Ham Satellite news

Vusat status 25 aug

Tv mail har kommit frn AMSAT-India angende Vusat:

Hi all,
With the successful testing of Indian and Dutch transponders, things are in good shape. Final integration of the satellite started. Have a look at the updated website Likely launch during October 2003. Look for great signals from vusat.

-Nagesh, vu2nud
Founder Co-ordinator, Amsat-India

Hi All,
With great pleasure,I wish to inform Amsat-India C0-0rninator OM.Air Cmde V.Subramanian (SUBBI VU2UV) and all others that on Thursday,21.8.2003 @ 16.00 Hrs IST the flight model of the Indian Transponder was sucessfully tested on Air by the Amsat-Technical Committee and Upagrah Amateur Radio Club VU2URC(ISRO Club Station). Congrats to VU2POP, as he was the first person to get through the
transponder.The down-link signal level reported by VU2POP was satisfactory.Sucessful two way link was established on FM,CW and Sidebands.The beacon signal level reported by POP was also satisfactory.
My sincere thanks to all other Bangalore Hams who stood by on the frequency during the testing.After few more planned tests, the transponder will be switched on again in the comming days.The exact timings will be intimated in advance.

73 s de Mani. VU2WMY
Techinical Committee, Amsat-India
Secretary, Upagrah Amateur Radio Club,VU2URC

Klla: AMSAT-India via e-mail


Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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