Ham Satellite news

Welcome AMSAT-CA Canada

On Internet and site we can see that AMSAT-CA has started. From the “holding site” AMSAT-CA:

The Amateur Radio Satellites and Systems – Canada (AMSAT-CA) Association will promote, develop, and support amateur radio in space, including but not limited to amateur radio communication via man-made and natural satellites (e.g., the moon), amateur radio on space stations and planets, and related experiments, as well as new developments of (i) technology, (ii) methods and techniques, and (iii) new applications, all intended for use on satellites, ground stations, and terrestrial-space communications for the benefit of humanity.

Next steps and current activities:
AMSAT-CA is currently in the process of establishing its online profile, membership and other business processes. Please stay tuned.


Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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