Ham Satellite news

AO27 tillbaka i trafik

AO-27 active but lots of QRM

Hi all – mostly in Europe.I have monitored AO-27 over three passes this evening and the QRM is much worse than it was a few month ago on the uplink frequency 145.850 MHz.

The first pass over the Middle East was really bad – but the nextover Central and Southern Europe was not much better.The last pass I could hear a few minutes ago – to the west was not too bad.

Seems like we have to start the silent diplomacy again. Please tryto get stations of the uplink frequency.

This shows why it is sometimes difficult to access SO-50. It is blocked by strong stations on the same frequency.

Happy New Year to everyone and thanks to the AO-27 control stations.

73 OZ1MY Ib


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