Hamradio from ISS

ARISS contact planned for Ireland and Sweden 171019

Nu finns en sammanfattning av projektet på

Ny är det äntligen dags för Räddningsgymnasiet i Sandö att köra sin ARISS-kontakt. Enligt Håkan SM7WSJ kommer passagen vara hörbar i delar av Sverige. Kontakten kommer även att streamas på internet, se länkar nedan:

Nedan är information från ARISS:

An International Space Station ARISS contact has been planned for astronaut Paolo Nespoli IZ0JPA with Tallaght Community School, Dublin, Ireland
and Gymnasium Räddningsgymnasiet Sando, Sandöverken, Sweden.

The event is scheduled Thursday October 19, 2017 at approximately 12.49 UTC, which is 14.49 CEST.

This direct radio contact will be operated by EI1ISS.
The signals will be relayed from Ireland to Sweden by telebridge.

Downlink signals will be audible in parts of Europe on 145.800 MHz narrowband FM.

School Information:

Tallaght Community School is located in Dublin city in Ireland. The school was chosen for the event as it is in a disadvantaged area and the school
works hard to prepare and encourage students to pursue some form of further education. The school has 900 students aged 12 to 18 years and all
will take part in the event. All students have studied about the ISS and were given an opportunity to submit questions to be selected.

Sandö is located about 400 Km to the North of Stockholm. The participating schools are Räddningsgymnasiet Sandö, Minerva school Ånge and the NTI
Gymnasium Sundsvall. Together they count 550 students ranging from ages 12 to 19. Sandö Räddningsgymnasium is close to nature and overlooks a beautiful
fjord. Besides teaching science programs, the gymnasium offers courses in civil crisis management, firefighting as well as search and rescue. Students
are prepared for a career as teachers, nurses, psychologist, firemen, fire engineers and policemen. Together with the Folke Bernadotte academy
as well as other governmental organisations, they create an understanding of and a preparedness for international assignments. Part of the education
is that the students travel around the world to learn from existing fire and rescue situations. Amateur Radio is also included in the student’s
graduate projects.

The NTI Gymnasium Sundsvall or the Northern Technical institute, established 1968 offers courses in digital techniques, internet technology and
other forms of digital communication. The institute has about 250 students. Minerva school Ånge teaches younger students from age 12 to 15 and
has of about 200 students enrolled.


Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:

Odd numbered questions are from Tallaght, Ireland
Even numbered questions are from Sando, Sweden

1. Amy (14): What is your favourite view from the ISS?

2. Medina (16): Do you ever think children will be allowed to travel into space with astronauts?

3. Dean (14): If you had the chance would you change or add anything to the design of the ISS?

4. Anton (18): Is this job the most challenging job you have ever done?

5. Eimintas (16): What is the longest time you have spent on a spacewalk and what did you do?

6. Linna (15): Does the ISS have a black box like an aircraft?

7. Emma (12): Who inspired you to become an astronaut?

8. Valentina (17): Have space experiments resulted in something useful which is used on earth?

9. James (17): What training did you do to prepare for space walks?

10. Emil (14) Have you ever encountered an anomaly that has baffled you?

11. Trudy(15): This is your third trip to space, did it take your body more time to adjust to earth’s gravity the second time you landed?

12. Erik (18): What education in physics and engineering is required to become an astronaut?

13. Abbie (15): When your mission is over what will you miss the most and least about life on the ISS?

14. Sofia:(17: )Does your view of life change after seeing earth from another perspective?

15. Jack (12): Can you tell us about some of the interesting experiments you are conducting on the ISS?

16. Sanna (17): Are you allowed to bring along private things like photos?

17. Levente (15): Is the ISS ever affected by Solar radiation surges from the sun?

18. Felicia (19): Do you use “private” communication channels when talking with your family?

19. Lee (12): Have you had any fun or exhilarating experiences so far on your mission?

20. Jenna (16): How does it feel to see earth from such a distance for the first time?


ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the volunteer support and leadership from AMSAT and IARU societies around the
world with the ISS space agencies partners: NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, JAXA, and CSA.

ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers on board the International
Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters’ interest in
science, technology, and learning.



Gaston Bertels – ON4WF
ARISS Europe


Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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