Ham Satellite news

AMSAT Cubesat Simulators Launched

Cubesat Simulator

AMSAT-NA lanserar nu en Cubesat-simulator som man kan låna (i USA antar jag) för att demonstrera hur en satellit skickar telemetri.

Cubesat Simulators Launched

Dr. Alan Johnston, KU2Y, Vice President – Educational Affairs has
announced the general availability of the AMSAT Cubesat Simulators.
Speaking at the 37th Annual Space Symposium, Alan reports that since
the prototype Cubesat Simulators were introduced at Hamvention in May,
2019, the simulators have undergone testing and final release. Among
the schools testing the simulators was Bishop O’Connell High School in
Arlington, Virginia. Science and Engineering teacher Melissa Pore
presented to the symposium audience her experience with using a
simulator in one of her engineering clubs and how her student
benefitted from their use.

A Cubesat Simulator is a self-contained satellite model that reports
solar cell performance via standard AFSK 1200 BPS AX.25 telemetry.
The telemetry can be decoded with a simple SDR ground station. A
Cubesat Simulator package consists of the 1U simulator, a halogen work
light to simulate sunshine, and a motorized rotating turntable that
mimics the satellite tumbling through space. The four loaner
packages are packed and shipped in a hard case. The simulator is
shipped prepaid while the user pays return shipping.

Persons interested in borrowing a CubeSat Simulator for a local
presentation is encouraged to contact Alan at KU2Y at amsat dot org.

[ANS thanks Alan Johnston, KU2Y, AMSAT Vice President – Educational


Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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