Ham Satellite news

LitSat-1 släpps från ISS den 28/2

Bland alla Cubesats som är på gång nu är LitSat-1 intressant då den innehåller en linjär amatörradiotransponder. Den är planerad att släppas ut från ISS nu på fredag 28/2 och har en beacon på 145.850 MHz.

The LitSat-1 team have issued this statement:

Our country Lithuania is heading towards a historic moment – start of the first Lithuanian satellite in space.  First ever Lithuanian Cubesat Litsat1 is due to be launched within couple of days only – on Feb 28 at 07:30 UT from the International Space Station (ISS).

We are very interested in getting the first data from our small satellite as soon as possible, therefore we would like to ask your help with that.

We will send special QSL cards for radio amateurs with first reports about received signals from our satellite. The 3 stations first received the signals from the LitSat1 satellite will receive QSL cards signed by the High level officials of the Lithuanian government.

Please send your SWL reports (screen snapshots) with received packet data of Litsat-1 beacon to Kaunas University of Technology Radio Club. Contact point E-mail: address:

Please find below the technical data for the reception of Litsat 1:
Beacon/TLM down link 145.850 MHz
Beacon RF packets are AX.25 UI frames Main parameters of the beacon frames are: TX baud rate 9600 bps (G3RUH), repetition period ~4.5s, beacon duration ~0.5 s, source call address – TNC, destination call address – LY1LS.

Digital data: Telemetry
Digital communication with Litsat-1 is based on Helium 100 (HE-100) transceiver.
The payload info field starts with the 2 header bytes “Bb”=0×4262 (Beacon broadcast), following with 2 bytes indicating further data field length (should be 0×0087), then the sat status telemetry structure (114 bytes) and finishing with the  short text message (21 bytes).

For any other information you are very welcome to contact us:

A linear transponder will be activated later.
Uplink 435.150 MHz LSB
Downlink  145.950 MHz USB
Bandwidth ±15 kHz from center
CW beacon   435.1375 MHz (LY1LS/B)
Normal mode – transponder, beacon OFF

73! Darius Kybartas LY3DA

Litsat-1 team
Kaunas University of Technology

LitSat-1 on Facebook


Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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