Ham Satellite news

FUNcube Operational Status Update

Complete FUNcube status (aktuell FUNcube status över samtliga satelliter):

Graham Shirville, G3VZV has posted the current status of the AMSAT-UK
FUNcube series of satellites.

FUNcube-1 (AO-73)
As you will know, AO73/FUNcube-1 has been in full sunlight for over
one month and has been transmitting continuously high power telemetry
for most of that time. This has now been changed to full time amateur
mode so the transponder is once again available. With the more stable
on board temperatures being experienced, this means that the transpon-
der frequencies are also now more stable. We expect to leave it in this
mode for some weeks so that the team can determine whether or not the
currents flowing from the solar panels are having any noticeable effect
on the spin period.

Uplink: 435.150 – 435.130 MHz CW, LSB
Downlink: 145.950 – 145.970 MHz CW, USB
Beacon: 145.935 MHz 1k2 BPSK

FUNcube-2 (UKube-1)
The FUNcube-2 transponder on UKube-1 continues to be in full time
transponder mode. There are occasional breaks in service for a few
seconds when the OBC reboots and the other onboard transmitter sends
its CW beacon.

Uplink: 435.080 – 435.060 MHz CW, LSB
Downlink: 145.930 – 145.950 MHz CW, USB
Beacon: 145.915 MHz 1k2 BPSK

FUNcube-3 (EO-88 Nayif-1)
EO88/Nayif-1 continues to perform nominally with high power telemetry
when in sunlight and amateur mode when in eclipse.

Uplink: 435.045 – 435.015 MHz CW, LSB
Downlink: 145.960 – 145.990 MHz CW, USB
Beacon: 145.940 MHz 1l2 BPSK

With their slightly different orbital characteristics it is useful that
AO73 is now the early bird, EO88 comes over in the mid morning and UKube
provides coverage in the afternoon.

We have been suffering from some network issues in relation to upload-
ing the telemetry from the Dashboards to the Data Warehouse over the
past couple of weeks. Apologies for this, but hopefully everything is
now stable again. ie fingers are still crossed. Thank you for all the
telemetry that you upload.

Like many other teams, we are presently waiting for the next Space-X
launch from Vandenberg which is expected to be carrying a number of new
amateur payloads, These will provide additional transponder and STEM
capabilities for the amateur satellite service. Exciting times ahead.

[ANS thanks Graham Shirville, G3VZV and AMSAT-UK for the above information]


Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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