Ham Satellite news

Nya kepler för FUNcube-1

Då har det kommit nya keplerelement för FUNcube-1:

1 39417U 13066B   13330.15401895  .00003238  00000-0  45063-3 0   205
2 39417  97.7994  42.6429 0062763 180.4144 179.7025 14.77120863   712

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These still seem to be the best fit but we would appreciate any comments.

As we know there is some discrepancy between the original published frequencies for the spacecraft and those we all experiencing in flight.

It is possible that the transponder input bandpass frequencies may also be varying due with the colder than expected temperatures being experienced. (We did launch in the winter:)) You can track the RF board temp on the telemetry.The RX board temp varies by some 30C over a full orbit and this will be affecting the oscillator frequencies.

We do not yet have final confirmation of the object number so the Doppler shift is probably not yet being precisely counteracted by the various software programmes which will be adding to the confusion.

So just at the moment we cannot give precise guidance on the uplink/downlink formula that users should employ but we are working on it and would appreciate input and observations.

Our analysis of the housekeeping data suggests that all is well on-board FUNcube-1, we are considering switching to continuous transponder mode for a few hours over the weekend to determine the effect that this might have to the on-board temperatures. Presently we are looking at trying this during an early morning pass over the UK on Sunday but we will confirm this plan nearer the time.


Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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