Ham Satellite news

Två radioamatörer ombord på ISS

Frn ANS:

A two ham Expedition 7 crew arrived at the International Space Station on April 28th to replace the crew currently on board.

Two men… cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko, RK3DUP and astronaut Ed Lu, KC5WKJ, have arrived…. the first team ever to get to the I S S aboard a Russian spacecraft. They replace 3 men… Commander Ken Bowersox, KD5JBP, Don
Pettit, KD5MDT, and Nikolai Budarin, RV3FB. That team flew back to earth on the third of May.

[ANS thanks Roy Neal, K6DUE Amateur Radio Newsline, for the above information]

Klla: ANS 131


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