Ham Satellite news

Amateur Radio Contest for Receiving PW-Sat2 Telemetry

PW-Sat2, the second Polish student satellite, also launched on the
SpaceX Falcon 9 SSO-A flight with AMSAT Fox-1Cliff, is a student pro-
ject with the goal to test a new deorbit sail. A team formed of over
30 students from many different faculties of Warsaw University of
Technology started working on a new satellite in 2013. For more
information visit:

Amateur radio operators are invited to take part in a multi-faceted
contest. How to take part in the contests? It’s easy! Register on the
website: – then – use the application for
HAM radio, to receive, decode and upload PW-Sat2 frames to our cloud
based service. Just after completing of the PW-Sat2 satellite mission,
the team will announce the winners and send prizes!

On the ham radio contest web page
you’ll find several categories to participate:

+ QSL cards – for a correctly received and decoded frame
+ The first received and uploaded frame – First come, first served!
+ The last received and uploaded frame – During the deorbit sail
deployment sequence!
+ The largest number of uploaded frames

PW-Sat2 will transmit on 435.275 MHz using 1k2-9k6 BPSK AX25.

[ANS thanks the PW-Sat2 team for the above information]


Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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