Ham Satellite news

AMSAT-SM HF-nätet 11/5 2014


Vi körde ett litet nät idag med dåliga konditioner…. massvis med QSB.

Postar lite information här som kan vara av värde.

Transpondern igång och undertecknad hörde en annan SM7 med fin signal på
satellitpassagen strax efter Amsatnätet.

*Fox-1 försenad

The following is excerpted from the Apogee View column of AMSAT
President Barry Baines, WD4ASW, as published in the latest AMSAT

The launch of Grace/L55 from Vandenberg AFB is slipping from
December 2014 into Summer 2015 due to governmental priorities. Fox-1
is currently manifested on that launch as part of the ELaNa-12 group
of satellites. Instead of launching our vehicle in December, another
launch vehicle with payload is taking precedence, forcing a
reschedule of ELaNa-12. Currently, we are now scheduled to fly on 1
AUG 2015 rather than December 2014.

This delay is mixed news for AMSAT. While we are disappointed that
this will mean that Fox-1 will not fly in 2014, it also means that we
have more time to complete and test the spacecraft prior to delivery
to SRI. In the overall scheme of things, it allows AMSAT to have
greater confidence in the delivery of a thoroughly tested spacecraft
by taking more time to allow for unforeseen contingencies and to do
the ground testing.

Meanwhile, the National Reconnaissance Office ? Office of Space
Launch (NRO OSL) is looking for cubesats to be manifested on another
launch that will now fly later than our original December 2014 launch
date but before the current expected flight of GRACE/L-55. The ELaNa-
11 Mission, manifested on the ULTRASAT/AFSPC-5 launch has also
slipped and is now scheduled to fly in the March/April 2015 timeframe
rather than in February 2015. Because both launches are being
delayed, NRO OSL has asked that cubesat owners currently scheduled
for ELaNa-11 or ELaNa-12 to deliver their satellites to Cal Poly by 1
OCT 14, which is four months later than our original delivery date
with the potential for being flown on the earlier flight. The ELaNa-
11 orbit is slightly different, with a lower apogee and inclination,
but also a shorter orbital life (6.5 years vs. 11 years for ELaNa-
12). Consequently, we?re looking at the impacts of flying earlier
with the tradeoff of shorter mission duration.

Again, I must point out that as a secondary payload, AMSAT is at the
mercy of decisions by those who are ?paying the freight.? We?re
benefiting from a launch paid for by the US Air Force; their mission
priorities drive the launch opportunities. While AMSAT members may be
disappointed by the change in launch schedule, please understand that
receiving a free launch comes with the expectation that launch
schedules may indeed be altered to satisfy other requirements. Stay
tuned. Meanwhile, our engineering team is moving forward with
completing Fox-1. AMSAT VP-Engineering Jerry Buxton, N0JY will
discuss the status of Fox-1 and the launch situation at Hamvention?s
AMSAT Forum.

For more information on the Fox satellites, please visit

*Mer satelliter

Two QB50 satellites with ham radio payloads delivered

The QB50 project has reached another crucial milestone. The first
two QB50 satellites have been delivered for shipment to the launch
site after a successful flight acceptance test campaign. The
satellites will form the QB50 Precursor mission that seeks to de-risk
and validate key technologies of the QB50 main flight that will be
performed in the coming years.

The launch is planned for June 19, 2014 from the Russian ICBM base
at Dombarovsky near Yasny on a Dnepr rocket manufactured in
Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. The satellites will be put into a 650 km Sun
Synchronous Orbit (SSO).

The following payloads were integrated into the ISIS satellite

? INMS Payload from MSSL, UK
? QB50 ADCS system from SSC, UK
? Thermocouple experiment from VKI, Belgium
? AMSAT-NL 435/145 MHz linear transponder (FUNcube-3) from AMSAT-NL,
The Netherlands

? FIPEX Payload, University of Dresden, Germany
? QB50 ADCS system from SSC, UK
? Thermocouple experiment from VKI, Belgium
? AMSAT-Fr 435/145 MHz FM voice transponder from AMSAT Francophone,

QB50p1 (FUNcube-3) has a VHF 9600 bps BPSK telemetry downlink plus a
linear U/V transponder similar to that already flying on FUNcube-1
with an output of 400 mW.
? 145.815 MHz 9600 bps BPSK telemetry beacon
? Inverting SSB/CW linear transponder 400 mW PEP
– 435.035 ? 435.065 MHz Uplink LSB
– 145.935 ? 145.965 MHz Downlink USB

QB50p2 has a VHF 9600 bps BPSK telemetry downlink plus a separate
RF payload from AMSAT-Francophone which will comprise of a FM voice
transponder with UHF uplink and VHF downlink. It will also transmit
FX25 telemetry at 9600 bps.
? 145.880 MHz 9600 bps BPSK telemetry beacon
? 145.840 MHz 9600 bps FSK FX25

The project was executed to an unprecedented timeline. Formal Kick-
Off was in October 2013 and all hardware from the different partners
was delivered for integration into the satellites in January 2014.
This means that two satellites were delivered in just over 6 months.
Furthermore, with a precursor launch scheduled in June, launch and
operations will commence within 9 months of project Kick-Off.

This fast-track project shows how successful a close cooperation
between academic institutes and experienced companies can be. With
ISIS? experienced team of engineers that design and build
nanosatellites on a regular basis (ISIS remains on track to
delivering 1 satellite system per month in 2014), throughput times of
nanosatellite projects can be shortened significantly.

The upcoming launch of the QB50 precursor satellites will also be
the first satellites to be launched that were funded through the EU?s
FP7 space technology programme, in which a number of innovative small
satellites will be launched in the coming years to demonstrate new
European space technologies.

The lessons learned from the QB50 Precursor development and
operations have already led to many recommendations to further
improve and streamline the QB50 main flight. All teams involved in
QB50 stand to benefit from the experiences gained over the last



KickSat Sprite deployment may not happen

An unexpected reset of the master clock on KickSat may mean that the
deployment of the 104 Sprite satellites will not take place before
the KickSat CubeSat burns up in the atmosphere.

Radio amateur Zac Manchester KD2BHC has posted this update:

First off, I?d like to sincerely thank all of you for your support
over the past two years. KickSat has been a success up to this point
because of you.

As those who?ve been keeping up with the telemetry data coming in
from KickSat on our mailing list may have noticed, the packets we?ve
been receiving have changed in the last couple of days. This was due
to a hard reset of the ?watchdog? microcontroller on KickSat ? the
sort of ?reptile brain? of the satellite that manages turning on and
off the rest of the subsystems and keeps the master clock. It appears
the reset happened some time in the morning of Wednesday, April 30th.
The reset doesn?t seem to be the result of power issues (the watchdog
should run until the batteries reach 5.5 volts, and they?ve been
holding steady around 6.5 volts). Instead, it seems the likely
culprit was radiation.

One consequence of the watchdog reset on KickSat is that the
spacecraft?s master clock was reset, thus also setting the deployment
countdown for KickSat back to 16 days. That would put the deployment
some time in the morning of May 16th. Unfortunately, it looks like
KickSat will most likely reenter and burn up before the 16th. We?ve
spent the last couple of days here at Cornell trying to think of
every possible contingency, but it seems there aren?t very many
options right now. KickSat?s uplink radio, which we could use to
command the deployment, can?t turn on unless the batteries reach 8
volts, and it doesn?t look like they?ll reach that level in time.

While the situation looks a little bleak, there is still some hope
that the batteries may recharge sufficiently to command the
satellite. There is also a small chance that KickSat could remain in
orbit until the 16th, at which point the timer would set off the
deployment as originally planned. We?ll continue tracking KickSat
over the next few days with the help of the ham community, so that we
can keep track of its battery voltage and the Sprite deployment
status. I?ll post updates here, as usual, but you can also see the
latest data as it comes in on our mailing list.

Thank you again for your support. I promise that this won?t be the
end of the KickSat project.

– Zac

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Vi hörs nästa vecka på 3740 KHz /Håkan SM7WSJ


Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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