Ham Satellite news

Fyra nya Cubesats på 70cm

Info från ANS:

This week India successfully launched seven satellites on its PSLV-C14 misson. The primary payload was OceanSat-2 but also included six other satellites. Four of the satellites are CubeSats in the ISILaunch01, a cluster launch of the following with downlinks in the 70cm amateur radio
band: BEESAT, ITUpSAT1, SwissCube, and UWE-2

  NAME      CALL         BEACON                     DOWNLINK
——— ——- ——————-  ——————————-
BEESAT    DP0BEE  436.000 MHz 0.1W CW  436.000 MHz 0.5W 4800/9600 GMSK

UWE-2                                  437.385 MHz 0.5W 1200 AFSK
                                                        9600 FSK

ITUpSAT1          437.325 MHz 0.1W CW  437.325 MHz 1.0W 19200 GFSK

SwissCube HB9EG   437.505 MHz 0.1W CW  437.505 MHz 1.0W 1200 FSK

BeeSat is a pico satellite project of the Technical University of Berlin. The main objective of BeeSat is the on orbit verification of newly developed micro reaction wheels for pico satellite appli- cations. Their web page is at:

The UWE-2 team encourages all radio amateurs to send us the received signals to Their web page is at:

ITUpSAT1 is the first student-made satellite of Turkey. Their web page is at:

SwissCube is the first satellite entirely built in Switzerland by students from different universities under the supervision of the Space Center EPFL. More than 180 students participated in the ad- venture from EPFL, from the university of Neuchatel, from the HES-SO (Sion, Yverdon, Fribourg, St-Immer, Le Locle), and from the FHNW (Brugg-Windisch). The main objective is educational and also includes a small telescope which will allow to obtain images of the nightglow, a luminescence phenomena occurring at 100 km of height above the Earth surface. Their web page is at:

A replay of the PSLV-C14 launch video can be viewed at:

Signal reports have been received from amateur radio operators around the world. Recordings of the beacon signals can be heard at:

2-Line Keplerian elements user for the satellites can use the following for a starting point:

1 35934U 09051D   09266.99498802  .00000364  00000-0  10000-3 0    34
2 35934 098.3432 001.6766 0010433 256.9573 103.1084 14.52588677   111
1 35932U 09051B   09266.92637809  .00000360  00000-0  10000-3 0    33
2 35932 098.3362 001.6263 0006692 285.2589 074.8063 14.52095115    95
1 35933U 09051C   09267.20165191  .00000365  00000-0  10000-3 0    42
2 35933 098.3316 001.8957 0004681 307.1077 052.9887 14.52667744   138
1 35935U 09051E   09267.47761234  .00001929  00000-0  48744-3 0    46
2 35935 098.3417 002.1786 0006949 283.1563 076.8911 14.52112524   176

[ANS thanks the CubeSat teams for the above information]


Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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