Ham Satellite news

AMSAT-SM HF-nätet 6/4 2014


Dagens nät kördes via SK7TX. (Förra söndagen aktiverades SK5TX)

Bara lite allmänt om aktuell status avhandlades men jag tyckte det kunde
var av intresse att posta det här brevet som gått ut från Nord Amerika.

En trevlig vecka tillönskas

mvh Håkan SM7WSJ

Attention Amateur Satellite Operators from around the world!

I would like to invite you to signup for a Satellite DX bulletin board for
news about current satellite operators and also have a place to make
schedules and to make friends.

Please follow the link below and send in your request today.

I have been promoting a satellite DX bulletin board hosted here in the US
but is intended to include satellite operators from EU and Africa for
updates of operators and their planned times and satellites when they will
be on the air.

While the northeast US is an easy catch for most of Europe, this BB has many
members that are much more difficult to reach and some help is needed to
make contacts.

I live in Gallatin, Tennessee (northeast of Nashville, TN) in EM66sj.

My friend Frank, K4FEG, is the BB administrator and he lives in Memphis, TN
in EM55aj.

There are only 10 – 15 EU ops currently signed up for the BB email list and
I am hoping to get the word out to more satellite operators in the EU to
have them join us.

Frank has another satellite BB for US ops that he has been running for over
a year and it is very well received by all subscribers.

This one is to reach out on a more global scale and does not have to be for
just contacts between EU and the US.

Anyone that subscribes can see where other operators from around the world
are active and this will give them a contact point to make schedules and
general satellite news.

This BB was started with the expressed interest of making contacts easier
from more difficult areas of the US to EU but can and will used by
subscribers from all over the world.

If you are interested in making more satellite contacts and really pushing
the limits of your station, this will be your new favorite bulletin board.

Does your station have what it takes to make the ‘hard’ contacts? You will
not know until you try!

There are members from all over the US and countries such as Canada and Cuba
plus others from Europe.

Please subscribe today and if you are not completely satisfied, you can
unsubscribe at anytime.

Of course the BB is free and subscription should only take a short time
(based on total volume of requests).

All that is needed is an active email address and you can get started on
your journey to new places on your grid map today.

Good luck and Good Satellite DX.

73 de Jeff, NX9B, EM66sj


Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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