Ham Satellite news

Bra aktivitet på 145.825 MHz

Hkan SM7WSJ lmnar fljande rapport:

Hej! har ni mrkt vilken aktivitet det r p 145,825? scannern lser rtt ofta nufrtiden och tydligen kommer det mer och mer sm student cubesats framver.

73 Hkan SM7WSJ

Nice conjunction of all three 145.825 satellites, PCsat, UO-11 and Kolibri over the east coast of USA at same time at about 1910z! I was copying packets on my beam pointed at PCsat, but UO-11 was in the background in between packets, and I could hear the CW from Kolibri even on the FM rig due to the beat tones of the CW with UO-11…

First time I have heard all 3 at once.

de WB4APR, Bob

Klla: SM7WSJ via mailinglistan


Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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