Ham Satellite news

OS-station aktiv via satellit

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Olympic Flagship Special Event Station 2 Oscar 12 Whiskey (2o12W)
has been active on the amateur radio satellites working stations
in the USA and across Europe.

The 2o12W satellite station has been operated by Ken Eaton, GW1FKY
a member of the Barry Amateur Radio Club and AMSAT-UK.

The satellite equipment comprises a Kenwood TS2000 feeding a 5 ele-
ment dual-band “Elk” antenna mounted on a rotator on the portable
cabin about 2.5 meters (8 feet) above the ground.

Ken says the station is located on the promenade and the many elec-
trical amusements in the Fairground generate considerable interfer-
ence on the VHF/UHF bands which has made reception difficult.

The station 2o12W is planned to be on-the-air until September.

For photos and more information see:


Webmaster and member of the AMSAT-SM steering group.

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