Ham Satellite news

RS-12 i mode K

Hkan SM7WSJ har fljande info frn Jerry, K5OE:

It appears not only is RS-12 in mode K as I reported last night, but RS-13 is simultaneoulsy in mode T. Brent, VE5SWL, reports a CW QSO with John, K6YK, at 13:27z, 15m up (21.270) & 2m down (145.870): Very good signals 599 on CW with 30 watts into my INV VEE And on down link 5/8 VERT. MY FT-847 UP AND A OLD ITC MULTII 2000 DOWN.

For those that have not experienced mode T, it is fabulous. The only satellite I have heard that loud was SO-35. If you don t have two rigs, try it SPLIT mode on your HF+2m rig: set the uplink at, say 21.280 MHz CW/USB, then listen for people responding to your call around 145.880 CW/USB (883 at beginning of pass and down to 877 at end of pass). By general convention, CW below 880 and USB above 880.

Vidare skriver Hkan fljande:

Jag har nu lyssnat p RS12/RS13 och jag hr den bde p 29408 som vanligt samt att jag hr den p 145866, trafiken uppe vid 145 886 r ren HF stil och jag trodde nstan jag lg p 20 meter fast frekvensen visar 145 mhz.

Jag har hrt massa EU samt VE,W,K1 mm mm

Signalstyrkorna ligger p 53-57

73 Hkan SM7WSJ

Klla: Hkan SM7WSJ


Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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