Ham Satellite news

AMSAT-SM HF-nätet 30/9 2012


Dagens nät med deltagare



*Nya föreskrifter från PTS

13 cm tar stryk med lägre delen struken. Dock verkar satellitsegmentet vara

*Nya antennprojekt 70cm

Det är väldigt många studentsatelliter på väg kommande åren och
satellitdelen av 70 cm kommer att vara väldigt hårt belastad.
Med mer aktivitet så vill man ha bästa möjliga mottagning för att även kunna
knipa dom riktigt svaga passagerna.

Jag har precis beställt byggdelar från för att
plocka ihop något vassare än dom 2X10 EL Cirkulärt jag använder idag.

DK7ZB har ett antal antennbeskrivningar

*Exempel på en fin studentsatellit som är på väg.

UKube-1 Amateur Radio CubeSat Books a Ride on Soyuz-2

AMSAT-UK published this news on their web:

UKube-1 – the UK Space Agency’s first CubeSat mission – has ‘booked’
its journey into space on a Russian Soyuz-2 rocket. The launch from
the Baikonur Cosmodrone in Kazakhstan is expected to take place in
March 2013.

UKube-1 carries an amateur radio 435/145 MHz linear transponder built
by members of AMSAT-UK.

The UK Space Agency have issued the following press release:

The UKube-1 nanosatellite is a collaboration between the UK Space
Agency, industry and academia. It will allow the UK to fly educa-
tional packages, test new technologies and carry out new space re-
search quickly and efficiently. It is envisaged as the pilot for a
full national CubeSat programme.

Dr David Williams, Chief Executive of the UK Space Agency, said,
“UKube-1 is almost ready to fly; the platform is nearly complete,
4 of the missions 5 payloads are mission-ready and we have now
secured a launch with Roscosmos. We are eagerly awaiting the start
of the innovative experiments that this small but mighty satellite
will perform once in orbit around our planet.”

The winning UKube-1 payloads from the UK Space Agency’s payload com-
petition include the first GPS device aimed at measuring plasmaspheric
space weather; a camera that will take images of the Earth and test
the effect of radiation on space hardware, using a new generation of
imaging sensor; an experiment to demonstrate the feasibility of using
cosmic radiation to improve the security of communications satellites
and to flight test lower cost electronic systems; and a payload made
up of 5 experiments that UK students and the public can interact with.

As well as providing a fantastic opportunity for innovative UK com-
panies and UK academics to collaborate on a national space project,
UKube-1 is also useful for training the next generation of space
engineers and will include a tiny radio transmitter for science edu-
cation, and a materials science experiment from which school students
can receive data. The system, funded by volunteer members and friends
of AMSAT-UK, is called FUNcube and will be integrated with UKube-1
as part of the programme.

AO-7 AO-27 FO-29 SO-50 VO-52 är alla aktiva

73 Håkan SM7WSJ


Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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