Ham Satellite news

AMSAT-SM HF-nätet 16/9 2012


Vi var igång på 3740 klockan 10.00


*Nya Satelliter

*Satelliter från ISS

*ISS skolkontakt

Wednesday 19th September 2012 at 7:15 UTC, which is 9:15 CEST, an ARISS
contact is planned with Zespol Szkol Technicznych (Complex of Technical
Schools, abr. ZST), Kolo, Poland.

*Nyheter om nästa HEO satellit.

Det här är det första jag sett om det här men det kommer säkert mera
kommentarer inom en snar framtid. Brevet är lite långt men kan vara väl värt
att läsa igenom då det påverkar oss alla.

Dear All,

the following News will appear as an Editorial in our up-coming AMSAT-DL
Journal. Because of the importance of the contents the AMSAT-DL BOD and
Project leaders decided to give this information to all team members who are
currently or who were directly or indirectly involved in the past… We
want to make sure that our members get it from us and not from any rumors
on the net.. Thanks..

While the decision of DLR is hitting us hard, this is not yet the end 😉 I
recently had some interesting meetings in China and if we can’t do
rocket science in DL, we have to look for other countries… But please
read below… We hope you will support us also in future and if you want to
re-join, You are also much welcome.

AMSAT needs YOU!!

If we missed someone from the members, please forward this e mail..

Best wishes
Peter DB2OS
Hartmut DL1YDD
Michael DD5ER

DLR rejects P5-/Mascot-2 project

Dear Members and Friends of AMSAT-DL,
Discussions with the German Ministry of Economics and the German space
agency DLR spanned more than 5 years. Amongst others, we met with State
Secretary for Space and Aerospace Hinze, DLR chairman Prof. Wörner and the
DLR Program Board. In 2009 AMSAT-DL, in collaboration with the DLR
Institute for Space Systems in Bremen, conducted two complex Concurrent
Engineering studies. They were jointly presented to the DLR program board
in Köln-Porz in 2010.

The final documentation confirmed the feasibility of the P5 project, both to
the Moon and to Mars. In October and November 2011 another two P5 meetings
with DLR chairman Prof. Wörner, Ministry MinDirig Engelhard,
representatives of DLR IRS Bremen and AMSAT-DL BOD took place. Topics were
feasibility and financing model. It turned out that the ministry had a
different perception of the (DLR-) payloads.
DLR was asked to reconsider their payloads. Both AMSAT-DL BOD and IRS
Bremen left the meetings with positive feelings. Then it turned out that,
since completion of the 2009 joint study, the P5 scientific appeal is
apparently no longer attractive. Therefore it was
jointly searched for modifications to regain a payload appeal that was
attested in 2009. AMSAT-DL proposed landing part of the payload on Mars
moon Deimos or Phobos. Our calculations showed that this is feasible with
reasonable effort. The landing would be a particularly unique feature of the
P5 mission. After repeated enquiries we received a letter from DLR at end
of June where they stated that “the DLR Program Board comes to the
conclusion, that pursuit of the P5 idea is infeasible and also financially
infeasible.” We repeatedly approached the DLR Program Board since then. The
assertion was that any P5 mission will not fly with DLR: the scientific
attraction was, compared with the current Mars missions, insufficient. The
primary reason for this is that the P5 MARS orbit is limited due to the
low-cost character of the mission. From this orbit no attractive science is
possible. Obviously our P5 mission is now compared with regular missions
which cost hundreds of millions of Euro. This rejection has a wide impact on
AMSAT-DL. Activities of all involved persons, including in the P3-E
project, was shaped for years by the P5 mission. It was assumed that P3-E
was to be launched as part of the P5 mission. This path is obstructed now.
We maintain our
contacts with the various launching agencies able to launch P3-E into an
appropriate orbit. The tremendous launching costs kept us from
more concrete talks so far. Just recently good contact with AMSAT China
(CAMSAT) was established. China has suitable launchers to bring payloads
into GTO. Moreover, China has discovered that amateur radio is a means of
motivating young people to technical university studies.
Furthermore we are very actively exploiting a potential shared ride of an
amateur radio payload on a new geostationary satellite. We have already
submitted a formal project proposal. The satellite will be visible from
Europe. No antenna tracking will be necessary. The big advantage of this
project is that due to the operational requirements of the primary payload,
our launching and commissioning is tied to the not too far future. The 20m
dish antenna at Bochum observatory was originally refurbished and upgraded
for the P5 mission and is presently used for Deep Space Mission and amateur
radio purposes. The automatic reception of the STEREO A/B probes and data
transfer to NASA will continue. In collaboration with NASA and AMSAT-DL the
modulation scheme will be changed to use Turbo coding. Both hardware and
software is
currently being designed by AMSAT-DL and will be used by the partner STEREO
receiving stations worldwide. Our funding application is
already approved. The project funding runs until the end of 2015. The
AMSAT-DL Marburg lab will be preserved at least in medium term to be able
to do work on P3-E and, should the situation arise, on the transponder of
the mentioned geostationary satellite. We pursue a near-term meeting with
all P5 project team members to identify ways for a project continuation.
The necessary procedures should be coordinated then.
Although we regret the DLR refusal of the P5 project (particularly because
some DLR payload will not fly in any foreseeable time frame), and
although it places serious challenges to AMSAT-DL, this is not the
cancellation of a HEO amateur radio satellite. We will aggressively follow
up all potential possibilities. We hope to be able to report positively at
the AMSAT-DL AGM in autumn. Since the Marburg University’s
withdrawal from the ZEL, the surrounding conditions have changed
significantly, again. However, we will do everything we can do to get an
amateur satellite launched into HEO. We do trust in our volunteers and

Peter Guelzow
Hartmut Paesler
Michael R. Lengruesser

Amsatnätet försöker vara igång även nästa söndag.

73 Håkan SM7WSJ

Kommentar från Anders Svensson:
HI Folks,

Missade dagen nät men det verkade funk i alla fall.

Ännu inga satelliter från ISS.

USA238 sköts upp 13/9 2012 från Vandenburg AFB i Californien.

10 satelliter har ynglat av sig och tillminstingen
fyra av dem har sändare på 70 cm.

38760U 2012-048C AENEAS POD6 437.600 ax25 1k2 2425.0 1W
38761U 2012-048D CSSWE 3U 437.345 9k6 ax25
38762U 2012-048E CXBN 2U 437.525 gsfk ax25
38763U 2012-048F CP5 1U 437.405 afsk lsb 1k2

Några bandata finns inte men kommer möjligen senare.

Hej iugen,

Det såg inte så vacker ut…

Hej igen,

Den här versionen är kanske lite tydligare.

38760U 2012-048C AENEAS POD6 437.600 AX.25 1k2 2425.0 1W
38761U 2012-048D CSSWE 3U 437.345 AX.25 9k6
38762U 2012-048E CXBN 2U 437.525 AX.25 GSFK
38763U 2012-048F CP5 1U 437.405 AFSK LSB 1k2

73 de SM0DZL



Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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