Ham Satellite news

Nayif-1 lyckad uppskjutning

Den 15 februari (2017) kl 03:58UTC kom då satelliten Nayif-1 upp och telemetrin hördes starkt direkt! Över 200 personer har hittills tagit emot på 145.940 MHz USB och skickat upp telemetri till AMSAT-UK Data Warehouse. Bland svenska personer finns bla SM0TGU, SM5NNY, SM7DSE, Kurt Winebäck och Sven Grahn.

Här är en tidig mottagning från Kurt Winebäck:

Det finns en imponerande video från när bärraketen skickade ut 104 satelliter – nytt rekord!

Lite mer info om hur man tar emot telemetri kommer här:

The Data Warehouse has been updated and can be seen here: It now includes the Whole Orbit and High Res graphs and the upload ranking. It also includes telemetry details from the ADCS sub-system – this is called the iMTQ and is capable of actively magnetorquing. Over the coming days, we will be further tweaking the warehouse, so bear with us if it is unavailable for short periods of time.

A slightly updated Nayif-1 Dashboard is now available – this corrects one graphing error for negative values. It can be downloaded from here:

Guidance notes for setting this up are here : Guidance Notes

A reminder that if you are already a registered user of the FUNcube Dashboard then you do not need to re-register. Your existing details will transfer automatically to the new Dashboard when you run it for the first time.




Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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