Ham Satellite news

AM1SAT Satellite Contest, September 2023

Info from AMSAT-EA and ANS-225:

AMSAT-EA will be on the air on all available satellites with the callsigns AM1SAT and AM2023SAT from September 4th to 17th, 2023 to celebrate the fourth edition of the AM1SAT trophy contest as part of the URE activities within the IberRadio 2023 event, the largest one in the world of amateur radio in Spain and Portugal (, and which will open its doors during the weekend of 16-17 in Avila, a city near Madrid, capital of Spain.

The AMSAT-EA operators will activate the aforementioned callsigns from the different states and autonomous cities of Spain during the said period of time and with the objective in this edition to promote contacts with the maximum number of them.

As part of this activity and to encourage participation, SILVER and GOLD diplomas will be available for the different modalities of satellites according to their footprint and orbital height, LEO, MEO (IO-117 satellite) and GEO (QO-100 satellite), as well as a trophy for the station that works the greatest number of states in the total number of available satellites and another trophy for the one that contacts the greatest number of states on the satellite with the largest footprint and coverage (in this case, IO-117). These trophies will be physically sent at no cost to the winners.

The third edition of the AM1SAT satellite contest, in 2021, finished with 1327 QSOs including GEO and LEO contacts, with 57 different radio-countries, using 20 satellites and with the participation of 419 different competitors (callsigns).

Full rules can be found here:

[ANS thanks Félix Páez, EA4GQS, AMSAT-EA President, for the above information]


Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

2 replies on “AM1SAT Satellite Contest, September 2023”

Where I can get the Greencube certificate? I worked 7 grids during IM78, IN80, JN01, IL18, IM75, IM99 and IN52 during AM1SAT INTERNATIONAL CONTEST. Got all confirmed LOTW. I’m KP3V Rafael in Fk78di

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