Ham Satellite news

ARISSat-1 nyheter

AMSAT News Service Bulletin 130.01
May 10, 2011
BID: $ANS-130.01

The ARISSat-1 satellite was intended to be activated in April as 
part of the 50th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's famous flight. 
However, no ground stations reported hearing the satellite. To 
follow up, the ARISSat-1 team had a teleconference with represent-
atives of RSC-Energia (Russia) and NASA to request a clarification 
of the events and discuss what happened.

According to RSC-Energia, the battery in ARISSat-1 was only charged 
once on the ground and was then used for a variety of tests and dur-
ing the February activation event. It was not recharged prior to the 
April Yuri Gagarin activity since it can only be charged a limited 
number of times on the ISS.

The cosmonauts reported that they activated the satellite and con-
firmed that they heard the signal on the ham radio equipment on board 
the ISS. Since the battery was nearly depleted of its original charge, 
they switched the satellite off after six hours of operation in order 
to prevent over-discharging the battery. The battery was then removed 
from the satellite and stored separately as per their normal battery 
handling procedures. For more information on this battery, please see 
the JAN/FEB 2011 AMSAT Journal.

RSC-Energia reported that their plan is to recharge the battery about 
three weeks prior to the EVA deployment. This will give the cosmonauts 
time to reinstall the battery and test the satellite to make sure it is 
working properly. The EVA deployment is planned for late July of this 

[ANS thanks AMSAT Vice-President of Engineering, Tony Monteiro, AA2TX
 for the above information]


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