Ham Satellite news

Nytt schema – RUDAK testas

From. den 9:e december finns ett nytt schema. Som synes kommer RUDAK att testas vid vissa tillfllen. S hr skriver Jim White WD0E:

We will be resuming RUDAK work on AO-40 soon with a short (about 1 hour) window during orbits when the satellite is in view of the command stations in Colorado and Alabama. RUDAK will be on only on those orbits. The objectives of this series of RUDAK windows are to do some further testing in preparation for implementing DSP based digital links to RUDAK that ground stations with modest equipment can use as well as to gather data from the radiation experiment (CEDEX). Additionally, if time allows, further work to collect good pictures from SCOPE may be undertaken. The objective of the SCOPE work is to compress pictures on-board to reduce the file sizes and it possible to routinely take pictures, and implement a scheduler so the earth can be imaged when the satellite is not in view of a command station. New command software will also be tested. The window is being constrained to about 70 minutes and only when in view of the command stations in order to limit the impact on transponder operations. Stacey will announce the implementation of the RUDAK windows when the scheduler is changed. Please see the FAQ at for further information about AO-40 and RUDAK.
Jim White for the RUDAK team

I senaste numret av AMSAT-SM INFO finns en lista av Olle SM0DY var och hur det gr att kra AO-40 under vinterhalvret. Du fr tidningen om du blir medlem i AMSAT-SM!



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