Ham Satellite news

AMSAT-SM HF-nätet 18/8 2013

Hej! (Lite fyraktivitet på 3740 så vi gick ner till 3737 KHz)

Dagens nät med


Verkar vara väldigt aktiv på 145.800 just nu. Undertecknad körde kontakt i veckan samt hörde att dom körde EU stationer i natt.

*Koordinerade satelliter (nyss uppdaterat)

*Amsat NA (verkar ha fått ordning på hemsidan)

*Amsat OZ

*Laserkommunikation med månen

*Vi hänger med en soyuz


UK High Altitude Society (UKHAS) Conference, September 7

There are a few tickets still available for the UKHAS conference at the University of Greenwich, London on Saturday, September 7.

The UK High Altitude Society (UKHAS) conference attracts those interested in learning about building and flying High Altitude Balloons or in tracking
their 434 MHz signals. The conference is open to all, you don’t have to have flown a High Altitude Balloon, you’ll probably get more out of it as a
total beginner as there will be a huge wealth of experience in the room you can speak to.

There is an impressive line-up of speakers in addition to which there will be workshops, demonstrations along with assessments and exam for the amateur
radio Foundation licence. Among the presentations will be one on Narrow Band TV by Phil Heron 2I0VIM.

Workshops :
Balloon Q&A ­ James Coxon M6JCX
Pi ­ Dave Akerman M6RPI
Foundation Exam Preparation ­ Phillip Crump M0DNY
Knots! ­ Anthony Stirk M0UPU

Balloon -> ISS APRS Setup ­ James Coxon M6JCX
Setting up Receiving Station ­ Anthony Stirk M0UPU

The current itinerary (subject to change!) is at

You can get tickets at

James M6JCX and Anthony M0UPU report that the British Amateur Television Club have kindly agreed to attend to give the conference the “AMSAT” treatment so for those of you unable to make it we hope to finally stream the conference. They will where time permits also take questions from people watching remotely. The conference will start at 0930 and finish 1700, afterwards there will be the traditional pub trip this time into Greenwich.

Vi försöker nästa vecka igen.

73 Håkan SM7WSJ


Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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