Ham Satellite news

AMSAT Pacsat Ground Station Version 0.43 Released

Info from ANS:
I’m releasing an update to the Pacsat Ground Station. This version

  • Parses the MO-112 FailSafe beacons and saves them for analysis.
  • Fixes a bug where FalconSat-3 telemetry data could not be downloaded from the server
  • Defaults FalconSat-3 to not check Pacsat File Header checksums. This was annoying for partially downloaded files.

You can download it here:

[ANS thanks Chris Thompson, G0KLA/AC2CZ, AMSAT Pacsat Ground Station Developer, for the above information]

Info from ANS:


Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

2 replies on “AMSAT Pacsat Ground Station Version 0.43 Released”

Lyssna på ballonger, hur vet man vilken frekvens och mode en viss ballong använder ?
Den informationen står inte med i trackerprogrammet.


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