date has now
been assigned to Ariane Flight 507 and the launch of Phase 3D.
"Arianespace and AMSAT-DL are pleased to announce that the official
date of launch for Ariane Flight 507, on which P3D will fly, has been
brought forward to October 31, 2000," said DB2OS, adding, "this is the
start of the launch window and is the first date at which the launch could
take place."Currently, the RUDAK team, the RF team and members of the
electronics team from AMSAT-NA have returned home after completing
their work. The electronics team members from Europe are preparing to
leave as this aspect of the launch preparation work is also complete.
Five of the six bays around the satellite have had their covers installed
for the final time and the sixth bay has been prepared for loading of the
satellite fuel. That task should be completed shortly.The thermal blanket additions have also been completed. Final tests
have been made on several detectors (such as the sun sensor) and
Peter reports "all is well in this area." At this time the solar cells are
being mounted on the satellite and will be connected to the battery
chargers.Guelzow told ANS that satellite operators planning to use Phase 3D
after launch are reminded that it could be a few months after launch
before the bird is ready for standard operation. Several things will
determine this time frame, including orbit parameters (such as the
work that will be needed to nudge P3D into its final elliptical orbit).
DB2OS added, "that satellite operators worldwide can rest assured
that every effort will be made to initiate operations at the first possible
opportunity consistent with flight operations.'The launch team has established an Internet web site that includes
photographs of the team preparing the satellite. The visit the site, point
your browser to:http://www.amsat-dl.org/launch/Stay tuned to ANS for additional bulletins from AMSAT, the
official source for information on the Phase 3D Launch. Källa: ANS

Förberedelserna fortsätter
23 september

Förberedelserna inför starten fortsätter. Bla. med tester av sändarna.

BID: $ANS-267.01
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-267.01The final preparation of AMSAT's Phase 3D satellite continues to
proceed "on target" according to AMSAT-DL Executive Vice President
Peter Guelzow, DB2OS.RF testing of the various transmitter and receiver systems has
been successfully completed. The RUDAK system has also passed
all functional tests. The IHU-2, one of two internal housekeeping
systems (that also includes the YACE camera) has been installed and is
performing its functions correctly. Fitting of P3D's IR-Laser equipment
is complete and tested in addition to other onboard experiments including
the GPS, CEDEX, MONITOR and CAN-SmartNode system. The
IR-LASER experiment installed on P3D includes an engraved memorial
for Werner Haas, DJ5KQ. He will continue to be with us by his
achievements and in our hearts.The SBS adapter has been unpacked from its transport container and
has passed a mechanical fit check. AMSAT-NA's Dick Jansson has
recently joined the launch team and will begin making final adjustments
to P3D's thermal systems.The launch team has established an Internet web site that includes
photographs of the team preparing the satellite. The visit the site, point
your browser to:http://www.amsat-dl.org/launch/Stay tuned to ANS for additional bulletins from AMSAT, the
official source for information on the Phase 3D Launch.Källa: ANS

P3D teamet
19 sept 2000

ADetta är teamet som har hand om P3D inför uppskjutningen från Kourou. Teamchef är Peter DB2OS. Övriga:

Wilfried Gladisch (AMSAT-DL)
Horst Wagner (AMSAT-DL)
Konrad Muller (AMSAT-DL)
Herrmann Gunther (AMSAT-DL)
Mirek Kasal (AMSAT-DL)Michael Fletcher (AMSAT-OH)
Freddy deGuchteneire (AMSAT-ON)Chuck Green (AMSAT-NA)
Dick Daniels (AMSAT-NA)
Jay Ramdas (AMSAT-NA)
Lou McFadin (AMSAT-NA)
Bdale Garbee (AMSAT-NA)
Jim White (AMSAT-NA)
Lyle Johnson (AMSAT-NA)
Stacey Mills (AMSAT-NA)
Stan Wood (AMSAT-NA) Källa: ANS

P3D upp tidigast den 3:e november
16 sept 2000

AR-506 kom upp den 14 september. Nästa raket i Ariane 5-serien blir AR-507 och på den är Phase 3-D med. Detta blir dock tidigast den 3:e november. Läs nedan:
BID: $ANS-259.01AMSAT News Service is pleased to report an Arianespace Ariane 5
launch vehicle has successfully delivered a pair of communications
satellites into Earth orbit. AR-506 placed the Astra 2B and GE-7 satellites
into the desired geostationary transfer orbit after a spectacular launch
from the European Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana.The launch took place Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 22:54 UTC.The Astra 2B satellite will broadcast digital TV programs throughout
Europe. The GE-7 satellite will primarily provide radio and Internet
transmission services for North America and the Caribbean.Following the successful launch of AR-506, Arianespace and AMSAT-DL have announced that V-507 is scheduled not to occur before November 3, 2000. Aboard this flight will be the AMSAT Phase 3D communications satellite, which is now undergoing final preparation at the Kourou launch site.According to AMSAT-DL Executive Vice President Peter Guelzow,
DB2OS, who is leading the launch team, the advance members of the
launch team arrived in Kourou on September 9th. Most importantly, they
have ascertained that Phase 3D appears to be in excellent condition.Tests of Phase 3D's systems are now underway, including charging of
the satellite batteries. The launch team has successfully performed
pressure tests on the propulsion systems and are now preparing P3D
for RF testing. AMSAT-NA Executive Vice President Robin Haighton, VE3FRH, informed ANS the Phase 3D launch team is awaiting the provision of electronic mail in Kourou which will enable more frequent bulletins to
be provided.Stay tuned to ANS for additional bulletins from AMSAT, the official
source for information on the Phase 3D Launch.[ANS thanks AMSAT-DL and AMSAT-NA for this information]

Åter igen försenat
17 juli 2000

Ariane 507 som Phase 3-D ska upp med är planerat för uppskjutning under fjärde kvartalet i år (alltså inget nytt...). Raketen före, 506, är planerad för september:

** Arianespace Ariane 506 (Flight 130) with the Astra-2B and GE-7 communication satellites from ELA-3 at Kourou, French Guiana. (Launch rescheduled from July 25 because of upper-stage anomaly.)
Källa: http://www.flatoday.com/space/next/sked.htm

ANS bulletin:

Arianespace has released a press statement announcing the launch postponement of Flight 130. The release states that until an upper stage anomaly (detected during endurance testing on Ariane-5 components) is resolved, Flight 130 and subsequent Ariane-5 launches are delayed.

AMSAT-NA President Keith Baker, KB1SF, stated that it is unknown at this time how the delay may affect the upcoming launch of Phase 3D. KB1SF also reported that AMSAT-DL is exploring the delay on behalf of the Phase 3D team.

The delay was mandated by an anomaly that was detected during a long duration ground test of the attitude control system used on the Ariane series upper stage. Additional checks could not confirm the flight readiness of the attitude control system hardware installed on the Flight 130 vehicle. In compliance with its policy to give absolute priority to quality and reliability, Arianespace will not authorize the launch of Flight 130 until all causes of the anomaly have been completely analyzed and corrective measures applied. AR-130 had been scheduled for launch near the end of July, using the Ariane 5 heavy-lift launcher to orbit the Astra 2B and GE-7 satellites.

Uppskjutning i september
6 juni 2000

Phase 3-D ska upp med raketen AR507, som tidigast kan skjutas upp i mitten av september. Den var från början tänkt att komma upp i juli.

Källa: Peter, DB2OS

Uppdaterade hemsidor
14 maj 2000

AMSAT-UK i England har P3D to flyuppdaterat sin hemsida med information om Phase 3-D. De senaste nyheterna är de samma som du kan läsa här, men de har gjort en bra länksamling på företag som säljer utrustning lämpligt att använda för P3D. Vidare finns bilder på den plakett med callsigns (Callsign to fly) som följer med satelliten upp. Där finns även AMSAT-SM med eftersom vi under flera år har bidragit med pengar. Om du klickar på bilden får du upp en större bild.

Phase 3-D Laboratory har haft så fullt upp den senaste tiden så att hemsidan har blivit lidande. Nu hälsar de dock att nya bilder finns upplagda från de sista testerna och transporten till Kourou.

P3D försenad
21 april 2000

Flight 130, Ariane 506, som var planerad för uppskjutning den 23 maj har blivit försenad till slutet av juli. Detta medför att Ariane 507, som P3D ska med på, blir försenad. Följande bulletin kom från ANS:

Special ANS Bulletin 104.01:

ANS has learned that the launch of Arianespace Ariane 506 (Flight 130) with the Astra-2B and GE-7 communication satellites from Kourou, French Guiana has been delayed. The launch, originally scheduled for May 23, 2000 has been rescheduled for late July.

At this time AMSAT-NA and AMSAT-DL are unaware of what effect this delay will have concerning the launch of the Phase 3D satellite. Stay tuned to ANS for more information as it becomes available.

Källa: Florida Today, Arianespace och AMSAT-NA Vice President Robin Haighton, VE3FRH

Uppskjutning i juli!
1 mars 2000

Nu är det klart att Phase 3-D äntligen har fått en plats på en Ariane-raket, nämligen med Ariane 507 i slutet av juli. AMSAT-NAs president Keith Baker, KB1S, säger så här om denna händelse:

"slowly but surely, Phase 3-D is moving ever closer to a launch. To finally see it listed on a launch manifest is a major milestone. Needless to say, we're most grateful for all the outstanding support we've been getting from the fine people at Arianespace!" Former AMSAT-NA President Bill Tynan, W3XO, echoed the statements, adding, "the recent news that Phase 3D has been designated for launch on AR-507 was indeed gratifying to all who have waited so long to hear such tidings. As the President of AMSAT-NA during much of the time the spacecraft was being constructed at our Orlando facility, I am especially pleased that the hard work of so many, for so long, is now coming to fruition. I look forward to meeting many of my friends on Phase 3D once it becomes operational."

Mera info på följande adress:


P3-D till Kourou
18 januari 2000

Den 17:e januari flögs P3D till Kourou från Atlanta med en 767. Kontainerna med satelliten vägde 1000 kg och en andra kontainer innehållandes testutrustning vägde 1600 kg. Frakten kostar ca. 20000 US$ !
Den 19:e beräknas P3D att komma fram till uppskjutningsplatsen i Kourou. Med följer KF4KSS/Bob, Jay Ramdas och DB2OS/Peter.

Inget datum för uppskjutning är klart men med satelliten i närheten är det nu väldigt nära att den kommer upp. Nästa Ariane 5-start är i mars.


P3-D kvar i Orlando
23 december 1999

Precis innan julafton nås vi av beskedet att Phase 3D fortfarande är kvar i Orlando, USA. P3D-teamet jobbar för fullt med att ordna alla papper runt transporten till Kourou. Planerna är att få satelliten till uppskjutningsplatsen så fort som möjligt.

Källa: ANS 353P3-D är prioriterad
26 oktober 1999

Enligt ett pressmedelande från Arianespace kommer Phase 3-D att bli en av de första att åka med som "payload" på Ariane 5. Läs pressmedelandet här:

Arianespace Launch To Benefit Amateur Radio Operators
15-Oct-99 Geneva

Today at Telecom ’99, Arianespace and AMSAT-DL, the German branch of the international amateur radio satellite community, announced the signing of a launch contract for the AMSAT Phase 3-D communications satellite, to be carried aloft on an Ariane 5 as auxiliary payload. The launch will take place in the year 2000 from Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana.
AMSAT Phase 3D will be one of the first secondary payloads boosted by Ariane 5, which will use a special adapter for orbital injection. Weighing 650 kg (1,430 lb) at launch, AMSAT Phase 3-D will be injected into a geostationary transfer orbit. It will then use its own propulsion system to reach elliptical orbit (4,000 x 47,000 km, inclined at 60 degrees), where it will be used as a relay by the international community of amateur radio operators for nearly ten years.
In 2000, Arianespace will also inaugurate its new ASAP-5 (Ariane Structure for Auxiliary Payloads), designed for micro-satellites weighing less than 100 kg (220 lb) or mini-satellites weighing less than 300 kg (660 lb). ASAP-5 replaces the previous-generation ASAP-4, which has been used 6 times on Ariane 4.
Arianespace has orbited some 27 auxiliary payloads since 1980.

Phase 3-D upp med Ariane 5

9 oktober 1999

Det glädjande beskedet har nu kommit från Phase 3-D projektledare Karl Meinzer, DJ4ZC, att P3-D har fått en plats på "första bästa" uppskjutning med en Ariane 5 ! Dock kan väntan bli lång tills möjligheten kommer, det mest positiva är att den kommer upp första halvåret 2000.
P3-D kommer redan denna månad att fraktas till Guiana Space Center , Kourou, Franska Guiana. Där kommer den att ligga "stand-by" för snabb montering om ett uppskjutningstillfälle dyker upp.

Alltså, ett mycket glädjande besked för alla oss som väntar på denna nya DX-satellit!

Originalbrevet följer här:

MARBURG, GERMANY (October 8, 1999) AMSAT's most ambitious project to date... the International Phase 3-D communications satellite... has now been accepted for launch aboard an Arianespace Ariane 5 launch vehicle. Dr. Karl Meinzer, DJ4ZC, AMSAT-Germany's President and Phase 3-D Project Leader released the following statement:

"As the primary agency responsible for securing a launch opportunity for Phase 3-D, I am pleased to announce that AMSAT-Germany and Arianespace have now come to an agreement calling for the launch of P3-D as a secondary payload aboard the "first suitable" Ariane 5 flight. Dr. Meinzer went on to comment that, "From the very beginning of the Phase 3-D project, we considered the Ariane 5 series our primary launch vehicle. Our long history of success and mutual cooperation with both the European Space Agency (ESA) and Arianespace, coupled with our need to lift P3-D into a high geostationary transfer orbit, made the Ariane 5 the unanimous choice by AMSAT."

Following standard protocol, specific details of the launch agreement were not released. AMSAT-NA President Keith Baker, KB1SF, was elated with the latest news.

"I'm very pleased to see that AMSAT-DL's negotiations with Arianespace have resulted in a launch contract for Phase 3-D, and I'm delighted we are again slated to fly on an Ariane vehicle," he said. "Following the resounding success of Ariane flight 503, the Ariane 5 has now proven itself to be a very capable launcher.
When coupled with our many past successes with ESA and Ariane, I believe we now have an unbeatable combination. Once it is in orbit, the Phase 3-D satellite will not only help us usher in the new Millennium, it will also signal the dawn of a brand new era for Amateur Radio," he concluded.

While both AMSAT presidents expressed optimism for an early launch of the satellite, Dr. Meinzer expressed caution that the wait for the "first suitable" flight could still turn out to be a long one.
"While the launch of Phase 3-D could come as early as the first half of the year 2000, we must remember that Ariane's launch manifests are continually being updated to accommodate market changes as well as the availability of other payloads. Thus, one or more changes to P3-D's anticipated launch date, along with its specific Ariane 5 mission number, are a very real possibility before our satellite actually flies," he said.

Nevertheless, based on its new 'standby' launch status, Phase 3-D is slated to be delivered to the Guiana Space Center in Kourou, French Guiana later this month so as to be ready for quick integration once Arianespace identifies a specific Ariane 5 launch vehicle for P3-D's ride to orbit. While its primary focus is on improved worldwide satellite communications, the Phase 3-D satellite will also have a very positive influence on the very future of Amateur Radio.

Built primarily from donated resources, the International Phase 3-D team includes participating AMSAT groups from Austria, Great Britain, Japan, Canada, Finland, Russia, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, France, New Zealand and Hungary - in addition to the groups from AMSAT-Germany and AMSAT-North America. AMSAT is very proud of its long tradition of excellence and the contributions it has made to the advancement of space communications, space education and the space sciences.

Phase 3-D will be Amateur Radio's premier vehicle to continue the quest for new communications technologies for generations yet unborn.

[ANS thanks AMSAT President's Dr. Karl Meinzer, DJ4ZC and Keith Baker, KB1SF, and congratulates the entire Phase 3-D team on this exciting announcement]

27 aug 1999

Vibrationstesterna är nu klara och satelliten kommer åter att föras tillbaka till Orlando för funktionstester.

Lou, W5DID, tells ANS that vibration testing of the Phase 3-D satellite has been completed successfully. "This is a major milestone for the spacecraft," said W5DID, "the satellite did very well under rigorous environmental tests." Full details of the initial roll out and vibration testing can be found in the July/August issue of the AMSAT-NA Journal. The authors, W5DID and Peter, DB2OS, invite everyone to check out the story and the additional information on the Tom Clark, W3IWI, web site. The W3IWI URL is: http://www.clark.net/pub/tac/p3d.htm
W5DID reports the next milestone to be completed is to bring Phase 3-D back to Orlando lab and to verify that all systems are functioning normally following the return trip. Stay tuned to ANS for further details.

[ANS thanks Phase 3-D Integration Lab manager Lou McFadin, W5DID, for this information]

27 juli 1999

Tom Clark, W3IWI, har tagit flera foton på Phase 3-D vid NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center.

Finns på följande adress: http://www.clark.net/pub/tac/p3d.htm
Även Rick, WB2TNL, har nya foton: http://gw.cnssys.com/~rick/p3d/p3d.html

Källa: SpaceNews 26 juli


15 juli 1999

On behalf of the P3-D Team and the P3-D Integration Manager Lou McFadin W5DID, Peter Guelzow, DB2OS, would like to thank everyone for all the positive mail and reactions the Phase 3-D team received as a result of their recent P3-D status reports. In the meantime, the entire team consisting of Karl Meinzer DJ4ZC, Werner Haas DJ5KQ, Peter Guelzow DB2OS, Wilfried Gladisch, Hermann Guenther, Mirek Kasal OK2AQK, Matjaz Vidmar S53MV, Michael Fletscher OH2AUE and Danny Orban ON4AOD are back in Europe.

Over the last three weeks, the team has successfully tested all subsystems, the bus and the electronic modules of P3-D. All receivers and transmitters were tested again with the satellite high-gain and omni antennas during the rollout, including the 10GHz TWT and the 21MHz and 24MHz shortwave receivers. One of the last things was the installation and testing of the YACE camera and the microphone for the experimental IHU-2 (YAHU), performed by Lyle Johnson WA7GXD, Chuck Green N0ADI and Peter Guelzow DB2OS. This will enable controllers to make visual and audible recordings of the separation during launch. The microphone will also pick up the mechanical noise of the wheels and other sources in the spacecraft after launch. In space no one can hear you, but the microphone can still pick up the mechanical noise in the structure. The camera will be later used for other experiments, including earth imaging. James Miller, G3RUH was able to obtain a license from ARM
Technologies Ltd. to use their assembler JPEG coding library for P3-D. Compressing of a typical YACE picture will take only 56ms at an IHU-2 speed of 133 MHz using the StrongARM processor.

With a compression factor of 25, the original 256 KByte image will be reduced to about 15-20 KByte file size, depending on the image contents. Thus, downloading will be drastically improved without too much loss of image quality. With the 8MB bulk memory of the IHU-2, controllers will be able to take a "movie" of the separation, probably including sound. P3-D will be the first (amateur radio) satellite to use on-board JPEG compression software. Stacey Mills, W4SM was able to almost complete his telemetry decoding software, which is also used for commanding purposes. A general version and detailed specification of the flight telemetry format will be made available soon. Another major event was the successful completion of the SBS (support bearing structure) load testing by Rick Leon KA1RHL, Bob Davis KF4KSS and Jay.

The SBS will carry the P3-D satellite inside during the launch and needed to be tested according to the specification of the launcher agency. After a few more close-out items and the spin balance test, P3-D is ready for the vibration and shake test, which is scheduled for later this month at NASA facilities in Washington. The test will be performed according to specifications from the launcher agency. A final check-out of all electronics and a visual inspection will follow when P3-D returns to Orlando, before it will than be shipped to the launch site.

73s, Peter DB2OS


19 maj 1999

Det har kommit positiva nyheter om Phase 3-D. Eventuellt finns det möjligheter till uppskjutning i höst: Här originalbrevet från DJ4ZC/Karl Mainzer, Phase 3-D projektledare: 
Greetings!                                                           May 14, 1999  As you well know, I very much have been looking forward to joining you 
for the 1999 Dayton Hamvention. Unfortunately, recent developments 
regarding our launch situation for Phase 3-D have now made it 
necessary that I remain here in Germany during the Hamvention event.  As many of you know, AMSAT-DL is the principal agency responsible for 
securing a safe and affordable launch for Phase 3-D. Since this project 
began, we had secured such a launch opportunity on one of the Ariane-5 
test flights, which were conducted under the control of the European 
Space Agency (ESA).  Unfortunately, this launch agreement for P3-D with ESA did not work out, 
essentially due to the failure of the first Ariane-5 flight and the resulting 
aftermath. Since ESA is not conducting such flights anymore, my team 
and I have been working very hard over the past year or so to find a 
replacement launch. We have been patiently negotiating with a number 
of different launch agencies and it looks now that this work is starting to 
pay off as it is beginning to yield results.  I am pleased to report to you that we are currently in the final phase of 
working out the details of an agreement for the launch of Phase 3-D with 
one of these launch agencies. At this point, I am very optimistic and I 
believe this launch agency is genuinely working very hard toward 
providing us a launch for P3-D. I am also very hopeful that in the 
following weeks a launch contract can be closed which contains 
conditions we can meet. The agency has now identified some launches 
over the next year or so which have enough performance margin to allow 
the inclusion of P3-D in addition to the main payload.  The launcher business these days has become extremely competitive 
and it is has become nearly impossible for launch agencies to fix their 
launch-plan for more than half a year ahead. Thus, even after our 
contract is closed, we will remain a stand-by passenger. However, 
judging from the presently known plans, they could - and I emphasize 
the word could - lead to a launch of our satellite as early as of October 
1999. Of course, this all assumes that the remaining open details of our 
interface with their launch vehicle can be successfully worked out and 
that we do not run into some last-minute problems with our contract.  Needless to say, I am delighted with this turn of events. My only 
remaining wish is that I could be there in Dayton to share them with you 
in person. Please accept my sincere best wishes for a productive 
AMSAT Forum at Hamvention and my thanks for your continued 
patience and strong support of our efforts.  73,  --signed--  Dr. Karl Meinzer, DJ4ZC 
AMSAT-DL President and Phase 3-D Project Leader  Källa: ANS-136 


BID: $ANS-291.01   The AMSAT Phase 3D spacecraft is set to undergo testing at the Orbital  
Sciences Corporation (OSC) test facility in Germantown, Maryland, just  
outside of Washington, DC. The satellite arrived safely in Maryland on  
October 13th, transported from the Phase 3D Integration Lab in a well  
padded truck.   According to Lou McFadin, W5DID, AMSAT P3D Laboratory Manager,  
the spacecraft will soon be placed in Osco's thermal-vacuum (T/V)  
chamber. Pre-launch vacuum testing will analyze the satellite's ability to  
withstand the harsh environment of space. In addition to most of the air  
being removed, the temperature of the chamber is cycled up and down  
to simulate the severe heating and cooling P3D is expected to  
encounter. Vibration testing is also scheduled, although that test will not  
be conducted until late this year or early 1999. According to AMSAT-NA  
Executive Vice President Keith Baker, KB1SF, "the exact timing of  
vibration testing will depend primarily on any problems encountered with  
the initial thermal-vacuum testing, and the availability of the test  
facilities. Our invitation at OSC is on a space-available basis," he  
explained.   Maryland-DC AMSAT Coordinator Pat Kilroy, WD8LAQ, tells ANS that  
P3D will be "hidden" in the chamber for up to ten days during the  
thermal-vacuum testing phase. Current plans are to broadcast P3D  
telemetry in real-time during the test phase, from the chamber itself.  
Local amateur stations in the Maryland area equipped to copy AMSAT  
OSCAR 13 PSK 400-bps telemetry should be able decode any P3D  
transmissions with little effort. WD8LAQ also said DC area AMSAT  
members are also looking into providing a possible Internet link as well,  
so that amateurs world-wide can see and decode the satellite  
broadcasts.   Pat says the test phase is continuous. "One complete thermal cycle is  
predicted to run about 36 hours," he said, and "P3D will go through five  
cycles."   Pat told ANS that there may be opportunities for AMSAT members to  
view Phase 3D at the Orbital Sciences Corporation (OSC) test facility.  
Visitors also might get a tour of the OSC building "that is rich in history,"  
WD8LAQ said.   Any requests for information on P3D during its stay in Maryland, or  
viewing the OSC facility, should be directed to Pat at the following e-mail  
address:   wd8laq@amsat.org.   For more information on P3D, see the Phase 3D Spacecraft Integration  
Laboratory web site at:   http://www.magicnet.net/~phase3d/   Information on the Orbital Sciences Corporation (OSC) test facility in  
Germantown, Maryland is available at the following URL:   http://www.orbital.com/Gtown/docs/defense/facil.htm  
   [ANS thanks the AMSAT P3D Team, the ARRL, and Maryland-DC  
AMSAT Coordinator Pat Kilroy, WD8LAQ, for this information] 

Flera frågetecken om P3D!

Jag har pratat med en av våra medlemmar som varit med på det stora internationella satellit-mötet vid University of Surrey i Guildford England sista helgen i juli, Mer än 100 "storheter" i amatör-satellitbranchen från AMSAT från hela världen fanns på plats. Mycket diskuterades där som vanligt, men det kommer väl utförligare rapporter via våra vanliga nyheteskanaler, t ex ANS-nyheterna, se länkar i e-INFO, där kommer info om mötet!   Jag frågade förstås om man diskuterat P3D, och det hade man naturligtvis. Men inget nytt kom fram direkt. Man meddelade dock, att det nu kunde anses fastställt, att P3D kommer upp inom de närmast kommande 12 månaderna! Alltid något!   Man sa också, att det nu fanns två andra alternativ till de ARIANE-starter som diskuterats med ESA. Men vilka två alternativ detta var ville man ännu inte avslöja. Så det får vi väl spekulera över lite till mans...   Det finns ju några altenativ bland de 9 länder som klarar att sända en raket i satellit-omloppsbana runt jorden. Men vi får väl vänta tills ryktena blir mer säkra innan vi spekulerar vidare!   Vet eller hör Du något - så kom med det snabbt i e-INFO!   Vi är alla spända på vad det kan innebära!   Bästa hälsningar  
Reidar ´RAY´ Haddemo  
73's de SM7ANL  :-)  

   Ämne:  AMSAT: Ingen P3D på ARIANE 503!! 
Datum:   Tue, 16 Jun 1998 22:25:45 +0200 
Från:    "R. HADDEMO" <reidar.haddemo@swipnet.se> 
  Hej AMSAT-vänner. 

Idag 16 juni  kom den av många väntade press-releasen från ESA som  
bekräftar allas våra dystraste misstankar - det blir ingen start med P3D på  
Ariane 503!   I press-meddelandet idag säger ESA, att satelliten W2, som skulle varit  
kommerciell passagerare på ARIANE Flight 503 skall i stället upp med en  
ARIANE-4 raket. ESA tillägger, att man därför stannar vid att ta med ARD  
(Atmospheric Reentry Demonstrator) som redan står klar på Guiana Space  
Centre. För att uppnå beräknad last mm ordnar man en s.k. Mock-up, alltså  
en 'låtsas-satellit ' t ex en betongklump, som skall följa ARD på Flight  
503! Denna start är nu framflyttad igen till mitten av oktober 1998. Och  
P3D är ingen betongklump!   Varför man valt att inte ta med P3D får vi kanske reda på en dag. En  
gissning från min sida (SM7ANL) kan vara, att man fortfarande är litet  
osäker på ARIANE 5 och dess chanser att klara en lyckad uppskjutning. Och  
om ARIANE 5 än en gång misslyckas, är P3D definitivt förlorad för alltid.  
Alla i AMSAT är livrädda för att detta skall hända!   Kvar står dock det 'löfte' som ESA gett AMSAT att få upp P3D med ett  
ESA-projekt. Och då återstår nog inget annat än en litf med ARIANE 4. Och  
det är ju nu en väl beprövad raket, som dock inte kan få upp P3D till den  
höjd som vi önskar. Men ombord på P3D finns ju ganska rejäla mängder  
bränsle och en 'booster' som kan hjälpa till att lyfta P3D till en bra  
bana. Dock går det många värdefulla kilo av bränslet till detta, vilket  
minskar den tid som  P3D kan styras och justeras i attityd och banläge i  
rymden.   Så en lift med ARIANE 4 senare i höst är mitt tips nu! Det kanske vi kan  
stå ut med - bara vi får upp P3D i en hyfsad bana helskinnad!  Eller hur?   Så knyt nävarna och fortsätt hoppas, vänner! Jag känner på mig, att P3D  
blir en succé för oss satellit-amatörer! Men det tar bara litet längre tid  
än vi trodde!   Ännu är inte loppet kört! P3D kommer säker att finnas där uppe!   Bästa hälsningar  
Reidar ´RAY´ Haddemo  
73's de SM7ANL  :-)  

Originalmeddelandet följer här:  

Bad News on Phase 3D LaunchThe following message was posted to the AMSAT-BB mailing list on June 16, 1998 by AMSAT-NA President Bill Tynan,W3XO.  
TO:  All AMSAT-NA Members and everyone interested in Amateur Radio satellites worldwide  
From:  Bill Tynan W3XO President AMSAT-NA  
Subject: Bad News on Phase 3D Launch   By now many of you have heard the bad news that Phase 3D will not fly on Ariane 503. This is, obviously very disappointing news. We must, however, persevere and continue our present course to get the satellite tested and ready for a launch. And we pledge to do so.   I think the situation is best summarized by the words sent this morning by Dr. Karl Meinzer DJ4ZC the Phase 3D Project Leader. But first, a few words of explanation may be in order.      1.Arianespace is a commercial company set up to sell Ariane launches.  
   2.ESA is the European Space Agency, much like the U.S. NASA, but a multinational organization.  
   3.W1 is a commercial satellite built in Europe, which was damaged in a fire a few months ago. Reports have said that it has      been refurbished and made ready for flight.  
   4.Although not mentioned in Karl's note, previous information has referred to CNES. CNES is the French equivalent of      NASA. They have been designated by ESA as the technical agency in charge of developing the Ariane 5 launch vehicle.   An official AMSAT News Service (ANS) bulletin will be issued shortly on the unfortunate news regarding the Phase 3D launch situation.   73,  
Bill Tynan W3XO   DJ4ZC's statement   Gentlemen,   First I would like to thank all of you who sent me notes of sympathy and encouragement following the recent news from ESA.   Since that information was released, I have spoken with many people and the situation has become a bit clearer. First let me give a short rundown of events to put things into perspective.   1.Before the launch of AR 502, ESA terminated our launch-contract based on the fact that we "were not ready in time for  the launch". This of course was due to the specification change which was imposed on us shortly before the launch  following the AR 501 failure. We always maintained that the termination of the contract was on somewhat shaky legal  grounds because of the unacceptable short notice we were given for the spec-change. ESA maintained that this was a  risk we had to accept because the flight was a test-flight.  
2.As a consequence of the AR 501 failure, a third test-flight (AR 503) had become necessary. Because there was an uncovered hole of about $US 40,000,000 in the AR 5 development budget, ESA turned to Arianespace to find a paying customer for this flight and partly delegated the responsibility for the payloads to Arianespace. For the case that such a customer could not be found, the countries developing ARIANE 5 would have had to pay this missing sum.  
3.In January we accepted the termination of the contract and with acceptable financial provisions without further squabbles after ESA agreed to  
a. Carry us as a backup on AR 503 if no paying customer could be identified.  
b. ESA would use "best efforts" to place us elsewhere if a flight on AR 503 did not become available due to a paying  customer.  
4.While we always maintained that it would be unlikely that Arianespace would find a paying customer (and in fact we were proved right by the events) and thus we would be flying on AR 503, ESA always assumed that Arianespace would come up with a paying customer. Thus ESA unfortunately did not pursue the provisions of 3.a. in an active way. In  particular they failed to perform the necessary studies to include us on AR 503 if the option 3.a. would have to be  exercised rather late in the game.  
5.In the ESA Programme Board meeting last week, Arianespace surprised everybody by stating that they (the company Arianespace) would cover the missing $US 40,000,000 in return for having the freedom to decide the composition of  the lower payload. So in fact Arianespace had become the "paying customer" for this slot, and we were off.   Initially it was not clear why Arianespace would take this step. But after having spoken with many people, eventually the following picture emerged:   First of all, it is clearly in the interest of Arianespace to get AR 503 as quickly into orbit as possible. Assuming that ultimately they want to launch one AR 5 per month, each month of delay will cost them in the order of $US 200,000,000 of lost revenue.This is all the more true since recently there has been some discussion about the performance of the AR 5 with regard to the market demands for launchers. So Arianespace may have some fears that they may lose the competitive edge if the AR 5 is further delayed and their customers may wander off to other launch-suppliers.   But also with AR 503 itself Arianespace looked into optimizing the cost/profit ratio. To this end Arianespace has been negotiating with the insurance about the damaged W1. If the W1 can be refurbished in time for the AR 503 launch, they would launch it and then sell the communication services themselves. I had earlier indications of this, but I did not take it very seriously because I assumed that Arianespace would stay away from this option in view of the resulting conflict of interest with their customers - it turned out that I misjudged this. So in a way we have become the first victim of this conflict of interest. But in the light of this gamble, it is now doubtful that Arianespace would have considered us as backup even if ESA would have done their homework. Clearly they want to retain the option of switching the refurbished W1 against the W1-dummy to the last second before the launch. We simply could not compete with this by our offer of $US 1,000,000 and some moral justification of not flying ballast.   So we wept some, and that done - let us now look forward:   1.For ESA the launcher development has come to an end, and this phasing out is also reflected in the size of their staff and  their commitments. So frankly, I do not expect very much from them in the future in spite of the above commitment 3.b.  
2.With Arianespace we have to start to deal in serious for a launch. In an initial contact they stated that they would launch  us for $US 10,000,000. Clearly for us this is out of reach, but I hope that, once Arianespace has a better understanding of our environment and the constraints we work under, there will be room for negotiation.  
3.I expect that we will get some significant help from our government, [German] given that they saved quite some money, and that this saving occurred essentially at our expense.   Also all players agree that we have to finish the work on the spacecraft including the tests as soon as possible to be ready once the opportunity arises for a launch. It is clear that it will not be this year - but I think that the chances are not bad that we will find something next year on AR 5. This is all the more true given the mismatch of payloads with AR 5 performance.   But also in parallel we should and will pursue other launch options.   Although in the short term we have a problem, in the medium term I am reasonably optimistic. So keep your fingers crossed - I will inform you by this path on the progress we make in securing a launch.   Dr. Karl Meinzer, DJ4ZC  
President AMSAT-DLe.V.  

Ämne:  AMSAT: P3-D upp i september?
Datum:   Tue, 12 May 1998 10:26:28 +0200  
Från:   "R. HADDEMO" <reidar.haddemo@swipnet.se>  

Nya uppgifter om P3-D!
   I senaste numret av AMSAT Australia NEWSLETTER. nr 157 , daterat 3 maj  
1998, finns en rapport från P3-D's chefsorganisatör, Karl Meinzer, DJ4ZC,  
ordförande i AMSAT-DL, som är mycket intressant. Jag skall här redovisa  
hans avslutning, som är viktig, men även om den  också är enbart en  
gissning,  får den betraktas som mycket kvalificerad.   Karl skriver:   "ESA's personal vidhåller, att ett beslut om den slutliga konfigurationen  
för AR 503 (ARIANE FLIGHT 503) måste fastställas innan slutet av april för  
att kunna vara kompatibel med en start i mitten av september....   ...Detta innebär, att vi måste skicka iväg P3-D till Kourou i första veckan  
av juli, och hela vår fortsatta planering måste grunda sig på detta. Just  
nu har vi förstås ingen garanti för att få följa med ARIANE 503 starten,  
men om något, så har denna möjlighet hela tiden ökat, och jag har nu  
organiserat min personliga planering för resten av årets arbete på  
ovanstående schema.   Om vi kan behålla våra strävanden focuserade, och dessutom har en portion  
TUR, kommer P3D att vara i bana i rymden senare detta år! "   SM7ANL's kommentarer: Nu har vi alltså fått ett meddelande från P3-D's  
högste chef som ger oss litet mer att ta på. Någon start i maj, eller ens i  
sommar med P3-D blir det således inte. Men chansen för en start med P3-D  
med FLIGHT ARIANE-503 i september tycks mycket stor!   Och det gör det litet lugnare för oss - sommaren kan vi använda till  
förberedelser med att utrusta våra stationer och sätta upp antenner mm, så  
att vi är klara när sensommaren och hösten 1998 är inne. Så sätt igång att  
utrusta ditt schack till att ta emot P3-D!  
Så hörs vi via P3D till hösten!
   Bästa hälsningar  
Reidar ´RAY´ Haddemo  
73's de SM7ANL  :-)