Hamradio from ISS

ARISS-nyheter 14/7 2013

Här kommer lite info om kontakter med ISS:

+ A Successful contact was made between Scout Canada Jamboree,
Sylvan Lake, Alberta, Canada and Astronaut Luca Parmitano, KF5KDP
using callsign NA1SS. The contact began 16:31 UTC 2013-07-08 and
lasted about nine and a half minutes. Contact was telebridged via

CJ’13 was a gathering of up to 6500 youth, leaders and volunteers in
Sylvan Lake, Alberta from July 6-13.  This wass the largest gathering
of scouts in Canada.  CJ’13 brought people from across the country
and around the world together for the ultimate scouting experience.
Scouts shared friendship and adventure while experiencing personal
development that only a jamboree experience can bring.  Scouts hiked
near glaciers, dug for bones, learned about the challenges of space
exploration, raided a castle, and dove for buried treasure.  The week
was one scouts will never forget!

+ A Successful contact was made between Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino
Gesu’, Rome, State of Vatican City and Astronaut Luca Parmitano,
KF5KDP using callsign IRØISS. The contact began 12:36 UTC 2013-07-10
and lasted about nine and a half minutes. Contact was dirct via HV2VO.

Created in 1869 through a generous initiative of the Salviati
family, and donated to the Holy See in 1924, the Bambino Gesù
Children’s Hospital is now a comprehensive children’s polyclinic. In
1985, it has been formally recognized by the Italian Ministry of
Health as “Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico” IRCCS
(Research Hospital), and it is now one of the three Paediatric IRCCS
in Italy, and the only one for Central and Southern Regions. The
Hospital is a reference point in Italy and abroad and it is connected
to the most important paediatric centres in Europe and the United
States. Healthcare and research.

Upcoming ARISS Contacts

+ Boy Scouts of America, 2013 National Jamboree, K2BSA,  Mount Hope,
WV, direct via K2BSA
Contact is a go for: Sat 2013-07-20 15:34:46  UTC

+ Colegio Urugua, El Pinar, Uruguay, via LU8YY
Contact is a go for: Sat 2013-07-20 19:05:21 UTC

Källa: ANS-195


Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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