
FUNcube-1 Dashboard ny version tillgänglig


Det har kommit en ny version av FUNcube-1 Dashboard dvs. telemetriprogrammet för Funcube-satelliterna. I denna version fungerar direktkopplingen till min FUNcube dongle där jag haft problem förut.

Avkodningen är betydligt bättre än förut, i den senaste passagen tog jag emot telemetri under 10 minuter utan luckor vilket jag inte kunnat göra förut. Intressant att bra programvara kan kompensera för lite sämre antenner.

Från FUNcube-teamet:

This weekend saw the AMSAT-UK Colloquium take place and Jim G3WGM and Ciaran M0XTD together gave a presentation on the FUNcube-1 mission.

The presentation included the announcement of a new version of the FUNcube-1 Dashboard. This has greatly improved decoding performance for weak signals – especially for Dongle users. Additionally the Dashboard can now activate the Bias-T pre-amp power from the Dongle.

The new version can be downloaded from here and the guidance notes have been updated to provide full information about it.

All users are encouraged to install this new version to improve their system performance and further increase the amount of data we are capturing in the Warehouse.

Reports will be very welcome on the forum


Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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