Ham Satellite news

NuSat-1 får Oscarnummer LO-87

Satelliten NuSat-1 får nu ett Oscar-nummer: LO-87. Läs mer:

The Argentine ÑuSAT-1 carrying the LUSEX (LU Satellite Experiment)
Amateur Radio U/V linear transponder and 436 MHz beacon launched
May 30 at 0317 UTC from China. The transponder, with a 30 kHz
bandwidth and transmitting with 250 mW, will has an uplink passband
(SSB, CW) at 435.935~435.965 MHz, and a downlink passband at
145.965~145.935 MHZ. Basic CW telemetry is transmitted on 145.900 MHz.
The NuSAT-1 GFSK telemetry beacon is at 436.445 MHz, and the NuSAT-2
GFSK telemetry beacon is at 437.445 MHz. Over the past month
AMSAT-Argentina has requested the issuance of an OSCAR designation.
After review, the following determination has been announced:

“I join the entire world in wishing this spacecraft a successful life
and, under the authority vested in me by the AMSAT-NA President, do
hereby issue LUSEX the designation LUSEX OSCAR 87 or LO-87.”

William A. (Bill) Tynan, W3XO
OSCAR Number Administrator



Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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