Ham Satellite news

AO-95 receiver anomaly – Commissioning Status

Not so good news from ANS:

Following the launch of Fox-1Cliff/AO-95 AMSAT Engineering began the
commissioning process, with the help of AMSAT Operations, on Tuesday
December 4.  Satellite telemetry indicates that the bird is healthy,
and I thank all of the stations who have captured and relayed the
telemetry that enabled us to monitor and determine the health of the
various systems on board.  Fox-1Cliff required an extended period
monitoring battery and power levels due to the anomaly and fix that
was applied back in February of 2016 during environmental testing,
and the result of that is positive.

However, during the next steps of commissioning we discovered an
anomaly with her receive capability.  After a few days of tests,
analysis, and discussion, it appears that Fox-1Cliff/AO-95 will not
be commissioned as our fourth Fox-1 amateur radio satellite.

AMSAT Engineering will continue to evaluate and test Fox-1Cliff/AO-
95 for solutions to the anomaly and your continued help in providing
telemetry is appreciated so that we can have data throughout her
daily orbits rather than limited data over our U.S. stations.  The
data, analysis, and testing could lead to a positive solution but at
the very least will be important to AMSAT's satellite programs in
providing information that would help us and others, as we do freely
share our successes and failures, to avoid similar situations with
future missions.

I would like to thank all of the AMSAT Fox Engineering volunteers
who made Fox-1Cliff possible and continue to build our new
satellites, becoming even better as we move forward.

I will provide more information on the anomaly and any determination
we make regarding the possible cause or causes as well as information
on the possibility of recovery, over time.  Please be patient
regarding that.  Many of you have probably built a project and had to
troubleshoot it on your bench, we are in a troubleshooting situation
here with the additional challenge of being 600 km away from our

[ANS thanks Jerry Buxton, N0JY, AMSAT Vice President of Engineering
for the above information]


Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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