Ham Satellite news

SO-50 kontrollstationer över EU

Frgor och svar om SO-50.

> Anyone can report me what is the status of the SO-50 satellite? I ve been trying to listen or even operate and no luck till now. I used the frequencies from AMSAT s satellite status page and 67Hz TONE on uplink.<

SO-50 is in good health and it is easy to access the satellite. However,SO-50 needs to be opened by a controlstation before you can operate the Sat.

There are (I believe) 3 controlstations in UK and 2 in DL. I am one of these. If the satellite comes from a direction where no controlstation is it is most probably not switched on.

If you like to become a controlstation you have to apply at Don Woodward KD4APP, who is SO-50 Control Operator
Coordinator. His e-mail is dbwoodw at .

73,Reinhard DJ1KM

Klla: amsat

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