Ham Satellite news

Mini Space Elevator and Digitalker Deployment From ISS

From ANS-273:

Japan’s seventh HTV mission, Kounotori 7, arrived at the ISS this
week and delivered cubesats planned for deployment on October 6:

+ Rymansat Project RSP-00

This mission consists of two 1U CubeSats connected by a tether which
includes a mini space elevator experiment, the climber, by Shizuoka
University. The climber has a Bluetooth connection that will transmit
its data to a ground station via a STARS-Me downlink. Radio amateurs
can monitor the behavior of the climber in the telemetry data.

Additional experiments include radio wave propagation studies, and
flight dynamics including tethered spacecraft position and rotation.

UHF downlinks will transmit CW, 1k2 AFSK and 9k6 GMSK telemetry.
Mother satellite – 437.245 MHz CW Beacon; 437.405 MHz telemetry
Daughter satellite – 437.255 MHz CW Beacon; 437.425 MHz telemetry

Rymansat Project RSP-00
The mission of RSP-00, a 1U cubesat, includes:
+ Send messages collected from the public back to Earth via a
digitalker and CW for reception by radio amateurs and school

+ Image capture with on-board camera and transmit image data
with high-speed telemetry on 38k4 π/4QPSK downlink on UHF.

The downlink frequency for the digitalker, CW beacon and AFSK 1k2
packet is 145.890 MHz. The UHF downlink frequency has not been

SPATIUM 1 is scientific (non-amateur radio) cubesat to demonstrate
a new technique for ionosphere mapping using a constellation of
CubeSats equipped with Chip Scale Atomic Clock (CSAC) to provide
real-time three-dimensional mapping of ionosphere plasma density
at the altitudes of electron density peak (200 to 400 km above the

[ANS thanks the satellite teams for the above information]


Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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