Ham Satellite news

$50Sat heter nu OSCAR-76

Då har vi fått ännu en satellit som får kalla sig för “OSCAR”.


The following was received from Bill Tynan, W3XO, AMSAT’s OSCAR Number

Congratulations to the entire $50Sat team for your successful launch and
operation of this Amateur Radio satellite. $50Sat meets all of the conditions
needed to receive an OSCAR number. In your e-mail yesterday, you agreed to my
suggestion that, since the satellite was constructed at Morehead State
University in Kentucky, that Morehead OSCAR would be an appropriate name, I
therefore by the authority vested in me by the President of AMSAT-NA, am pleased
to confer on $50Sat the designation Morehead OSCAR-76 or the abbreviation,

Speaking for AMSAT-NA, I wish Morehead OSCAR a long and successful life in space
and hope that all of its mission goals will be met.


William (Bill) Tynan, W3XO
AMSAT OSCAR Number Administrator


Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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