Ham Satellite news

CAS-10 XW-4 Information

XW-4 CAS-10 satellite is planned to be deployed december 18th.

SatNOGS Launch information

Download CAS-10 Amateur Radio Satellite User’s Manual

Initial post-deployment TLEs:

XW-4 (CAS-10)
1 48274U 21035A   22349.57666509  .00020514  00000+0  25201-3 0  9994
2 48274  41.4739 194.5783 0004074 111.0935 347.0781 15.59787538 93120


CW telemetry beacon:
Frequency: 435.575 MHz
RF power: 20dBm
CW rate: 22wp
GMSK telemetry:
Frequency: 435.725 MHz
RF power: 23dBm
Data rate: 480
V/U mode linear transponder:
Uplink frequency: 145.870 MHz
Downlink frequency: 435.180 MHz
RF power: 20dBm
Bandwidth: 30kHz
Spectrum inverted

PstRotator Doppler.sqf info

CAS-10,435180,145870,USB,LSB,REV,0,0,V/U Linear Transponder
CAS-10,435575,CW,CW,NOR,0,0,CW Beacon
CAS-10,435725,USB,USB,NOR,0,0,Telem Beacon

Original info from september 2022:

China CAS-10 Ham Radio Satellite to Launch in November

CAMSAT reports the CAS-10 (XW-4) amateur radio satellite with a V/U linear transponder, is expected to be launched to the Tiangong Space Station on November 7, 2022.

On the AMSAT bulletin board Alan Kung BA1DU posted:

The CAMSAT CAS-10 (XW-4) amateur satellite has been shipped to the Wenchang Satellite Launch Center in Hainan China, and has been installed in the Tianzhou-5 cargo spacecraft, which is scheduled to be launched on November 6 using the Long March 7 launch vehicle to China Tiangong Space Station.

The CAS-10 (XW-4) satellite will deploy from the space station into its own orbit around December 15, and the amateur radio payload will be operational immediately after that time. The specific deployment time and satellite orbit TLE will be announced later.

The IARU satellite frequency coordination page reports:

An 8U CubeSat approx 228 x455x 100mm 12kg Mass. A follow on mission from CAS-9 and also known as Hope-4 (XW-4) Carrying a V/U Mode Linear Transponder, a UHF – CW Telemetry Beacon, a UHF – AX.25 4.8k/9.6kbps GMSK Telemetry downlink and a space camera.

  1. CAS-10 carries a VHF uplink and UHF downlink linear transponder with a bandwidth of 30kHz. This transponder will work all day during the life cycle of the satellite, and amateur radio enthusiasts around the globe can use it for two-way radio relay communications.
  2. CAS-10 carries a camera, and the pictures it takes are stored in the flash memory on the satellite, we have designed a simple remote control system based on DTMF, and amateur radio enthusiasts around the globe can send DTMF commands to download the camera photos.
  3. CW beacon uses Morse code to send satellite telemetry data, which is also a feature that is widely welcomed by amateur radio enthusiasts.

Downlink frequencies for VHF/UHF linear transponder 435.180 MHz, for UHF CW telemetry beacon 435.575 MHz and for telemetry 435.725 MHz. Also an uplink for the transponder 145.870 MHz have been coordinated.

[ANS thanks Southgate Amateur Radio News for the above information.]


Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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